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Mike Pompeo Declares China's Uighur Policy as Genocide

are you saying Uighurs are allowed to practice their region freely and openly?

because apparently your the only one and a few other Chinese fanboys who doesnt seem to know what China is doing in its North Western region
If every official of the Pakistani government slanders and slanders China every day as you say, it will be natural for China and India to move towards a comprehensive strategic partner. :cheers:
In addition, I want to say that Xinjiang is more developed than Pakistan.
You know that India has been very annoyed by China-Pakistan cooperation
The Chinese government has asked you Pakistani media and media from Muslim countries to go to Xinjiang for interviews. You still don't believe it. No matter how you explain it, you still slander China. Then China does not have to say more nonsense. 👍
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WASHINGTON, Jan 19 (Reuters) - The Trump administration has determined that China has committed “genocide and crimes against humanity” in its repression of Uighur Muslims in its Xinjiang region, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said on Tuesday, delivering an embarrassing blow to Beijing a day before U.S. President-elect Joe Biden is to take office.

U.S. officials briefing reporters on the move said in a call that “an exhaustive documentation of (China’s) own policies, practices and abuse in Xinjiang” viewed by Pompeo led him to make the determination that such acts had been committed since at least March 2017.

“After careful examination of the available facts, I have determined that the PRC, under the direction and control of the CCP, has committed genocide against the predominantly Muslim Uighurs and other ethnic and religious minority groups in Xinjiang,” Pompeo said in a statement.

“I believe this genocide is ongoing, and that we are witnessing the systematic attempt to destroy UIghurs by the Chinese party-state,” he added.

The move is certain to strain further already frayed ties between the world’s top two economies, which have plummeted to their lowest level in decades in the last year of President Donald Trump’s administration.

The rare determination follows intensive internal debate after Congress passed legislation on Dec. 27 requiring the U.S. administration to determine within 90 days whether forced labor or other alleged crimes against the Uighurs and other Muslim minorities are crimes against humanity or a genocide.

On a separate note.. Is US not determined about its own war crimes against humanity?
The US regime lost all the credits and convincing power.

Its discourse power eroded.

Nobody takes seriously a semi-fascist regime whose police strangulate people in daylight or kills five in a single riot.

I am not even considering US crimes against humanity in the form of tens of prisons, secret torture centers, drone attacks on wedding convoys, US military personnel raping and killing civilians...
If every official of the Pakistani government slanders and slanders China every day as you say, it will be natural for China and India to move towards a comprehensive strategic partner. :cheers:
In addition, I want to say that Xinjiang is more developed than Pakistan.
You know that India has been very annoyed by China-Pakistan cooperation
The Chinese government has asked you Pakistani media and media from Muslim countries to go to Xinjiang for interviews. You still don't believe it. No matter how you explain it, you still slander China. Then China does not have to say more nonsense. 👍
Fools has no limit. Hope he is the minority in Pakistan. We still have many Pakistanis friend supporting China. We shall not let them down.
ITs 100 times worse in kashmir. Atleast china can give them material comforts.
didn't this fat pompoe guy and his gang just sanctions on iran, syria and yemen from get getting access to vaccines and other medical products?
not only that, they even go further to block iranian pharmaceutical company from making their own vaccines by sanctioning foreign companies from selling equipment to to them. indeed, very determined of them to kill muslim people...

and here, we have some muslims here eating their propaganda like fools believing the US is their knight in shining armor defender of muslim people. ridiculous.
lol China does not give a fuk about what PiggyMike says and no one in the world take him seriously. His political career ended after Capitol Hill riot and siding with Trump. One more day and no more shit from PiggyMike's filthy mouth.

"Uyghur women are baby making machines".....such filthy language.


Trump administration is just making things worse for Biden. In reality this so called fact finding "determined" by pompeo isnt worth the paper its written upon.
Besides its rich when US talks about the rights of muslims when its own track record of killing thousands in Iraq and Afghanistan alone should put it to shame not to forget its allies israel and India who both have killed hundreds of thousand muslims in kashmir and palestine.
Sunni Islam is a good friend of USA. USA and west forever stick their head out for Is Sunni.
Funny, Will the United States declare Israel's Palestinian policy as Genocide? which is actually real. US has no shame.

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