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    Pak court indicts 7 accused in Mumbai attacks

    This news has virtually been blacked out in Pakistan. None of the TV channels (News 1, Aaj and Geo) have show this in their news.
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well Slum dog won an Oscar....and its not as if India has a monopoly over slum dwellers either... I have seen quite a few Pakistani slum dwellers on your TV... Not so long ago there was a program about construction workers who actually helped build Islamabad living in slums...and being...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    I know quite a few Kashmiris...and they seem quite happy to be citizens of the exploited Indian Occupied Kashmir...Have never been to Kashmir proper...so not sure how the situation on the ground is... Not sure If I was a Kashmiri...I wud like to be a part of the land of a million...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    @Jana... There are quite a few "Pakistani" new sources which are just as "BS"....as probably this source... I do get to watch a lot of Pakistani TV these days since I got a satellite dish with many Pakistani channels... Some times I shake at my head at the nonsense being...
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    Kashmir | News & Discussions.

    Well..irrespective...of the credibility of the source...I think there should be more discussion about "Azad Kashmir"... I mean thats what is in store for the Kashmiris if they end up joining Pakistan....
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    Cyprus backs India on Security Council seat

    Well I think India and other big countries...would eventually make it to the Security Council...otherwise the body would become irrelevant... Just like the G-8 ended up becoming the G-20...when the large developing countries could simply not be ignored.... However, I don't think the SC is...
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    Any more terror attack from Pak will be retaliated: Chidambaram

    Well..to be honest I don't think that India would go to war (even a limited one) if any terrorist act re-occurs in India. Its also quite likely...that terrorist acts would indeed reoccur in India. For now it seems all the boys are too busy within Pakistan itself... Prima facie they all seem...
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    Clinton lectures Pakistan, Pakistanis lecture Clinton

    Well, I don't understand that if Pakistanis are so unhappy with the USA and its aid, why don't they just reject the aid and kick all the Americans out..and take care of themselves.. Its very easy to blame others for your problem...very human indeed..but it does not lead to any where...
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    Arunachal shows China how democracy works

    Non withstanding the heated arguments on both sides, I feel that we should try to learn in peace. War/fighting is not a solution for anything. Having lived in both countries, I appreciate both the countries. Not even once have I come across any Chinese with something negative to say to me...
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