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Kazakhstan develops aviation coop with Europe

The European aerospace group Airbus Defense and Space (Airbus D&S) will provide Kazakhstan Aircraft Industry LLP (KAI) with technical support for maintenance of C295 military transport aircrafts, Kazinform correspondent reports.
The document allows KAI company to start operating activities for servicing C295 aircrafts, the report says.


The source: http://www.inform.kz/en/kazakhstan-develops-aviation-coop-with-europe_a3050711
Kazakhstan bought a battalion of Russian Buk-M2E air defense missile systems and plans to procure another one, said the Kazakh Defense Minister Saken Zhasuzakov at KADEX-2018 defense exhibition and arms trade show in Kazakhstan.
"We have signed a contract for the tracked hardware [the Buk-M2E on the tracked chassis]. Let us look at the second battalion on the wheeled chassis," the minister said as he viewed the display of Russia’s Almaz-Antey manufacturer.

The Buk-M2 (NATO name SA-17 Grizzly, Russian name 9K317) is a Russian made mobile medium-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system designed to defend field troops and logistical installations against air threats. The Buk-M2E is the export version of the Russian-made Buk-M2

The Buk-M2 can engage a wide variety of targets from aircraft to missiles flying at an altitude of between 10 and 24,000 m out a maximum range of 50 km in given conditions. The SA-17 Grizzly can engage simultaneous of up to 24 targets flying from any direction.

Zhasuzakov also showed interest in Russia’s most advanced Buk-M3 air defense missile systems and Pantsyr-S1 complexes. The Buk-M3 also nicknamed Viking, medium-range surface-to-air missile system is a modernized version of the Buk-M2 system, features advanced electronic components and a deadly new missile and could be regarded as a completely new system.

The Pantsir-S1 (SA-22 Greyhound NATO code name) is a Russian-made air defense missile-gun system designed to protect vital small-size and big military areas, industrial targets and land forces units and reinforced the air defense units responsible for the protection of troops and military installations against precision-guided air attack from low and extreme low altitudes. T

Kazspecexport CEO Arman Ramazanov earlier told TASS that Russia and Kazakhstan were negotiating the deliveries of these air defense missile systems and had already signed a memorandum of intentions

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