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  1. Hamadan

    Iranian Ground Forces | News and Equipment

    Salaries in the Iranian Army I found salary data in the Qajar army in the British archives (about 80% were recruited from the Turks) during the Nasiraddin Shah Qajar and during the Qajar revolution in the 1910s. It became interesting for me to compare these data with the salaries in the...
  2. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    Azerbaijan, from Hamadan to Bab al-Abwab / Derbent (Muhammad Rafi, [Miladi 1312-13 or 1318-19] 1851) Imam Muhammed, the son of Djerir Atteberâni (At-Teberi) in the description of the conquests during the reign of Omar, says that the most successful of the Khalifs in conquest was certainly Omar...
  3. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    He is Turk, not azer-mazeri.
  4. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    Behnam Nurmuhammadi. Arrested for 6 months because of the printing of the calendar in Turkish.
  5. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    The Role of Azerbaijani Turkish in Safavid Iran Turkic languages and dialects played a much more important role in Safavid Iran than is generally thought, while Azerbaijani Turkish in particular was widely spoken and written in Safavid Iran. It was not only the language of the court and the...
  6. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    It's not true. Firstly, we aren't azeri-mazeri, we are Turk. Secondly, look just to this: "Long live Azerbaijan!" 80,000 say it in Tebriz stadium
  7. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    Sir John Malcolm — The History of Persia, Vol. 2 (1815).
  8. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    Nasr-ed-Din Shah Qajar only knew the Turkish language of Azerbaijan «While Heir Apparent and when resident at Tabriz, Nasr-ed-Din Mirza received the usual education of Persian princes. In other words, he was taught to read, write, pray, ride and shoot. The governorship of Azerbaijan though...
  9. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    The article was written by the Azerbaijani political scientist. It doesn't matter where it is published.
  10. Hamadan

    Çay Bahçesi

    Çok takıntılılar herifler. Diken üstünde gibiler.
  11. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    According to the British intelligence handbook of 1945, one third of the population of Tehran were Turks. According to the Iranian statistics quoted in the monograph by Dr. Firuz Jamali-Zinjarabad, in 1976 about 10% of the population of the province of Tehran were migrants from Eastern...
  12. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    Akhund of Julfa city in Southern Azerbaijan (Iran), last week: Mister Minister, how can you say that our native languages should be banned in schools? Our native language is Turkish. Who are you that would forbid us our native language? If you are now sitting in the minister's chair, it is...
  13. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    South Azerbaijani youths with Azerbaijan Republic's flag - I don't want to speak Farsi - And how you want to speak? - I want to speak as we - How as we? - In Turki, as we
  14. Hamadan

    The Turks of Southern Azerbaijan

    The mass arrests of Azerbaijani activists in Iran Monday, 9 July 2018 As the situation in Iran continues to deteriorate, minorities continue to get repressed. These days we witnessed Ahwazi protests southwest of Iran. People were protesting mainly against lack of water, but the government...
  15. Hamadan

    Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

    Son günlerde İran hükumet temsilcilerinden biri "okullarda eğitim zamanı gayri-fars dilleri de kullanılıyormuş, bu kesinlikle kabul edilemez, devlet çıkarları için tehlikedir, farsca kırmızı çizgimizdir gibi bir şey sayıklamışdı. Türklerin tepkisini Hoylu imam dile getiriyor: "Memleketi bu kadar...
  16. Hamadan

    Armed Forces of Kazakhstan

    Bu gün Kazakistanın silahlı kuvvetler günü. Kutlu olsun!
  17. Hamadan

    Çay Bahçesi

    Bulgaristanda Ruslar yenildiler.
  18. Hamadan

    Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

    Turks of Haftkel, Khuzestan (Iran)
  19. Hamadan

    Çay Bahçesi

    Benim Türkiyeli olmayarak kanaatimce AKP tabanının ve siyasi aklının temel sorunu Türk milleti aidiyatını içselleştirememelerinden dolayı ortaçağ mezhepi kimliyi ile hareket ederek Türkiyeyi kafalarındaki muğlak "Hilafet"i (eşittir "Arap Turan"ı) kurmak için bir araç olarak görmeleri. Bazı...
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