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Featured Indian Unannounced Casualties at LAC Continue to be Reported on Social Media

Lmao how stupid is this poster? Can he not tell which side is Chinese and which side is Indian? Indians and Chinese don't look alike the last time I checked :rofl:
Bro, I think he was being sarcastic. Beijingwalker is a well informed member. He doesn't make these mistakes.
But no details about how he died. Another accident? Or heart attack?
Why is it so important to declare it publicly? He died in line of duty while being stationed at frontier. Had he died in combat or an operation, it would have been explicitly told.
So why did he die? They don't even dare admit he got killed by PLA? I thought India is the better than thou transparent goody two shoes. Lol
Let me know when and if PLA even declares name of those who suffered causality ( injuries, disabilities or death ) in recent most conflict.
since last time they fell into a river and PLA could only save a few through capture, this time he might have starved or froze before PLA could capture him and give him food and shelter.
Do we even officially know the names of soldiers from PLA who suffer injury or disability or death in recent most skirmishes with India? Hell PLA does not even dare tell the number of its soldiers who suffered any casualty in that region.
Do we even officially know the names of soldiers from PLA who suffer injury or disability or death in recent most skirmishes with India? Hell PLA does not even dare tell the number of its soldiers who suffered any casualty in that region.

what we know for sure: it is unlikely for their names to be those of 56 generals from the 50's and 60's, nor is it likely to be 陈榕祥, a PLA soldier who died in the 30's.
Yup mannequins enough to scare Indians to run into the cold river. Lol
And yet when those mannequins broke, Chinese could not even name them. LOL. I am sure someone in China must be really mad at their sole mannequin of the family being broken before the expiry date. LOL.
Let me know when and if PLA even declares name of those who suffered causality ( injuries, disabilities or death ) in recent most conflict.

First India needs to try and kill a PLA soldier and see what happens. India may lose a lot more than a 1,000 sq km without firing a single bullet.

Second, since Indians have taken it upon themselves to announce names of deceased PLA Generals and a PLA soldier from the 1930s, China need not announce anything.

Why don't Indians question themselves, why Indians stooped so low to announce names of 56 deceased PLA Generals as KIA by Indian Army?
And yet when those mannequins broke, Chinese could not even name them. LOL. I am sure someone in China must be really mad at their sole mannequin of the family being broken before the expiry date. LOL.
What you have names for mannequins? Lucy? Letchumi? You into sex dolls? Hahahah.
It’s sad to see ordinary families losing loved ones. I believe India has got this foreign completely wrong. They should have had relationship fixed with Pakistan, we can be natural allies. Due to hawkish mindset they are looking at pakistan as enemy state - we aren’t in reality, we have disputes but beyond that there isn’t core fundamentals that should set us at collision course.

The last thing that could EVER happen is for Pakistan and india to be natural allies. That will NEVER happen. Tell me, HOW can you be natural allies with a country and people that call for the death and destruction of your race and natio .......... :disagree:.........the whole premises of thinking such a thing is EVEN possible is extremely retarded.............:disagree:
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