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  1. W

    Pakistan prepares for US mango launch

    Mexican mangoes are garbage, half of them arent even sweet. Indian/ mangoes are the best. my fav is the one called safeda, thats what they call it in punjab, my dad knows all the names, i just eat them.
  2. W

    Pornography found in the OBL hideout

    Who cares if he is watching ****. Everyone does. This just shows that a55h0les like Osama are human too.
  3. W

    Redrawing the Map: the Balkanization of Pakistan

  4. W

    Manny Pacquiao vs Shane Mosley

    Pacquiao has this.
  5. W


    And how in the bloody hell do you know this? Dude, I was born and raised in Canada, I would know how Canadians feel about US more than you ever will. You can only wish you had ever seen or lived in Canada. So stop talking about stuff you have no idea about. We Canadians love and respect the US...
  6. W

    Can Pakistan become another Asian tiger

    LOL, sorry to disappoint you, but I discovered this website in the midst of the Bin Laden news. I have never been informed about the South Asian affairs as I was born in Canada, and this site gave me a new interest so I have been reading it for the past week or so. Nevertheless, I found this...
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