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So, is new media only reinforcing old stereotypes?

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Well..irrespective...of the credibility of the source...I think there should be more discussion about "Azad Kashmir"...

I mean thats what is in store for the Kashmiris if they end up joining Pakistan....

They will decide joining any side or remain independent Only when India get out of their country which is occupied by India.

And no not irrespective of the credibility of the source because a weak source being quoted for Indian BS is not at all acceptable.
What are you sayin gal:what::what:
Azad kashmir has many problems which need to be discussed..
Its standard of living,crime rate etc.

Absolutely bro.. They need to know after joining pakistan whats in store for them;)

They will do it themselves. Bhartis not needed to tell them what they should do. The best you Indians should do is to look into the living standard of Indians, crimes and other such problems.
Ahh very clever why dont you start counting these rapes and killings since Indian Occupation instead of only looking into 2009.

Kashmiri Muslim women during a funeral procession at Shopian, India, 30 May 2009 © AP/PA Photo/Dar Yasin

One killed, 150 injured as protests continue in Jammu & Kashmir following rape and murder of two young women | Amnesty International

10 June 2009

Protesters in Jammu & Kashmir continued to press for the Indian government to seriously pursue allegations that members of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) raped and murdered two women. One person has already been killed and around 150 injured in week-long protests provoked by the sexual assault and murder of two young women in Shopian on 30 May.

“These protests are about the ongoing failure of the Indian government to bring members of the security forces to justice for serious human rights violations,” said Sam Zarifi, Amnesty International’s Asia-Pacific director. “Until the Indian government provides accountability for the conduct of the armed forces in Kashmir, it will continue to face discontent from the residents.”

The two women, 22-year-old Aasiya Jan and her sister-in-law, 17-year-old Niloufer Jan, went missing when they went to tend their family fruit orchard on 29 May at Nagbal near Shopian. Their bodies were discovered the following day in two different places at Ranbi Ara, a stream close to a CRPF camp.
Family members and local residents have accused the CRPF personnel of involvement in the sexual assault and murders and called for investigations.

Amnesty International has called on the Indian authorities to immediately carry out fair and impartial investigations into the allegations of CRPF involvement in the murders and sexual assault of the two women.

Police and paramilitary forces have resorted to firing at protesters in several places, including Shopian, Baramulla and Srinagar. Reports from hospitals that admitted the injured indicate that security forces fired both live ammunition and rubber bullets.

“Authorities should ensure that security forces comply with international human rights standards on law enforcement, in particular those relating to the use of force to deal with protestors. Any instance of excessive use of force should be impartially investigated,” said Sam Zarifi.

Local human rights organizations and journalists have informed Amnesty International that concerted attempts have been made to suppress evidence of sexual assault of the two women. Police also failed to interview potential witnesses, even as the state authorities ordered a judicial inquiry into the murders.

Amnesty International has repeatedly called for repeal of the security legislation in force in Jammu & Kashmir that facilitates impunity by providing discretionary powers to security forces and effectively enabling them to violate human rights. Serious concerns also remain over the effectiveness of past inquiries ordered by the authorities into human rights violations including unlawful killings, enforced disappearances and sexual assault of women.

Amnesty International has also received information on 8 June that at least four leaders of Kashmiri separatist organizations have been arbitrarily detained. No charge has been levelled against them so far.

One of the detained leaders, Syed Ali Shah Geelani, was taken to an unknown destination. Yasin Malik, Javed Mir and Mirwaiz Mohammad Umar Farooq were placed under house detention.

Amnesty International has called on the authorities to disclose the details of their detention including as to how they are being treated and immediately release those detained unless they are charged with a recognizably criminal offence. Amnesty International has also said that they should only be held in official and acknowledged places of detention and brought promptly before an independent judicial authority.

