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  1. Nabateus

    Shooting inside Iran Parliament, one security guard injured: Reuters

    pardon me, may i ask you, is that a genuine request or dark sarcasm? okay, i'll try my best: 1- in the name of the Arab nation: we explicit our disapproval of the few dead people in Tehran as we also explicit our mutual contempt for the killers and the killed ones 2- in the name of the Arab...
  2. Nabateus

    Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

    i assure you that this thread doesn't lack it's sizable share of funny ad hominem amount of those in social media. Yup the mighty Nabataean Arabs, creators of the world New 7wonders
  3. Nabateus

    Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

    what is the funny thing about this incident is twitter political conspiracy theories advocaters, some genuinely believe that Qatar is the next target of western fragmentation of the middle east. at first i thought he meant GCC as whole, which is unlikely. but he was speaking about Qatar...
  4. Nabateus

    Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

    Salman is the king, Muhammad is the deputy Crown prince. The problem is that You're relatively clueless about that part of the world. it's all about the political interest and influence in the region and the very sovereignty of the state. Tamim father conversation with Al-ghaddafi about how he...
  5. Nabateus

    Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

    Assad, Ghaddafi, Al-Sisi, Hamad, Salman, Muhammad ibn zayd, even some of the presidents share mutual hatred and disagreements with each other, but they all agree on one thing. Qatar situation with Arab states and especially GCC is not new, it date back to 2011 and further. nothing could be done...
  6. Nabateus

    Saudia, Bahrain, UAE & Egypt cut diplomatic ties with Qatar

    the mountainous geographical landscape of Yemen is the most natural fortification that small scale group will need to hold up against larger army. as you know gang wars is different and much harder for every professional trained army. Saudi generals are not stupid to be trapped in suicidal...
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