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  1. china zhoushan

    Why China Is Selling Submarines to Pakistan ?

    in short we help you make the bullet by yourself IT is india sea black hole
  2. china zhoushan

    Chinese submarine naval threats and advantages of India

    中国是打不过印度的, 3辆中国装甲车下来15中国士兵,1辆印度摩托车下来一个团,怎么跟人家打啊 who can translat this ?my english is poor
  3. china zhoushan

    Yipee!!! India's 1st two upgraded Mirage 2000 I/TIs lands in Jamnagar

    show me something that i can jealousy indian
  4. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    too sad i have a baby in this year...........so ,............:( at less ten years i can not go too far......
  5. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    if you next time come to china ,welcome to my home (zhejiang zhoushan ) a Beautiful island
  6. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    OK the infrastructure is in indian
  7. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    do you kown What is a regional differences?Country size?Strategic needs? you too low
  8. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    so you think PK is stupid ?how much money you pay in the F16 to The us guy?you can build your F 16? don't tell me LCA........ and i was not say about Mirage 2000 eeeeee............did you looks like zhangfei? don't mind it is jus a guess.......
  9. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    yes we have a little bubble but i think you don't even kown what is bubble
  10. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    Economy is the lifeblood of the country and the Electric power is the lifeblood of the Economy
  11. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    you read the The Three Kingdoms? oh that is too good
  12. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    stupid why we give PK all the JF-17‘S Intellectual property rights According to your claim PK should also not production aircraft to now why they can build their own plane
  13. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    there is no Power outages PLZ google The third generation Nuclear power you will find this is a Energy revolution
  14. china zhoushan

    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    we give you 5 Nuclear power units I jus kown in the tv news ACP1000 this is The third generation each of them is Million kilowatt
  15. china zhoushan

    President Xi Jinping Visits Pakistan.

    bbs.tianya.cn/post-worldlook-1414046-6.shtml this is china web talking about Geopolitical for India if somebody Interested in this you can use google to translation
  16. china zhoushan

    Indian defence minister says Pakistan's submarine buying plans is not a big problem for India.

    ok like you said Pakistan are side by side,you all have Surface missile. what if indian find away destroy the PK'S Surface missile. I think you indian intelligence part is not a vegetarian. you may kown the PK'S coordinates and then it is SUB'S show time
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