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To what degree is Pakistan's stability in India's interest?


Oct 23, 2006
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There are many among us who think and say that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in India's interest. I want to analyze that with respect to some facts and some conjecture.

The primary argument of people who support that say that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in India's interest because it would give a fillip to the liberal section of Pakistani populace, limit recruitment of young people in jihadist organizations and would make Pakistan more cautious and responsible in its approach towards India as then it would stand to lose a lot. It would also lead to increased trade between India and Pakistan which would also help the Indian economy.

While some of those points are true, i want to ask some questions regarding these:
To what degree?

Consider the flip side of the coin as well:
- A Pakistan which historically had a good economy, certainly better than India in per capita income even uptill 2004-2005.
- Pakistan allied with US which gave it arms and ammunitions exceeding in Quality than what India procured from Soviet/Russia.
- Pakistan was the perfect counter weight of India in each and every sense. They had diplomatic backing of major nations of the world. Till about 2000, Pakistan had the same diplomatic heft that India did.

Consider all these facts and then think, when Pakistan had all these things going for it - a good economy, good weapons, diplomatic heft, etc it always initiated wars or covert action against India. These things have historically enabled Pakistani generals to think they can come up with the next brilliant plan to take back Kashmir/Siachen/etc.

Pakistan and its Army till the 70's even thought they could militarily defeat India in conventional warfare. It was only after they failed repeatedly that they understood that conventional victory is out of question.
Then came the phase of parity - Pakistani generals and politicians thought they were - to use an old phrase - 'equal equal' to India in every respect. If they were atleast equal militarily, diplomatically, economically if not better. And truly, they were equal.

However, after the 90's, the Indian economy started surging ahead, Pakistani generals, realizing that with time their ability to take Kashmir was diminishing, so there was unconventional warfare - intense support of terrorism in Kashmir and the rest of India. I hope none here have forgotten how it was in the early 90's in Kashmir, gunmen openly toting AK-47's roaming around!

Then Kargil happened - but the pattern was same!

By 2000's as Indian economy moved ahead and Pakistan languished. Then 9/11 happened, and Pakistani support to terrorists in Kashmir became harder by the day.
By 2006, Musharraf was saying that Delhi should treat Islamabad as equal!!

For around a decade now, Pakistani military and people talk about minimum deterrence, not the ability to defeat India like how they used to earlier! The military gap b/w the two has grown too great to bridge now and is only increasing year on year.

And today - for a long many years Pakistan has been involved in a war back home, and is economically weak while India has grown to better itself over the years. Have you noticed that terrorism in India has dropped significantly. When Pakistan is occupied in its internal situation, India is safer! Their economy grows hardly faster than their population, which means per capita doesnt increase by much year on year. They are limited by their budgets thus to match India - which though not the objective now- was one the aims of Pakistani Military earlier.

Imagine then, that what would happen, were this to continue for another decade, even a pretense of military for minimum deterrence would be gone?

You cannot deny what the last 2 decades of economic fruits have led to the difference between India and Pakistan! You can see Pakistan now asking for better relations, their ministers saying that the 'old ways of thinking' have stopped now, war is not the solution, etc, etc;

Having an economically strong, stable Pakistan might lead to the same situation that was prevalent earlier - a straitjacketed India.

However, as there are no absolutes, as mentioned in the title, the question is to what degree is good. Having a prosperous Pakistan is bad for India, but an instable ravaged Pakistan is worse.

My contention then is - Is having Pakistan boil at just the right temperature, with just the right amount of economy to keep it moving -slowly- the perfect solution?

Please feel free to disagree from my viewpoint only if you present a different alternative. The purpose of this thread is to think from India's perspective and India's perspective ONLY! So if you plan to start blame games about who did what, this is not the thread for you. PLEASE focus entirely on what India- in your opinion- should do.
Dear sir,

I would like to comment on few key points in your post.

