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Featured Indian Unannounced Casualties at LAC Continue to be Reported on Social Media

Now who is hiding their Defence causality.How he died where he died is matter of concern for those families who have their loved ones deployed in Ladakh.Whole ladakh is vulnerable for Indian forces as cruel winter is ahead,India may have to pull back their deployment or there will be huge casualties of Indian army...
Three deadly clashes have happened already: June 15 (Galwan), August 30 (Black Top) and September 7 (Rechin La).

If the guy really died on September 16, it could have non-combat related.

Nonetheless, after Tibetan media revealed Tibetan casualties on August 30, Indians banned Tibetan media from publicizing further casualties that happened on September 7.
It’s sad to see ordinary families losing loved ones. I believe India has got this foreign completely wrong. They should have had relationship fixed with Pakistan, we can be natural allies. Due to hawkish mindset they are looking at pakistan as enemy state - we aren’t in reality, we have disputes but beyond that there isn’t core fundamentals that should set us at collision course.

Pfffft! Unannounced! The news if 2 days old.

A tweet in Marathi from Maharashtra Chief Minister’s Office said, “Brave son of Patan taluka in Satara, Sachin Jadhav attained martyrdom while serving at Ladakh in the line of duty. Not just Maharashtra but the entire country is proud of the supreme sacrifice he made. We stand with his family and pay respects to him.”
So why did he die? They don't even dare admit he got killed by PLA? I thought India is the better than thou transparent goody two shoes. Lol

since last time they fell into a river and PLA could only save a few through capture, this time he might have starved or froze before PLA could capture him and give him food and shelter.
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