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Is Imran Khan going down the Path of Mohamed Mursi?

Arsenal Caan

Jul 5, 2020
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1- Nationwide protests resulting in the resigning of Husni Mubarak and establishment of Morsi's government.
2- SC against the formation of government calling it unlawful.
3- Delays the hearing of the case on the formation of new government.
4- Some workers protesting on low wages and SC takes up the matter.
5- Limited military engagements with Israel on the border.
6- Morsi firing key generals and appointing Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi as Defence Minister.
7- Protest against the US with people marching towards the US embassy.
8- Espionage charges against Morsi. Second round of protest.
9- Military takeover citing the volatile situation.
10- Espionage charges on Morsi.
11- Death during trial and Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi emerging as supreme leader.

Repalce Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi with Gen. Faiz here (hypothetical)
I don't think so. IK is taking more of an Erdo'an path...
Hopefully. But we haven't seen such level of economic prosperity as the Trurks and IK hasn't been in power for that much time as Erdogan.
Although last night's events were unprecedented but trust me Pakistani people have very short memory. There are still very much affected by inflation.
No. The dynamics of the country are totally different.

Plus, for Morsi (right or wrong) towards the end the protests were against him. Here the spontaneous large scale protests are for him.

Also there is a large section in the establishment that supports him. In Egypt there was no support for Morsi in their power centers.
1- Nationwide protests resulting in the resigning of Husni Mubarak and establishment of Morsi's government.
2- SC against the formation of government calling it unlawful.
3- Delays the hearing of the case on the formation of new government.
4- Some workers protesting on low wages and SC takes up the matter.
5- Limited military engagements with Israel on the border.
6- Morsi firing key generals and appointing Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi as Defence Minister.
7- Protest against the US with people marching towards the US embassy.
8- Espionage charges against Morsi. Second round of protest.
9- Military takeover citing the volatile situation.
10- Espionage charges on Morsi.
11- Death during trial and Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi emerging as supreme leader.

Repalce Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi with Gen. Faiz here (hypothetical)
Seems like the US is using a well tested and practiced regime change model.
1- Nationwide protests resulting in the resigning of Husni Mubarak and establishment of Morsi's government.
2- SC against the formation of government calling it unlawful.
3- Delays the hearing of the case on the formation of new government.
4- Some workers protesting on low wages and SC takes up the matter.
5- Limited military engagements with Israel on the border.
6- Morsi firing key generals and appointing Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi as Defence Minister.
7- Protest against the US with people marching towards the US embassy.
8- Espionage charges against Morsi. Second round of protest.
9- Military takeover citing the volatile situation.
10- Espionage charges on Morsi.
11- Death during trial and Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi emerging as supreme leader.

Repalce Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi with Gen. Faiz here (hypothetical)
You have no clues about egpytian politics(or lack of it ) and Morsi. 70% egyptian population was against Morsi’s transnational policy which disregarded national interest. Morsi has support of core brotherhood but not large scale masses.
Egypt is my second home
You have no clues about egpytian politics(or lack of it ) and Morsi. 70% egyptian population was against Morsi’s transnational policy which disregarded national interest. Morsi has support of core brotherhood but not large scale masses.
Egypt is my second home
Didn't Morsi win elections? Unless they were rigged in his favour.
1- Nationwide protests resulting in the resigning of Husni Mubarak and establishment of Morsi's government.
2- SC against the formation of government calling it unlawful.
3- Delays the hearing of the case on the formation of new government.
4- Some workers protesting on low wages and SC takes up the matter.
5- Limited military engagements with Israel on the border.
6- Morsi firing key generals and appointing Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi as Defence Minister.
7- Protest against the US with people marching towards the US embassy.
8- Espionage charges against Morsi. Second round of protest.
9- Military takeover citing the volatile situation.
10- Espionage charges on Morsi.
11- Death during trial and Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi emerging as supreme leader.

Repalce Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi with Gen. Faiz here (hypothetical)
Nope Egyptians were under Dictatorship from many decades therefore they were not that expressive and aggressive in their political demands, and their protest was concentrated in few places I remember after military operation their protest died down .....

First of all in Pakistan Army as institution will not intervene and would not use violence against the its own people, secondly our protest is not concentrated in just few cities but in whole Pakistan from villages to cities and abroad.

Lastly Our army also know that It enjoy respect among the common Pakistanis but they have NO FEAR of Army. its a different Nation with different psych not typical Egyptian Nation.
I don't think so. IK is taking more of an Erdo'an path...

The key difference is that the main Turkish intel agency was a civilian one.

No modern country gives its army the main intel agency --- that's simply too much power concentration.

Egpyt appoints Major Generals to its GID. Therefore the civilian uprising got crushed as both the intel AND military apparatus came down on protestors hard.
Imran Khan is nowhere to be seen since, why?

Erdogan was supported by his people when the army tried to overthrow him, IK has been thrown out already and nowhere to be seen. Big difference .

The Turkish army did not want to liquidate Erdoğan as a full staff in the July 15 coup attempt. The cult-looking CIA gang (FETÖ) entrenched in the military tried it. Similarly, the attempt to issue a memorandum in the early 2000s did not receive the support of the entire army.

The situation in Egypt developed in contrast to this. Especially the Egyptian Army was completely anti-Morsi. I don't know the situation of the Pakistani Army. If there is even a small crack in high ranks of the PA and if the support of the people is strong, IK will come out of these events stronger.

Pakistan has very serious problems. With a corrupt state actors, things will only get worse. If IK gets stronger and IK a wise statesman, IK will first liquidate the deep-state gangs that are rooted in the Pakistan State.

And then he became the second founder of Pakistan by liquidating the religiously disguised gangs!

Otherwise, your job is difficult. You will fall into the interregnum that will last for decades.
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We are on our way towards a Najam Sethi model. The Najam Sethi model is sb mil kr khaen ge. The Politicians, the Generals, the media owners and the Judiciary will share the pie. Mind you there is plenty to go around when you have a herd of 220 million sheep.

The Americans will provide some fiscal space and the media will shape the narrative.

Imran will be the target of intense character assasination and eventually he will be jailed with the keys thrown away.

Pakistan will then collapse but these crooks along with their children would be safely settled somewhere else by then.

Indian intervention would be welcomed by that time by a large portion of the population.
1- Nationwide protests resulting in the resigning of Husni Mubarak and establishment of Morsi's government.
2- SC against the formation of government calling it unlawful.
3- Delays the hearing of the case on the formation of new government.
4- Some workers protesting on low wages and SC takes up the matter.
5- Limited military engagements with Israel on the border.
6- Morsi firing key generals and appointing Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi as Defence Minister.
7- Protest against the US with people marching towards the US embassy.
8- Espionage charges against Morsi. Second round of protest.
9- Military takeover citing the volatile situation.
10- Espionage charges on Morsi.
11- Death during trial and Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi emerging as supreme leader.

Repalce Abdul Fatah Al-Sisi with Gen. Faiz here (hypothetical)
IK needs to transform PTI into a political party, with trustable and capable first and second tier leadership, as he himself aspires to follow Prophet PBUH. If he can do that in this crisis (which is ideal time for the task mentioned), he can transform Pakistan. Otherwise, we can wish him success, but the task seems too big. Particularly when its IK vs all, scum of establishment, politicians, media, judiciary and so on, all under the patronage of some embassies, with the might of their resources.
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