"Treating pakistan as equal"
Is the nation pakistan an equal of India? the answer is yes, absolute yes. A nation is made of it's people, without them its just a piece of land. Pakistanis are equal to Indian, Every pakistani has the same right to succeed, prosper, and live with content as any other.
Today just because we have a few more aircrafts, few more dollars in reserve, and some money in the bank, you cannot treat your neighbors as a lesser kind. The last thing this nation needs is arrogance.

Stability Of Pakistan:
Why do we need a stable pakistan?
>First and foremost is human decency. You do not want to see millions of people in your neighborhood being intentionally economically and politically strangled.

>As you mentioned a strong pakistan would militarily be a counter to India as in the past, the truth is no one in the west really gave a damn about India in the 60 til 80's , we were known as a bankrupt socialist country known only for poverty, it's only the economic reforms that have brought focus on India as a regional power. Now as you stated If pakistan does (and hopefully) is stable and prosperous and manages to challenge India militarily/politically/economically, then its India's blunder.isn't it?

> leadership of India and pakistan have traditionally played to the audience at home, without any foresight how they have doomed the potential of the region and its people.

> Pakistan continued to play it's Indian boogeyman card to ensure Military ran the government, and India mismanaged the situation to the extent that the area disputes which could have been solved within a year dragged along for 65 years.

Extended conflicts only hurt societies. There are two way's to dealing with the enemy, either decimate the enemy or decimate the enmity. No point in boiling a pot, eventually you will run outta gas
With due respect, idealism only takes you thus far.

My question is:
Do you think that having Pakistan economically stagnant and internally weak for another decade, to allow India to build an overwhelming superiority in terms of all the aforementioned factors is a good solution.

This only when seen in light of the fact that since the last few years Pakistan has been most amenable to India, least hostile.

Would this make Pakistan water down its demands even more? Pakistan has already watered down its demands compared to the early decades. All this only because of what India has been able to achieve, so what then if we increase this gap further?
Dear sir,

I would like to comment on few key points in your post.

"Treating pakistan as equal"
Is the nation pakistan an equal of India? the answer is yes, absolute yes. A nation is made of it's people, without them its just a piece of land. Pakistanis are equal to Indian, Every pakistani has the same right to succeed, prosper, and live with content as any other.
Today just because we have a few more aircrafts, few more dollars in reserve, and some money in the bank, you cannot treat your neighbors as a lesser kind. The last thing this nation needs is arrogance.

Stability Of Pakistan:
Why do we need a stable pakistan?
>First and foremost is human decency. You do not want to see millions of people in your neighborhood being intentionally economically and politically strangled.

>As you mentioned a strong pakistan would militarily be a counter to India as in the past, the truth is no one in the west really gave a damn about India in the 60 til 80's , we were known as a bankrupt socialist country known only for poverty, it's only the economic reforms that have brought focus on India as a regional power. Now as you stated If pakistan does (and hopefully) is stable and prosperous and manages to challenge India militarily/politically/economically, then its India's blunder.isn't it?

> leadership of India and pakistan have traditionally played to the audience at home, without any foresight how they have doomed the potential of the region and its people.

> Pakistan continued to play it's Indian boogeyman card to ensure Military ran the government, and India mismanaged the situation to the extent that the area disputes which could have been solved within a year dragged along for 65 years.

Extended conflicts only hurt societies. There are two way's to dealing with the enemy, either decimate the enemy or decimate the enmity. No point in boiling a pot, eventually you will run outta gas

It takes two to clap, Majority of Indians always think like that but the animosity across our borders combined with religious extremism will not allow that clap.
"My contention then is - Is
having Pakistan boil at just
the right temperature, with
just the right amount of
economy to keep it moving
-slowly- the perfect

I absolutely agree with it. too strong or too weak Pakistan is not good for us.
When i read the title before opening the thread I knew it was written by a hindi & I smelled it right. The fact is a stable & prospering Pakistan is a direct threat to India, India cannot see Pakistan stable & going forward.

When Pakistan was moving forward & was developing in the time of Gen. Musharraf Pakistan had become an automatic threat to India, as it came in the TIMES magazine 'Pakistan's economy will take over Indian economy'. Well I am pretty sure this would had started some panic attacks in India & it did.

