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  1. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    Thank you. We get pissed off that every time a politician or a bureaucrat visits somewhere nowadays even to hospitals they are wearing n95 mask while doctors here in emergency are give surgical mask and in some pic. You can see ministers and there servants wearing n95 masks while doctors are...
  2. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    You do realise your not the only one giving taxes they our taxes first and then pay us. So I don’t need this crap from you. Second it out right to demand ppe and masks from our government as is the right of every other professional. Secondly no emergency is closed and no flu counter is closed...
  3. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    It’s fun telling us that there is a problem of supply and all but your sitting at home and not here in the hospital dealing with patients and there Attendent’s ignorance neither are you treating every patient without testing for covid-19 neither are you preforming operations in which there is...
  4. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    no it’s not for feeding the poor that’s what my tax cuts are from my pay and I think you have little knowledge of how the virus works or how it gets transferred and what a viral load is. As I said before it’s related to my profession so we are the one looking beyond your bigger picture and we...
  5. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    No we aren’t exposed like any other human beings are the other human being dealing with sick people who could be asymptotic and what if 5-6 asymptotic patients come and eventually my viral load would exceed my immune system and get serious case of covid-19 that’s why we are asking. When they are...
  6. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    Your doing something extraordinary by paying taxes when I use to get my pay they use to cut tax then give it us so yes I pay taxes to not only you and it’s elective representative that get equipment and ppe not us I think living in America would have thought you that already
  7. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    I don’t nothing especially from you nothing at all. Thank you
  8. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    I know what type he is he believes that he had to work hard to be where he is and we are privileged to be doctors but he never went through what we go through to be a doctor and how even with shortage of simple things as surgical gauze we have to use our pay to buy so anyone coming in doesn’t...
  9. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    Stop bringing in Islam no one is disputing Islam. And stop acting like a bloody retard again you are not here you are not on ground and if you such a issue then come back now and fix it no one was lining there pockets especially us Doctor we were working our jobs this equipment and ppe provision...
  10. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    that’s exactly what I am saying he is doing he sees the situation from just his perspective and then passes judgment on all the doctors. The country needs help now not when his goals are Thats what I am saying that he doesn’t know the ground realities and passing judgment on doctors. The...
  11. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    Are you questioning my being a Pakistani my friend ? And I am here right now fighting this fight and that too without my pay so don’t pass opinion on us that you can do later but right now we need support from every Pakistani no matter where we are we have to do our part for this country so...
  12. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    When you don’t have any knowledge of what they want and why they need it and passing judgment is called being stupid in my part of town I was born and raised in USA where your right now and I came here to Pakistan and did my MBBS and when I had the option of going back I chose Pakistan and...
  13. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    Yeah have you seen your posts how you were blaming my fellow professional and me that we don’t work etc etc. That’s like blemishing someone’s Honor so I don’t know where your from but we take our Honor seriously. I been born and raised in United States I came to Pakistan and studied MBBS and...
  14. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    we we aren’t giving up we are demanding our just right but even with no protctive gear we haven’t stop emergencies or operations I finished a tracheostomy before iftari. so this news is fake. Just some journalistic diarrhoea to sell papers. So your giving thousands of mask is comparable to me...
  15. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    Your one of those second rate people so I won’t be jealous of you. I never said I am special. But you ain’t special either a second grade citizen in USA talking smack about people who are working on the front lines and yes they pay us tax payer money but they don’t give us the equipment and we...
  16. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    You You don’t pay me bitch cause your not a tax payer secondly as you said don’t say stuff you know nothing about so stop being all high and mighty. Stop saying bs as you usually do cause your a bitch sitting in his home and not on the front line so your opinion is jack shit as usual we are...
  17. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    As I said before and if you can read it right I meant don’t interfere in matters related to medicine which your little brain has no knowledge so leave to the experts so yes keep your peasant brain out of it. But your still sending money to help your family not for Pakistan and if your such a...
  18. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    S says a pussy sitting in his home commenting people fighting the fight against covid-19 and don’t be grumpy you didn’t become a doctor maybe you didn’t deserve to be in this noble profession since your a certified moron and self-grandiose retard you can’t comprehend what you don’t have a brain...
  19. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    That’s the most retarded thing I have heard all my life. Thank you for making me se someone this retarded before I died
  20. Dr.Saad

    Doctors and nurses on hunger strike in pakistan

    Thank you and keep praying need Allah’s help a lot. May Allah protect us all from this virus
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