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  1. Soldier 99

    118 NON GD Course

    No one is interested... nor having any info......strange!!!!
  2. Soldier 99

    118 NON GD Course

  3. Soldier 99

    118 NON GD Course

    Join PAF as Short Service Commission For More Details ! keep visiting pak airforce website. Reg From 29 Feb to 08 March. This time inductions has been started just 3 months instead of 6 months after 117 NON GD Course. For NON GD Courses ISSB has been made compulsory and training period has been...
  4. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    @waz kindly don't ban me :victory:, i am new na so still learning forum rules :victory1:
  5. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    No such thing is going to happen. Tourists, anywhere in world, usually don't calculate political affairs for vacations' spot.
  6. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    and its way more serious for peace of world that you keep your war mongering and outrageous ideas upto you. Its better to preach "justice and respect for law" than to suggest "retaliations" esp when you are at fault.
  7. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    What you want to state bro? We should make a law to break all laws? Whats wrong is Wrong!!! Every state does what it feel important if someone violates its border rules and every state has RIGHT to do so. Yeahhhhhh like you people do shelling at working borders and in territores of Pakistan...
  8. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Brother! Why are you thinking that way? We are Here and we don't fear Any Putin's father! Courage runs in the blood of Turks and Pakistanis! I appreciate this courageous move of turks! They simply repeated their Great forefathers history!
  9. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    If its not a big issue for Russia to consistently violate airspace rules then why is she reacting this way now and crying like a baby? Show the same casual style now! If you expect others to ignore your faults then you also do the same now. big deal?
  10. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Turkey has cleared she didn't know the nationality of that jet. Plus why there is need to violate the rules? If someone breaks the rule, he is culprit, not the one who punish him. SIMPLE! World should support whats right and show respect for borders especially when its about sensitive areas!
  11. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Okay! So if someone enters your territory uninvited, don't leave when intimidated, then in such situation the forces people know just one solution: Action! Thats what they are meant for. And yes, Russians will also do the same if you go there that way. When its matter of Our Home, Our Land and...
  12. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Russian won't try AGAIN! Lolz
  13. Soldier 99

    Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

    Pick your glasses and watch Pakistani map. We are united and courageous people. Our turks brothers are also brave and courageous, not like you people. We know how to defend! Never ever understimate us! We look straight into the eyes of death, nothing can make us afraid.
  14. Soldier 99

    83% of Indians bat for religious freedom: Pew survey

    So should we expect beef kabab in India now?
  15. Soldier 99

    Pakistan has 10,159 tcf of shale gas deposits: USAID

    British and Indians cheated at the time of division of resources and now Almighty Allah blessed us with endless resources. All praises to Almighty Allah, our country is heaven on earth and one day it will be the super power insha Allah. Let the green eyed monsters burn!
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