The fact is & it will always be a fact that India cannot see Pakistan stable an unstable Pakistan is in India's interest. India want's to destabilize Pakistan & their efforts are going on from both sides of the border by supporting terrorism in Pakistan.
I don't get it how will the stability or instability affect us? Pakistan's defense budget has been increasing in proportion - their procurement's are continuing - the difference is India's position has changed so even if they are stable the gap will surely exist.

The reduction of terrorism or the absence of war or the looking forward to friendly relations is due to change of perception or the realization of the futility in engaging in them rather than lack of resources.

People who matter have realized that peace and dialogue is what will take the matter forward rather than war or the terror complex, though there are still some hawks present who do not or will not let this happen, but the fight should be against such people rather than people who's perspectives have changed.
The 'realization' that peace is the only solution and war is not has happened to Pakistan only after India made the gap b/w India and Pakistan too big to bridge.
So would increasing the gap - by way of making sure that Pakistan goes nowhere fast - would it lead to a solution more in India''s favour? See'ing as over the years Pakistan has indeed watered down its demands with India.
The 'realization' that peace is the only solution and war is not has happened to Pakistan only after India made the gap b/w India and Pakistan too big to bridge.
So would increasing the gap - by way of making sure that Pakistan goes nowhere fast - would it lead to a solution more in India''s favour? See'ing as over the years Pakistan has indeed watered down its demands with India.

The watering down could or must be due to the realization of the futility of war with India which now, has become bigger with much more diplomatic and Global clout.
The difference is in India's position and not much to do with Pakistan's, the realization that they have to co-exist and knowing that a war with India is futile, even the covert wars have diminished owing to the payback they get in kind or the international backlash that follows for the support.
The reduction could be the fear of a complete breakdown of Pakistani society or of disintegration, India can fuel much more covert or separatist movements in Pakistan if they so desire.
This is the right time to support Pakistan's build back because they are also key for our strategic and energy needs, India's future ambitions lie within a peaceful neighborhood.
In a cooking competition, two equally talented chefs participated.
1> Chef A cooks well by better planning, better skills and perseverance and wins in course becomes a better cook
2> Chef A ensures that he spoils B's food so that he wins,

which scenario has long term profits?
I love Pakistan as a country but I honestly dont think that strong and stable Pakistan is in India's geopolitical interests. Khalistan moment and insurgency in Kashmir were started in India when Pakistan was in strong position with US help and after Russia's ousted in Afghanistan(1989-90). This single proof says everything. Not so strong Pakistan is in India's interest. No offence.
I love Pakistan as a country but I honestly dont think that strong and stable Pakistan is in India's geopolitical interests. Khalistan moment and insurgency in Kashmir were started in India when Pakistan was in strong position with US help and after Russia's ousted in Afghanistan(1989-90). This single proof says everything. Not so strong Pakistan is in India's interest. No offence.

In-stable Afghanistan = US keeps its global super power status (Keeping its influence over central asia and controlling China and Russia)
Stable Afghanistan = US loses its global super power status (losing its influence over central asia)

Stable Pakistan = Pakistan becomes threat to US in long run (through its military growth and vital role in central asia economy)
In-stable Pakistan = India becomes threat to US in long run (through its economy and military power)

In-stable Afghanistan = India becomes threat to US in long run ---- A
Stable Afghanistan = Pakistan becomes threat to US in long run ---- B

US Solution to A & B at the same time
Keep Afghanistan In-stable and get India involved in Afghanistan to address all issues related to Pakistan and India in long run to become threats for US ...

US solution deficiencies
1- No control over Russia and China role in Afghanistan and Central Asia
2- No control over certain groups in india
3- No control over certain groups in Pakistan
4- No control over 70% of Afghan territory
5- No control over Iran
6- N.Korea consuming too much intellectual resources of US to focus on Pakistan and India.
7- South China sea out of US hands
8- Turkey targeting the end of bosphorus treaty to control EU economy and Germany close ties with turkey bringing the globe to almost back to same as 1914 situation with US losing its control over NATO and UN completely.
There are many among us who think and say that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in India's interest. I want to analyze that with respect to some facts and some conjecture.

