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  1. S

    Is Imran Khan going down the Path of Mohamed Mursi?

    You have no clues about egpytian politics(or lack of it ) and Morsi. 70% egyptian population was against Morsi’s transnational policy which disregarded national interest. Morsi has support of core brotherhood but not large scale masses. Egypt is my second home
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    Is this the Naya Pakistan.

    Nahie doast impression thaek nahie. they should shaft this and tipu up theirs .. a nation that is enslaved to whims of others. All these toys are meaningless
  3. S

    Is this the Naya Pakistan.

    What good your armoured cores smartness has offered to this nation. Musharraf brought these thugs back to save his arse and in 10 years these two parties destroyed the complete social fabric of society. Bajwa a timid prick lost battle of nerves to western pressure before a bullet was fired...
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    PM Imran Khan live on PTV News - April 2022 .

    And I am telling you this with someone who’s father is retired officer, immediate family members decorated serving and retired officers , and relatives serving in Army as soldiers and Generals. Bajwa couldn’t take pressure, US treats relation to Pakistani government and Army as two related by...
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    PM Imran Khan live on PTV News - April 2022 .

    Bajwa will go down as worse COAS and history will see him as a coward. I don’t have any personal liking for Khan .. he suffers from mouth diarrhoea and imaginative aspirations. But ousting Khan in support of foreign agenda is the worst COAS can do. He should tried be treasons and on gallows...
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    Give me power and I wont compromise, PM khan

    Abetting, instigating and influencing to get rid of Khan will damage Army reputation irreparably.. something that 1971, WoT or anything else just couldn’t achieve. Bajwa is the worst COAS we had
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    PM Imran says 'establishment' gave him three options: resignation, no-confidence vote or elections

    Establishment especially Bajwa regime is at the centre of vote of no confidence. They couldn’t take international pressure and had to get rid of Khan
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    Pegasus: Spyware sold to governments 'targets activists'

    Fun fact: someone who used to work as data architect in my team for really large enterprise in UAE got Interview call for a company that was an engineering wing for Pegasus. For some reason they assumed, my friend isn’t Pakistani because none of his studies or experience had Pakistan in his...
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    Featured Indian Unannounced Casualties at LAC Continue to be Reported on Social Media

    It’s sad to see ordinary families losing loved ones. I believe India has got this foreign completely wrong. They should have had relationship fixed with Pakistan, we can be natural allies. Due to hawkish mindset they are looking at pakistan as enemy state - we aren’t in reality, we have disputes...
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