It is only one case and can happen anywhere. It can happen even in your capital city:cheesy:.. so it does not shows atrocities by IA..
Better try once again:cheers::cheers:
It could have worth reading if you would have cared for your side of kashmiri people:undecided:

Stop lecturing.
This is the biggest joke, Indians telling Pakistani's how to take care of Kashmiris. Don't forget, it is IoK where both political and Military movements are taking place. If we were bad with our Kashmiri brothers, we would have same problems too. But we dont. so shut it!
They will do it themselves. Bhartis not needed to tell them what they should do. The best you Indians should do is to look into the living standard of Indians, crimes and other such problems.

YA! we are looking at our living standards and looking at them seriously.
But Azad kashmir has got many follies like higher crime rates, more people going abroad in search of jobs etc. etc.
Also political instability.
Stop lecturing.
This is the biggest joke, Indians telling Pakistani's how to take care of Kashmiris. Don't forget, it is IoK where both political and Military movements are taking place. If we were bad with our Kashmiri brothers, we would have same problems too. But we dont. so shut it!

Sir!! my apologies to get you off mood..
But for your info military movements are also going on in *** in the form of terrorist training camps etc..
Even KL bill has mentioned towns like muridke
It is only one case and can happen anywhere. It can happen even in your capital city:cheesy:.. so it does not shows atrocities by IA..
Better try once again:cheers::cheers:

Not at all it is not a normal case. Indian army is raping Kashmiri women since many decades.

Your soldiers are killing Kashmiri youth, men, women and childern since many decades.

For Indians this must be normal case but not for Kashmiris.
so whats preventing you from giving them independence? its a shame that in the name of islamic brotherhood you have kept them as slaves. Not just them but also baluchis. This game obviously wont last long and it wont be long before some people understand that they were indeed tricked all along and had their land grabbed using religious ideology. The repercussions wont be pleasant then.You can fool some people some of the time not all the people all the time.

Sir!! my apologies to get you off mood..
But for your info military movements are also going on in *** in the form of terrorist training camps etc..
Even KL bill has mentioned towns like muridke

The Indians and teams from foreign media visited the so-called camps in Muridke and they found nothing rather an educational compound.

On ther other hand Indian Held Kashmir is not part of India hence any Kashmiri can go there and fight the occupying army

There are quite a few "Pakistani" new sources which are just as "BS"....as probably this source...

I do get to watch a lot of Pakistani TV these days since I got a satellite dish with many Pakistani channels...

Some times I shake at my head at the nonsense being propagated...including PTV news...

I enjoy the telephone service commercials though...Sab Kehdo...haha

I was merely saying that Azad Kashmir is something which all people should know about..even I don't know much about it..

Is it really the land of milk and honey...that awaits the poor exploited IOK residents...
Not at all it is not a normal case. Indian army is raping Kashmiri women since many decades.

Your soldiers are killing Kashmiri youth, men, women and childern since many decades.

For Indians this must be normal case but not for Kashmiris.

Ah! again Same thing again and again without evidence or proof...:sick:
Same thih I can say-
You are looting baluchis of their resources for decades.
You are looting pashtunis off their land..

All is BS without proof..
so whats preventing you from giving them independence? its a shame that in the name of islamic brotherhood you have kept them as slaves. Not just them but also baluchis. This game obviously wont last long and it wont be long before some people understand that they were indeed tricked all along and had their land grabbed using religious ideology. The repercussions wont be pleasant then.You can fool some people some of the time not all the people all the time.

Zombie before acting like a zombie better straighten up your misconception.

Azad Kashmir is Independent. It has own Parliament, Own President and Own PM.

As far as Balochistan is concerned Oh Please refrain from poking your nose into Pakistani affairs. Balochistan is part of Pakistan unlike Held Kashmir which on UN resolution and a disputed area in the world.

And still if you want to poke your nose into our affairs then before doing so Kindly Give the innocent Naxals, Moists, Naga land and so on their independence.
how azad is Kashmir (part occupied) in the hands of India:)lets ask this question here.

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