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  1. AbbasidDynasty

    The historic blunder of India no one talks about: Another bitter Indian report!

    The story that it was offered as a gift to India is just as true as the story that (1) America is in Afghanistan because it wants peace in the region Or that the (2) queen is a direct Decedent of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The later is the last and weakest trick in the book of colonialism however...
  2. AbbasidDynasty

    Personal Introduction

    Thank you very much :)
  3. AbbasidDynasty

    To what degree is Pakistan's stability in India's interest?

    In-stable Afghanistan = US keeps its global super power status (Keeping its influence over central asia and controlling China and Russia) Stable Afghanistan = US loses its global super power status (losing its influence over central asia) Stable Pakistan = Pakistan becomes threat to US in long...
  4. AbbasidDynasty

    Afghanistan’s stability, Pakistan’s interest. Samran Ali

    Poetic Predictions and Presentation of The solution Pakistan Singing "To vanish into oblivion Is easy to do And I try to be but you know me I come back when you want me to Do you miss me *miss-misery Like you say you do?" USA Sings "I know you'd rather see...
  5. AbbasidDynasty

    Personal Introduction

    Thank you very much :)
  6. AbbasidDynasty

    Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

    Yup That is exactly the problem, Pakistan clearly has nothing to do with Afghan Terrorism and 70% control of Taliban & IS etc in Afghanistan. its the failure of US Forces in Afghanistan for not being able to control Afghanistan after success in 2003, Also if Pakistan is able to eliminate TTP...
  7. AbbasidDynasty

    Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

    Thats Pure desperation dude! Is that how helpless USA feels ?? They Usually do not hesitate in Making Iraq (an example) of a First World Muslim country when they want something done and Pakistan is practically a 3rd world country and yet they put 10M Bounty on a person and on top of every thing...
  8. AbbasidDynasty

    Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

    Its called desperation and yes it can be seen from superpowers too who actually are not really that-super and they fear that the rest of the world might start feeling it too after their shameful failure in Afghanistan that isnt a very smart assumption or may be you are too romantic :) to assume...
  9. AbbasidDynasty

    Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

    So the trick is to not get paid and work for free?? I would call that bring Tricked rather then a trick.....
  10. AbbasidDynasty

    Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

    It was a funny question so i had to come and respond to it. Nothing makes us sure of that, however what makes you so sure that US will want to again give the trumps Billions & Billions of US$ to us to use us again and again?
  11. AbbasidDynasty

    Pakistan may enter terror financing list: 10 ways its economy will bleed

    Whats more dangerous a pack of hungry and wild wolves OR a couple of domesticated and well fed dogs ? 210 Million people with no sense or reason to do any thing OR 10 Million militants knocking at India's door (The self proclaimed future global economic and super power)? A quiet and...
  12. AbbasidDynasty

    Personal Introduction

    Thank you for the warm welcome :)
  13. AbbasidDynasty

    Asalamu Alaiqum - New member introduction.

    Markhoriyat is in blood of every Pakistani, and I am some one new so i should not be confused with some one senior known as Markhoriyat Ayubi was not an Abbasid but he liberated Jerusalem in 1187, Abbasid Dynasty expanded from 750-1258, He therefore definitely had to do something with Abbasid's...
  14. AbbasidDynasty

    Asalamu Alaiqum - New member introduction.

    The word Abbasid is Used as Name of One branch of Quresh Tribe descended from Al-Abbas Ibn Abdul Muttalib, Dynasty is a succession of people from the same family who play a prominent role in business, politics, or another field etc. It depicts the time of Period of Year 750AD to 1258AD...
  15. AbbasidDynasty

    Personal Introduction

    I would like to introduce my self by answering the general questionnaire provided at this forum. 1) Tell your interests? Ans) Strategic Planning and Studies, Sports, War history, Global Economy, Multi layered Strategies 2) What do you do? Ans) I am a Business Development Manager, Also...
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