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  1. Dr. Fox

    Future of Europe, 2024

    I know, but it's about an 85-15 split (maybe tilted slightly more in favor of the Turks). I'm just pondering the possibility of a scenario similar to China's Tibet where the local population, what remains of it, continues to resist the cultural and economic influence. There have been some...
  2. Dr. Fox

    Future of Europe, 2024

    Before answering Vostok's questions I'll opine about what I think could, but probably wont, happen in Europe over the next decade. ... Putin's last year? He's going full Robot Nixon and ruling forever! I'm just joking of course, but I don't see him stepping down in the next decade at least...
  3. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Lithuanian eFP assigned forces from the Norwegian Army's Telemark Battalion practicing urban combat tactics.
  4. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Training with allied nations as part of the Lithuanian eFP.
  5. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    One responsibility of the Norwegian Navy's special forces, MJK, is the defence of oil rigs.
  6. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Norwegian Navy special forces, MJK, train at their base at Haakonsvern.
  7. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Home Guard district HV-05 "Grebe" Rapid Response Team trains in district HV-02 during urban operations exercise Hovestad.
  8. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Dragoons from the Norwegian Army's Armored Battalion train with mechanized infantry from 2 Battalion. Long-range recon scouts deployed in Lithuania as part of NATO's Enhanced Forward Presence initiative.
  9. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    The Norwegian Navy's new fleet replenishment ship HNoMS Maud in dry dock in South Korea. HNoMS Maud will replace logistics support vessel HNoMS Valkyrien (A535) and mine control vessel HNoMS Tyr (N50)
  10. Dr. Fox

    Women talk more ....study proves it

    I like to chat with people on the internet, and do so kind of frequently, but outside of the internet I'm whimsy, but a bit more quiet. I'll talk with my girlfriend, our friends and people I work with or know around my community, but I tend to also talk less. I honestly prefer to be away from...
  11. Dr. Fox

    Russians better ally than Americans: Turkey may quit NATO

    I can't imagine the deployment of a Delta IV would be a concern to the Turks considering the submarine was tracked by the Norwegian Air Force and Navy the moment it left the Kola Bay. The Turks knew about its presence and would have been able to take the necessary precautions or preparations to...
  12. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    From ongoing exercises Joint Reindeer and Ymer 2018.
  13. Dr. Fox


    Ya'll got some snow? Normally I'd be jealous because where I live it doesn't snow a lot (counter-intuitive I know), but not this time. This was the view from my house a few weeks ago. There's trees there, I promise.
  14. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Got a chance to see some of His Majesty the King's Guard KP5's SISU medevac vehicles in downtown Olso.
  15. Dr. Fox

    If this was in the US.....

    Same here. Our police don't even use electro-shock weapons like Tasers. Pepper spray and batons, firearms on duty if authorized, but always in their vehicles as a standby at very least. One interesting difference between our police and military is that the police carry shotguns. Outside of...
  16. Dr. Fox

    What do you fear the most?

    Warm weather. I can't survive if it gets above 13 c. Please keep the Norwegian on ice at all times, please. Thank you.
  17. Dr. Fox

    Have you ever faced near death experience?

    Sure. During drown-proofing while going through SAR training. I didn't almost drown, but had the onset of hypothermia due to heat exchange with the water and loss while struggling to breach the water's surface. Granted the whole concept of drown-proofing is to make sure you, well, don't drown...
  18. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    Crown Prince Regent Haakon commemorates the 75th anniversary of the Tungvannsaksjonen (Heavy Water Campaign) against the Vemork Hydroelectric Power Station in Rjukan. Today Norwegian special forces, including the all female unit Jegertroppen, reenact the Tungvannsaksjonen...
  19. Dr. Fox

    Nordic Defense News, pictures, videos and history

    KNM Roald Amundsen training with United States Navy USS Harry S Truman Strike Group during exercise C2X.
  20. Dr. Fox

    Video Gamers report in!

    Definitely give mods a try if you're using Steam. Pious border control is a veritable must have with how spam-happy the AI is with religious units, and removable features is great for clearing out archaeological sites. And you're right about me liking Norway, but Norway is, to be completely...
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