The primary argument of people who support that say that a stable and prosperous Pakistan is in India's interest because it would give a fillip to the liberal section of Pakistani populace, limit recruitment of young people in jihadist organizations and would make Pakistan more cautious and responsible in its approach towards India as then it would stand to lose a lot. It would also lead to increased trade between India and Pakistan which would also help the Indian economy.

While some of those points are true, i want to ask some questions regarding these:
To what degree?

Consider the flip side of the coin as well:
- A Pakistan which historically had a good economy, certainly better than India in per capita income even uptill 2004-2005.
- Pakistan allied with US which gave it arms and ammunitions exceeding in Quality than what India procured from Soviet/Russia.
- Pakistan was the perfect counter weight of India in each and every sense. They had diplomatic backing of major nations of the world. Till about 2000, Pakistan had the same diplomatic heft that India did.

Consider all these facts and then think, when Pakistan had all these things going for it - a good economy, good weapons, diplomatic heft, etc it always initiated wars or covert action against India. These things have historically enabled Pakistani generals to think they can come up with the next brilliant plan to take back Kashmir/Siachen/etc.

Pakistan and its Army till the 70's even thought they could militarily defeat India in conventional warfare. It was only after they failed repeatedly that they understood that conventional victory is out of question.
Then came the phase of parity - Pakistani generals and politicians thought they were - to use an old phrase - 'equal equal' to India in every respect. If they were atleast equal militarily, diplomatically, economically if not better. And truly, they were equal.

However, after the 90's, the Indian economy started surging ahead, Pakistani generals, realizing that with time their ability to take Kashmir was diminishing, so there was unconventional warfare - intense support of terrorism in Kashmir and the rest of India. I hope none here have forgotten how it was in the early 90's in Kashmir, gunmen openly toting AK-47's roaming around!

Then Kargil happened - but the pattern was same!

By 2000's as Indian economy moved ahead and Pakistan languished. Then 9/11 happened, and Pakistani support to terrorists in Kashmir became harder by the day.
By 2006, Musharraf was saying that Delhi should treat Islamabad as equal!!

For around a decade now, Pakistani military and people talk about minimum deterrence, not the ability to defeat India like how they used to earlier! The military gap b/w the two has grown too great to bridge now and is only increasing year on year.

And today - for a long many years Pakistan has been involved in a war back home, and is economically weak while India has grown to better itself over the years. Have you noticed that terrorism in India has dropped significantly. When Pakistan is occupied in its internal situation, India is safer! Their economy grows hardly faster than their population, which means per capita doesnt increase by much year on year. They are limited by their budgets thus to match India - which though not the objective now- was one the aims of Pakistani Military earlier.

Imagine then, that what would happen, were this to continue for another decade, even a pretense of military for minimum deterrence would be gone?

You cannot deny what the last 2 decades of economic fruits have led to the difference between India and Pakistan! You can see Pakistan now asking for better relations, their ministers saying that the 'old ways of thinking' have stopped now, war is not the solution, etc, etc;

Having an economically strong, stable Pakistan might lead to the same situation that was prevalent earlier - a straitjacketed India.

However, as there are no absolutes, as mentioned in the title, the question is to what degree is good. Having a prosperous Pakistan is bad for India, but an instable ravaged Pakistan is worse.

My contention then is - Is having Pakistan boil at just the right temperature, with just the right amount of economy to keep it moving -slowly- the perfect solution?

Please feel free to disagree from my viewpoint only if you present a different alternative. The purpose of this thread is to think from India's perspective and India's perspective ONLY! So if you plan to start blame games about who did what, this is not the thread for you. PLEASE focus entirely on what India- in your opinion- should do.
As a Pakistani I agree with you that a weaker Pakistan is in Indian interest but I don't agree that Pakistan has watered down its demand because India has become invincible or too economically strong. After nuclear test both countries have realized that they both cannot win against each other except by destroying each other that's why Bajpayee visited Lahore. But as India has grown economically stronger, India thinks that it can treat Pakistan like other south Asian countries.
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