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  1. Fighter488


    This is the first time that I agree to your comments Solomon! You are precisely right on the spot here. Civic courge is the least common denominator that is required for such a change and Pakistanis as a civil society lack it greately. They are more a frustrated lot than a courageous civil...
  2. Fighter488

    Why Israel fears a free Egypt

    Why the US fears Arab democracy By Pepe Escobar Condoleeza, Condoleeza Get him a visa - Chant heard on Tahrir Square Anybody believing that Washington's "orderly transition" led by Vice President Omar Suleiman (aka Sheikh al-Torture, according to protesters and human-rights...
  3. Fighter488

    Why Israel fears a free Egypt

    When it comes to Arabs, Israel knows only what it wants to After listening to our Arab affairs analysts, I reached the conclusion that the Knesset should pass a law banning Jews from learning Arabic. By Sayed Kashua I decided at the beginning of the week that I just had to get a...
  4. Fighter488

    Why Israel fears a free Egypt

    Why Israel fears a free Egypt By Aaron David Miller Friday, February 4, 2011 Having dealt with the Israelis for the better part of 40 years, I have learned never to dismiss or trivialize their foundational fears. As both former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and current premier...
  5. Fighter488

    Pakistan Defence Logo 2011 Change

    I think second one is a better choice. This logo will be more clearly visible even when displayed as 'icon' on any shortcut. The message of the website is covered quite nicely in the embedded text. And visibility is important for any logo, apart from the message that it carry. Fighter
  6. Fighter488

    Curb terror, whichever direction it comes from

    Keep Politics Out Curb terror, whichever direction it comes from Malegaon in Maharashtra, the Samjhauta Express, Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad, Ajmer Sharif in Rajasthan – belatedly but with gathering momentum, evidence is emerging of a network of fundamentalist Hindutva organisations...
  7. Fighter488

    The J-20 SUCCESSFULLY conducts first flight!!

    The Strategic Impact of China's J-XX [J-20] Stealth Fighter Air Power Australia - Australia's Independent Defence Think Tank Air Power Australia NOTAM 9th January, 2011 Dr Carlo Kopp, SMAIAA, SMIEEE, PEng, Head of Capability Analysis, Air Power Australia The emergence...
  8. Fighter488

    Digvijay proves Karkare call : 26/11 RSS plot

    Digvijay endorses 26/11 as RSS plot, proves Karkare call It's difficult to ignore Digvijay Singh: Barely hours after creating a furore by saying the RSS, Mossad and the CIA were behind 26/11 in a new book, the veteran Congress leader has furnished call records that prove that he, indeed, did...
  9. Fighter488

    Is Iran About to Test a Nuclear Bomb In North Korea?

    More desperation. Fighter Report Strengthens Suspicions That Stuxnet Sabotaged Iran’s Nuclear Plant By Kim Zetter December 27, 2010 | 1:08 pm | Categories: Stuxnet A new report appears to add fuel to suspicions that the Stuxnet superworm was responsible for sabotaging...
  10. Fighter488

    UAVs at the Forefront of Future Warfare

  11. Fighter488

    Is Iran About to Test a Nuclear Bomb In North Korea?

    Israelis also saying this: Iran nuclear weapon is further off, Israel says - Telegraph Fighter
  12. Fighter488

    Is Iran About to Test a Nuclear Bomb In North Korea?

    Is Iran About to Test a Nuclear Bomb In North Korea? By Reza Kahlili On December 24, a research report from the South Korean Foreign Ministry Institute indicated that North Korea would carry out another nuclear bomb test after the beginning of the year. -- South Korean media reported...
  13. Fighter488

    ‘Pandit Godse’ a patriot

    Every time a shower (hammam) of truth is opened, I am amzed, how quickly the so called secular, democratic, love-all kind of people through the towel and show thier true self! Godse kiled Ghandhi and still a patriot. How come then people like Maoists, Kashmiri separatists, Khalistanis are not...
  14. Fighter488

    ‘Pandit Godse’ a patriot

    ‘Pandit Godse’ a patriot... did not come from Italy: Sena Mumbai: Even as a mention of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse in the souvenir of a recent Marathi literary meet in Thane led to protests by the NCP and Congress workers, forcing the organisers to hastily withdraw it, the Shiv...
  15. Fighter488

    Rise of the east in a new clash of civilizations

    It is true that Islam is not a civilization in true sense. It is a way of life, across nations and continents. And that is the point actually. In spreading across continents and nations, it absorbed the civilizations of that culture perfect;y well; like IRAN, EGYPT or in India (Muslims here...
  16. Fighter488

    Rise of the east in a new clash of civilizations

    IN PRINCIPLE Rise of the east in a new clash of civilizations MINHAZ MERCHANT As this adolescent century unfolds, four competing civilizations will shape it. This new contest of civilizations could determine the balance of power between nations and regions for generations...
  17. Fighter488

    Pakistan: Alliance Over if US Troops Expand War Across Border

    US warned over Pakistan raids Zahid Hussain and Catherine Philp From: The Times December 23, 2010 12:00AM ISLAMABAD has warned the US their counter-terrorism alliance will be broken if Washington attempts to expand its ground war. There are fears the war will move across the border...
  18. Fighter488

    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Torture tales: Leak singes India on Kashmir New Delhi Rejects Red Cross Allegations Of Rights Abuse In J&K TIMES NEWS NETWORK New Delhi: In a sharp and quick response to the WikiLeak disclosure about International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) accusing India of committing...
  19. Fighter488

    A R Antulay, implied that Hindutva forces may have been involved in the Mumbai terror

    11/12/2010 Was Karkare killed by Hindu extremists? New Delhi/Mumbai: In a startling revelation days after the second anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks, Congress general secretary Digvijay Singh has said that two hours before the first terrorists struck that evening, chief of the...
  20. Fighter488

    India dilutes stand to join pipeline via Pak

    It look more of a diplomatic overture towards NATO, rather than a serious move. May be trying to send a message to ALL in the region that USA is going to stay MORE than announced. :) It do not look a serious proposition till now! Fighter
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