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  1. Fondeh_Ocheche

    India planning to send 15,000 troops to Afghanistan

    foolish move by the Indians (if true) they would become the #1 targets there. they would take over battle responsibility and give a face saving way out for the white man (NATO). and get themselves bogged down forever. losing endless men and money trying to stabilize a lost cause. This is...
  2. Fondeh_Ocheche

    South India’s mini rebellion over Modi’s new cattle law kindles an old secessionist spark

    alot of indians do not seem to understand the concept of "tyranny of the majority". just because a majority in the country want something, doesn't mean the government should always accept it. That's how you had state sponsored slavery/racism in seemingly "democratic" states. india doesn't...
  3. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Philippines declines aid from Europe to assert independence: official

    what they call "aid" is actually cheap extortion to enslave impoverished countries. and get them to act the way their white masters want them to. anybody who takes aid from these western eorganizations, governments loses their independence instantly. there is absolutely no such thing as a free...
  4. Fondeh_Ocheche

    India is changing Kashmir’s demography, Sartaj writes to UN

    im surprised india has not been doing that much earlier. it's right up there in the annexation 101 playbook. changing demographics is key if you want to hold onto disputed land. look at western sahara, Golan heights, southern states in the US (though the great people of mexico are slowly...
  5. Fondeh_Ocheche

    10 Border Guards Martyred by Terrorists Near Pakistan Border

    Divide and conquer, divide and conquer, divide and conquer..... GET THIS THRU YOUR HEADS PEOPLE. LEARN FROM HISTORY. the white man has historically used this tactic to enslave Africa, india, major parts of Asia and some south American countries (pretty much all of the non-western world)...
  6. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    lying comes natural to you WASHINGTON — The American-led task force that is battling the Islamic State has sharply reduced airstrikes against the militants in Syria as commanders assess whether Syrian government forces or their Russian allies plan to respond to the United States’ cruise...
  7. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    mighty americans have grounded their air-force over Syria, and are only flying their f-22s as a "precaution" <not enough posts to link, but easy to google> they say the anticipation of death, is worse then death itself. after turkey shot down a Russian jet, Russia did not do anything...
  8. Fondeh_Ocheche

    al-Sadr becomes first Iraqi Shia leader to urge Assad to step down

    LOL!!!! at the people thinking assad will step down. the US just commited a blatant act of aggression. Rewarding that aggression is a guarantee that more aggression will come. Assad has already said he will fight to the death, and his allies have both confirmed they will support him until he...
  9. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Russia, Iran joint center threatens US after Syria missile strike

    who told you that? the pentagon who "accidently" bombed the SAA in DEZ for an hour and killed 200 soldiers? or American intelligence who were a week earlier calling trump a Russian agent. and told the world Hussein had WMDs, while previously telling them he didn't when they were helping him...
  10. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Russia, Iran joint center threatens US after Syria missile strike

    this is what I think the coalition is going to do in response to this: flooding Yemen with ATGMs, anti-ship missiles and other surface to surface missiles. supplying Hezbollah with precision missiles, and advanced anti-air capabilities. "accidently" attacking Turkish ES troops in northern...
  11. Fondeh_Ocheche

    President Trump launches military strike against the Al-Assad regime

    its become impossible for me to believe in the holocaust anymore... ana alabed - anne frank chemical genocide assad!- hitler final solution outrageously fake numbers of millions of ghost civilians in idlib and Aleppo- 6 million jews genocided!!!!!!! the patter is nearly identical by the...
  12. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    I just want to congratulate the Zionist media on this great achievement! I just want to say that I personally no longer believe in the holohoax. As it is obvious the same pattern of lies used in these regime change propaganda machines. absolutely pathetic. I got suspicious when Ana Alabed...
  13. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Israel appoints its 1st-ever female Muslim diplomatic envoy

    the fact that you don't address my points directly, but resport to copy paste Zionist talking points. tells me you are either a (low-end) hasbara, or you simply cannot explain away logic and have to resort to this. have a nice day my Zionist friend.
  14. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Israel appoints its 1st-ever female Muslim diplomatic envoy

    this is whats wrong with Israel and its coloniziner attitude... if you really believe that a polish guy, who has a grandmother who may have been a jew on paper. has a "right of return" to come to lands inhabited for centuries by locals. slaughter them, steal their lands, build settlements on...
  15. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Israel appoints its 1st-ever female Muslim diplomatic envoy

    she is the Palestinian house negro. Traitors to their own kind. every race/people has them. If any sane person can explain why a person from Belarus, Poland etc.. has a "right of return". to come to "Israel", slaughter and evict the natives who have lived there for centuries and build...
  16. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    I posted this in another section... just thought it would be relevant to leave it here as well... being a victim of divide and conquer imperialist strategies.... I cant help but see the exact same thing playing out here.. divide and conquer... the age old imperialist tactic of dividing...
  17. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Iran only hope against Israel: Tunisian president

    divide and conquer... the age old imperialist tactic of dividing local people against each other.... picking and supporting a (winning) side. and having that faction be reliant on you for their power, survival and status... the white man successfully used this tactic to easily enslave both...
  18. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Shocking video of racist attack on Africans in India

    entire indian society is based on a highly discriminatory caste system... where a huge chunk of society are considered sub-humans... how can you be surprised by this? hindus are some of the most intolerant racist people on earth against everyone but whites... they have a total inferiority...
  19. Fondeh_Ocheche

    Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

    Turkey invested heavily with team west, team wahabi, and team Zionist to overthrow the Syrian government... now the Syrian government looks to have survived completely indebted to iran,Hezbollah and Russia. and most of the Turkish Syrian border turned PKK... could the outcome have been any...
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