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  1. lionheart007

    India expects greater understanding from China for UNSC bid: Rao

    i think china does not have any problem regarding India's UNSC bid, i think most of the country like india .
  2. lionheart007

    China should be stopped from building N-reactors for Pak'

    politeness of mr. obama is not begging
  3. lionheart007

    JF-17 "Extremely close" to the MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan

    can any one tell me which radar is used in thunder, can please anyone explain me what is the contribution of pakistan in the design phase of jf-17,
  4. lionheart007

    Nerpa nuclear submarine sets sail from Russia for India

    yes...... finally we got it.......now pakistan will tell we will have it one from china.
  5. lionheart007

    Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

    there is a sloka in bhagavad gita vinasha kale vipareeta budhi
  6. lionheart007

    Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

    i like to know from pakistani member that what is the amount of plutonium produced in pakistan(weapon grade).what is the amount power it generate because it directly related plutonium production. Khushab Research Reactor can produce 8 kg of pu-238, i dont know about 2nd reactor here some...
  7. lionheart007

    Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

    firstly we are sending some food items,drinkable water,some medicine as aid (5 million) not the money.
  8. lionheart007

    Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

    yesterday Mr. kureshi was begging in America for money for flood relief today you are taking about shaheen -3, i want to ask where is ghauri test. no money:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::
  9. lionheart007

    Pakistan Nuclear & Missile Project/Program and Capability ahead of Indias (US Report)

    let me ask all the member how can pakistani nuclear weapon will be more than india first thing is that india is operating 6 unsafe nuclear reactor which produce around 130kg of plutonium a year .which is enough to make 26 nuclear bomb per year another thing is A report by David Albright...
  10. lionheart007

    PAK-US relations: The Long War

    [/COLOR]you will be a fool if you murder a guy who is going to kill him self(suicide). i think pakistan already started committing suicide
  11. lionheart007

    PAK-US relations: The Long War

    today pakistan is so radicalized it can't see the reality you are living in the world of illution i got one article in dawn new ,read it. and atleast except it well we know this already don't we http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/...te-already-480 Is it too late already? THERE was a...
  12. lionheart007

    Indian Army Barbarity in Kashmir

    i am proud of my army for the restrain which they have shown in dealing with situation. Hindustan zindabad.... long live India
  13. lionheart007

    India confident of 150 votes in UNSC bid

    i think india will get support from all the country's except one :tup:
  14. lionheart007

    Happy Independence Day :: Jai Hind !

    happy independence day to all my country men . may god bless India and Indians and always be proud to be an Indian jai hind , jai bharathi....
  15. lionheart007

    China threatens US with retaliation

    now i know why china and pakistan are friend china want to nuke US. pakistan want to nuke India but both cant i think losser like lossers
  16. lionheart007

    Countering Cold Start doctrine by PAF

    I am reading this thread from starting it self . I want to bring some my view in this blog First thing we have to ask is why India will attack Pakistan in any case and what are the option India will have and what are the option Pakistan will have in a realistic scenario . Take my...
  17. lionheart007

    Is India itching for a fight?

    We all Indian know that you love to destroy us but you can’t .and we can destroy you any day we are not willing to do. first all your delivery system is based on north Korean based system which are not reliable . if you call our thermo –nuclear test failure . I think all your nuclear test...
  18. lionheart007

    Is India itching for a fight?

    i what to remind all the people who call our indian army dhoti brigade ,which army surrender with 90 thousand pows. victory and defeat will not in the hand of army but surrendering and runniong away from the battle field is not associated with our army . we will fight till last man standing .
  19. lionheart007

    Is India itching for a fight?

    mr.Hafizzz how it will be pakistan start the war with china we will wipe out u and china along with america
  20. lionheart007

    Is India itching for a fight?

    it's not a matter he can alway's join barath rakshak . where no Indian is baned. just joking
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