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  1. Dinky

    Iraq militia threatens to bomb Dubai's Burj Khalifa

    When UAE terrorists kill 1 million libyan and yemeni kids and supports terrorists in Syrian against Turkey and then befriends Hindutva, Zionists. This is the reaction that happens.
  2. Dinky

    Iranian hand suspected in blast outside Israel embassy in Delhi

    So Iran bombed a bunch of trees far from the embassy and a letter was found nearby claiming Iran did it? :omghaha: Sounds like a false flag attack lmao, Israel or who ever did it needs to make it more believable
  3. Dinky

    How average Uighur people live in Xinjiang, ask themselves on their channels

    Your welcome, its fun for me :lol: but your time would be better spent at school :lol:
  4. Dinky

    How average Uighur people live in Xinjiang, ask themselves on their channels

    Mate, I havent posted any videos, what are you on about :cuckoo: Anyways going back to school would be better for you, it's better than being a hypocrite online in the hope that some idiot will take you seriously. :omghaha:
  5. Dinky

    How average Uighur people live in Xinjiang, ask themselves on their channels

    Are you 5 years old? :omghaha:lmao it doesnt matter who did it first, it still shows you are a hypocrite, Go back to school if you want to use that excuse. :omghaha:
  6. Dinky

    Why do Chinese Billionaires Keep Disappearing?

    Billionaires dont give a crap about you or me, stop defending them lmao. I swear some sinophobes will turn a good thing into a bad thing just because its China.:cuckoo:
  7. Dinky

    How average Uighur people live in Xinjiang, ask themselves on their channels

    Right after India and America stops being a hypocrite and lifts ban on Tik Tok and other apps.
  8. Dinky

    How average Uighur people live in Xinjiang, ask themselves on their channels

    Thankyou @beijingwalker for these Channels, I watched a few video's and they are very nice. I much prefer these Uyghurs than those western backed Jihadist Terrorist Uyghurs in Idlib Syria Hopefully Syria and Russia destroys these Terrorists soon. The 18,000 al-Qaeda Uighurs in Syria...
  9. Dinky

    How average Uighur people live in Xinjiang, ask themselves on their channels

    Its blocked in China because it shares its data with US Intelligence agencies such as NSA. Its a data collecting hive for US intelligence agencies that are working against China. But its not illegal to visit. VPN's are legal and cheap and there are many of them you can use to visit blocked sites...
  10. Dinky

    Mike Pompeo Declares China's Uighur Policy as Genocide

    The Reason America is in Afghanistan is not nation building or fighting any terrorist group. The Reason is that Afghanistan sits right across China's Xinjiang Province. It is there so the CIA can work to radicalize and destabilise that province using Uyghur Extremists. It is also there to...
  11. Dinky

    Mike Pompeo Declares China's Uighur Policy as Genocide

    Funny, Will the United States declare Israel's Palestinian policy as Genocide? which is actually real. US has no shame.
  12. Dinky

    Reason behind improvement in Qatar - GCC relations

    The real reason is that the person who greenlit the blockade against Qatar, bin salmans best friend Donald Trump has lost the election. Saudi arabia is ending its pathetic failure of a blockade against Qatar to appease the new government in Washington. Qatar won the blockade without giving in to...
  13. Dinky

    Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince reveals project ‘THE LINE’ in futuristic city of NEOM

    UAE already tried this, a zero carbon city with no roads or cars. it is called 'Masdar City'. You know what happened to it? it FAILED massively, the city is empty and no one cares about it and the project got massively downscaled. There are cities in Saudi Arabia that still get flooded every...
  14. Dinky

    Nio Day was a disappointment

    China could say Tesla spies for US and slap massive fines on it or ban it like the US does
  15. Dinky

    'Apple Glass' Rumored to Start at $499, Support Prescription Lenses, and More

    $499? Overpriced garbage just like everything else apple sells. why do Americans enjoy being ripped off when they cant even afford health care when they get sick.
  16. Dinky

    EXCLUSIVE: UAE pushed Assad to break Idlib ceasefire to punish Turkey

    EXCLUSIVE: Mohammed bin Zayed pushed Assad to break Idlib ceasefire Abu Dhabi crown prince's plan to tie Turkey up in Syria and distract it from the battle for Tripoli quashed by Russia, sources tell MEE Mohammed bin Zayed asked Bashar al-Assad to break the Idlib ceasefire and embroil Turkish...
  17. Dinky

    [Starbucks Killer?] Luckin Coffee to have 2,000 stores by end of year

    Good. I hope Mc'donalds will be the next one to be kicked out.
  18. Dinky

    Turkey Interior Minister: Saudi Arabia kept the world in dark about coronavirus

    'Saudi Arabia kept the world in dark about coronavirus' Interior Minister Soylu says Turkey took action right after confirming 1st case among pilgrims returning from Saudi kingdom ANKARA Saudi Arabia failed to tell any country, including Turkey, about the coronavirus threat amid pilgrimages...
  19. Dinky

    Pakistan PM Imran Khan calls on US to lift Sanctions on Iran

    Pakistan PM urges US to halt sanctions on coronavirus-hit Iran Imran Khan implores Washington, which issued fresh sanctions this week, to ease action as Iran struggles with COVID-19. Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan has called on the US to lift "unjust" sanctions on Iran so its western...
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