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  1. Captain749

    Pakistan wants US to get it off FATF grey list

    Seems pretty bold of Israel to be hitting its High Value Targets(Muslim Countries) through USA and playing the whole match outside the stadium.
  2. Hatf-1-blurry-e1482341487957


    The Hatf 1 is probably deployed with high explosive or chemical weapons, and although it could theoretically carry a tactical nuclear weapon, Pakistan has declared it to be non-nuclear.
  3. Captain749

    Indian T-72 main battle tank makes an oopsie

    Outdated Soviet's T-72 tank..
  4. Captain749

    Legend Hakan Sukur Is Now An Uber Driver in America

    Life is short brother...Do whatever you want to. Enjoy every moment. LMAO
  5. Captain749

    Pompeo meets Pakistan’s FM....something big coming.

    I think we'll get a US card in UN on Kashmir issue. We have nothing on the table to offer them anything. These meetings are just bluffs nothing more.
  6. Captain749

    PAF inaugurates new operational air base at Bholari near Karachi

    I always thought is it possible to have both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex at the same time? Now i get it Yeah it is possible..but you'll find it in India just.
  7. Captain749

    PAF inaugurates new operational air base at Bholari near Karachi

    lol. don't forget to quote their Inferiority complex.
  8. Captain749

    270 Americans killed in Iran's attacks on American bases in Iraq but the news were deleted rapidly

    He is stoned on some 2 bit vodka I think...No videos or pictures of any casualties but just look at their confidence. Making the whole world like an idiot...and injecting war hysteria.
  9. Captain749

    PAF inaugurates new operational air base at Bholari near Karachi

    Question: Do Indians have any other job except for keeping an eye on our bases and all that...:lol:
  10. Captain749

    For God and Country I'll end your life.

    For God and Country I'll end your life.
  11. Captain749

    Non-bailable arrest warrants issued for TV anchor Mubasher Lucman

    Just unbailable warrant? These mafia anchors should be hanged. But, Hamid Mir should be leading the queue.
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