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  1. OptimusPrimeRibs

    Osama Bin Laden Wanted To Kill President Obama

    Not reading the entire topic, because why the hell WOULDN'T he want to kill the leader of the country he hated so much?
  2. OptimusPrimeRibs

    Shooter game "Homefront" starring WZ-10 and Type 99A2

    COD itself is a generic FPS with no unique features other than it's ability to draw the attention of the masses, kinda like Pokemon and how it's is generic turn based strategy game with mass appeal. The game's garbage. The single player is about three and a half hours long, and doesn't end...
  3. OptimusPrimeRibs

    China warns world off over artist arrest

    So what he do? Tax evasion? Write a fake check? Steal money?
  4. OptimusPrimeRibs

    How I lost faith in multiculturalism

    All points considered, but the term white man itself has a negative connotation, as do all derogatory terms for that matter. Also, if you guys can use the term 'man' in the hateful nickname you give us, we can use the word 'dude.' :D Just shows how boring this topic is if you think about...
  5. OptimusPrimeRibs

    Newsweek on Americans: How Dumb Are We?

    I love uncyclopdeia! Did you read this one? :rofl:
  6. OptimusPrimeRibs

    Whenever someone posts one of them, I seriously don't know if I should take thier post seriously

    Whenever someone posts one of them, I seriously don't know if I should take thier post seriously
  7. OptimusPrimeRibs

    Newsweek on Americans: How Dumb Are We?

    I'd prefer shedder...or at least a mozzerella cheese stick. those things are awesome.....actually no, I think it's more fitting of America if our heads were filled with Cheez-whiz CHEESE IN A CAN. Is there anything more American in the dairy industry?
  8. OptimusPrimeRibs

    How I lost faith in multiculturalism

    And then I'll use the term slightly lemon hued person(s) from Asia and it's affiliated island clusters. BTW; this is extremely off topic, but am I the only one to think these smilies look sarcastic? :china::usflag::pakistan: Look at the eyes, they look as if they're sarcastically...
  9. OptimusPrimeRibs

    Newsweek on Americans: How Dumb Are We?

    Oh God yes. I lol'd hard. There are such stupid people in this world. I'm just amazed they managed to keep in the one guy's answer about the moon landing being a conspiracy, because that's a well known theory that's been around for years. (It's still stupid, but not as stupid as the rest of...
  10. OptimusPrimeRibs

    US president condemns Afghan killings over Quran burning

    Something about a duck and how to make a peanut butter sandwich.
  11. OptimusPrimeRibs

    US president condemns Afghan killings over Quran burning

    I don't speak Latin jack-off, try saying it in English if you want a reply. ;) It should be good for me to tell you that I have differing views than most of my religion, one of which being that all holy books are largely inaccurate, so why would I care about a rule made only to prevent...
  12. OptimusPrimeRibs

    Newsweek on Americans: How Dumb Are We?

    Keep in mind they are only showing the extremely stupid answers, and left out those who WERE able to answer the questions correctly. ;)
  13. OptimusPrimeRibs

    How I lost faith in multiculturalism

    Think tactically my friend. According to all the chinese jerk-offs in this topic, every white person in Kangaroo-land is a racist(lol). People are bigots, or at least make stereotypical jokes, with no exceptions. (me and my friends make fun of each other's races all the time. It's fun. ;) ) Fear...
  14. OptimusPrimeRibs

    What is this place?

    Wait....Albania has/had an airforce? Good god, what was the world thinking! All the Albanians I know get confused with velcro-tied sneakers, they couldn't possibly understand the complexity of controling a giant tin can capable of moving fast enough to punch gravity right in the sack!
  15. OptimusPrimeRibs

    How I lost faith in multiculturalism

    Nation-wide news as a whole is a joke. Local news is filled with alot less dumbassery than stuff that covers(with a blanket so they can insult the opposing party) the nation. I admit that local news also suffers from the same agenda cramming from time to time when local issues rise up, but the...
  16. OptimusPrimeRibs

    How I lost faith in multiculturalism

    I'd like to see proof of this, otherwise it's all speculation from someone who gets his 'American' news from online conservative news articles. A safe haven city is, in reality, a city/town/what-have-you that is promoted to be a 'good place to start a new life,' and is therefore a literally...
  17. OptimusPrimeRibs

    How I lost faith in multiculturalism

    Someone should tell them that it's all for ratings. Who wants to hear good news that can be easily ignored. Bad news sells because it brings out more emotions like fear, hatred, sympathy for those lost, as opposed to the light hearted 'awww' people get from news about people living together to...
  18. OptimusPrimeRibs

    US president condemns Afghan killings over Quran burning

    Love the village idiots screwing things up for the rest of us. *applies to the idiot preacher and the idiots who decided to attack people who had nothing to do with the book burnings* If you really wanna get back, just burn the bible, since it was a Christian doing the burnings and all...
  19. OptimusPrimeRibs

    How I lost faith in multiculturalism

    Now, this might come from the fact that I live in a city known as a 'Haven' city for immigrants, but I don't see why people can't be cultural but still conform to the land's way of life at the same time. People in my nieghborhood have adapted well, and my nieghborhood is filled with Haitians...
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