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  1. Fedayeen

    Iranian president offers friendship to the USA

    Pasban jan PM Mossadegh wasn't assassinated but removed under a CIA coupe named Ajax. He was under house arrest until he died of natural causes. He was the best thing that ever happened to Iran. How things could have been different now....
  2. Fedayeen

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    Armenian-Persian camaraderie predates any religious text......my avatar symbolizes an Armenian chariot archer in perspolis from the tribes of lake Urmia. The Mongols hated Turks and liked trading with Armenians. Even the King of France had to submit to them......BTW, It was our pleasure to...
  3. Fedayeen

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    We don’t have a choice Turk, your criminal government still wants to finalize the Armenian question. There is something inherently wrong with that concept don’t you think? Because of Turkish threats and Sultan Aliyev’s (President for life) constant war rhetoric we are forced to kiss up to...
  4. Fedayeen

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    Noboby is begging you to open the borders. If Turkey cannot act like a responsible neighbor then it is not our fault....Turkey close border because Azeris get their ***** kicked, now they say we open border but you must drop the AG issue, accept current illigal borders with Turkey, and give land...
  5. Fedayeen

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    You got ichty fingers....make sure you ident before fire, you don't want to hit a friendly (you know what that is?) BTW, the best thing that happened was Turkey closing its borders. It thought Armenians to be more inventive.....plus the stinch alone was enough to kill us while the border was...
  6. Fedayeen

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    Wilson just drew a line...hahaha. Anyway you are right about Persians and Romans. However Armenian and Persians were good friends and getting conquered by Romans was no fun but Armenia maintain its lands as a vassal state. The seperate Kingdom of Cilicia is a good example. By the time Turks got...
  7. Fedayeen

    JF-17 "Extremely close" to the MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan

    Very true.....trust to weight ratio is very important (higher than 1 means you can accelerate vertically) and you need that extra power for acceleration and to maintain an altitude (or even gain altitude) and without loosing airspeed during extreme manoeuvers but what is more vital than that is...
  8. Fedayeen

    Russia, Iran, Iraq, Greece no longer 'national threat' to Turkey

    Try 4500 years, give and take a few hundered years....regardless Armenian government makes no dirrect claim on their stolen land or the borders depicted during Wilsonian Arbritration after the ottoman defeat at this time. BTW, anybody know which countries/organizations still remain on...
  9. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    As I have already stated Armenia is in no position to stop a Turkish invasion by itself, let alone challenge Turkey at this time. Armenia's dirrective is survival. Land locked Country is blockaded with borders closed by Genocidal Turks and their Azeri off shoots. Georgians support Turkey and...
  10. Fedayeen

    Iranian Food...

    No Persian food is complete without Tadig.....it is worth fighting over.
  11. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    As much as Azerbaijan would love to have a Turkish base in Nakichevan it would be a political suicide for Ankara to go through with it. First of all Russian and Turkey are the guarantors of Nakichevan and any Turkish bases there must be approved by Russia. If Turkey puts a base in the Russian...
  12. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    Russian increased presence in Armenia (which I am against) is for their own national interests in the region but also secondary the Russian presence in Armenia is and has been to counter any Turkish adventure and aggression against the sovereign country of Armenia, and I mean Armenia proper...
  13. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    Well I see the Turkish strong crew is out in force. Armenia is not listed as an option to choose a flag for on this forum......and I have nothing against the Pakistanis. The liberation of Western Armenia, when it comes in distant future, will not be in a conventional sense that paranoid...
  14. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    You make a good point. As Georgia and Azerbaijan betray and backstab the Russians the Armenians maintain their friendship and never forget who they real friends are. You show your true colors Turk....I arrest my case. BTW, the road to Western Armenia is through Baku. We will go east before...
  15. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    You accomplished nothing Turk other than slaughter innocent women and children. Our Fedayees stopped you dead cold out numbered out gunned, starving with no provisions with the civilian population decimated from taking the rest of Armenia and prevented you from winning the war, at least on that...
  16. Fedayeen

    Turkey ‘freezes’ $56 billion of Israeli contracts

    I have been there.....ever heard about the Armenian and Artsakh flag raised on Mt Ararat that caused all kinds of insults to your Turkishness? ha.
  17. Fedayeen

    Turkey ‘freezes’ $56 billion of Israeli contracts

    It is not like you think. It is racist article and it is also used as a tool to incarcerate anyone they want. Here is the view of Amnesty International on Turkish Article 301, that if anybody gives a damn what they think. Also this is one of the reasons why Turkey will never become part of...
  18. Fedayeen

    Turkey ‘freezes’ $56 billion of Israeli contracts

    Good post.....BTW, I meant Kurdish villages in Iraq. Also in regards to the villages that were purged in Turkey. As far as I know most were send to the slums of Istanbul. Eitherway, Turkey needs to abolish Article 301 to make the first step forward or nothing will ever change. Cheers
  19. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    We made sure you loose WWI by delaying your capture of Baku for eight months as you tried reaching your allies through Baku who were loosing the war. Go cry your crocedile tears somewhere else Turk. You say there are more "Azeri Turks" in Iran then Persians? I can't take you seriously...
  20. Fedayeen

    Armenia seeks long-range weapons against Turkey and Azerbaijan

    This is something that Russia is doing to increase its influence in the Caucasus. They are rumors of selling S-300s (with anti ballistic capability) to Azerbaijan while at the same time they are selling long ranged missiles to Armenia (presumably able to reach Baku oil fields). Also they want to...
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