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    Some pertinent questions about one billion Indian loan

    I have huge respect for most Bangladeshis.. However the BeeDeees in these forum suffer from huge inferiority complex issues ;)
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Are you a commie ?
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    Row erupts as Rahul Gandhi equates banned terror outfit with pro-Hindu body

    Rahul Baba is a brainwashed idiot who likes to hang out with pinko liberals and commies.
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    Obama to focus on Pak-India ties

    ^ Joo-Yindoo lobby will make sure that this clown is not re-elected :p
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    Navies of India & Sri Lanka to hold meeting

    Some Indian posters need to take it easy with the attitude.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Umm .. Maybe Pakistani nation should provide diplomatic and moral support to all Pakistanis.. :what:
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    India's lost Buddhist university to rise from ashes

    @Rajput Thank you. But kindly protect it from Bamiyan destroying Taliban like organizations.
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    Salman Khan - interview to Pak TV channel

    @alex Most important reason for the so called hype was that the attack was telecast live on TV for more than 2 days. Though I somewhat agree that lives of Indians are not valued by Indians themselves.
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    Salman Khan - interview to Pak TV channel

    Umm .. How many expat Pakistanis live in Middle East/US/Australia/UK ?
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    Salman Khan - interview to Pak TV channel

    The idiot apologized for hurting the sentiments of some people unintentionally, not for saying that Pakistan had no role to play in Mumbai carnage, or terrorists have no nationality. The idiot is completely unaware of the facts said so just to please his Pakistani fans. His concern for poor...
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    Musharraf eyes Pakistan presidency in political comeback

    ^ ISI is a state within a state !
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    Chinese projects in 'Azad Kashmir' worry India

    ^ err. . Are you ignorant about your own government's official stance ?
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    @indianrabbit You are the one who has fallen down the rabbit hole, living in a wonderland and has no idea of ground realities which are: 1. The so called azadi sentiment is limited to 4 districts of the J&K state where a fascist majority drove out the minority from their homes. 2. The...
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