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  1. Asfandyar.Khan

    Aziz hits back at Obama over negative Pakistan forecast

    And tell Obama that those regions will be able to boast about ending american imperialism. At war but free.
  2. Asfandyar.Khan

    'Any threat to Saudi Arabia will evoke strong response from Pakistan'

    Point of being Pakistani is to be morally correct about whats happening in Pakistan, injustice in Pakistan is my problem not any where else, it pains me when morons hurt minorities here, not in Yemen. There, it MUST be strictly business (national interest). Pakistan is for Pakistanis and those...
  3. Asfandyar.Khan

    'Any threat to Saudi Arabia will evoke strong response from Pakistan'

    You are mistaken, nobody cares who is wrong or right. The fact is Saudi is our Ally not houthis and our national interest lies by siding with Saudis not houthis. Same goes for Iran,I am a sunni and if Iran can not screw with Pakistan over Chabahar, they can kill all the Sunnis they want in Iran...
  4. Asfandyar.Khan

    No, Iran Isn't "Worse" Than the Saudis

    Actually, both are worse than each other.
  5. Asfandyar.Khan

    Saudi Deputy Crown Prince visits Pakistan today

    I would say depends on which ground and how many boots.
  6. Asfandyar.Khan

    Sri Lanka drops plan to buy fighters from Pak after India objects

    Maybe true, but no way in hell am i gonna trust Indian media. They are more corrupt than congress, ho are more corrupt than zardari. The same were circulating propaganda earlier about Russian engine sale, and frankly no official with any sense uses "that kind of language" as this sri lankan is...
  7. Asfandyar.Khan

    Saudi Deputy Crown Prince visits Pakistan today

    Will be probably be talking about Anti ISIS coalition, Pakistan should join if the mandate is based on Intel sharing, diplomatic support etc. ISIS is already in Nangarhar, so the fight is coming one way or the other. at least in coalition Habibes will have our backs financially. Counties make...
  8. Asfandyar.Khan

    A question for Pakistanis: In case of war between Iran and Saudia which one should Pakistan support?

    War, don't know, we can end both with out moving a corp, the rest of the world wont mind anyway, as long as we are not hitting Saudi/Iranian oil fields. Iran, they have no leverage nor do they deserve sympathy since they sold Chabahar to India and is also inviting Northern Alliance leaders...
  9. Asfandyar.Khan

    2 Afghan Air Force trainees goes missing in United States

    Two Afghan Air Force trainees have vanished from an Air Force Base in United States where they were undergoing training and shortly before their graduation, it has been reported. According to the local media reports, citing local officials, the two Afghan trainees did not report for duty Tuesday...
  10. Asfandyar.Khan

    Pakistan not to join coalition forces against ‘Islamic State’

    ''Not looking for involvement OUTSIDE the region"? Is this another way of saying TTP is gonna be in trouble in Afghanistan?:police:
  11. Asfandyar.Khan

    Students chanting slogans in favor of Pak Army in Azad Kashmir

    Tell me something new mate!:pakistan::pakistan:
  12. Asfandyar.Khan

    Pakistan has 10,159 tcf of shale gas deposits: USAID

    Ah oh.... Looks like Pakistan needs freedom and democracy! To those people getting excited! Gas/Oil isnt always a blessing.Examples syria and iraq!
  13. Asfandyar.Khan

    Daesh Watch

    ISIS ‘recruiter’ held in Peshawar PESHAWAR, 9 November: Peshawar police on Monday arrested an Afghan national allegedly involved in recruiting local people for ISIS, sources said. They said the accused, Dadullah was arrested after a short encounter with police in the jurisdiction of the Badhber...
  14. Asfandyar.Khan

    India Offers Lanka “Tejas” To Counter Pakistan’s JF-17: Report

    JunkFighter is the best choice for those .. who are not enjoying any other choices ... A junk fighter is at least superior to a lorry called tejas!
  15. Asfandyar.Khan

    India Offers Lanka “Tejas” To Counter Pakistan’s JF-17: Report

    Depends that what Lanka will go after. If they want a capable jet now ,Jf17 is the right choice. or if they want a ''maybe" capable jet after a decade than maybe tejas
  16. Asfandyar.Khan

    Pro-Pakistan slogans in north Kashmir as Sikhs protest ‘desecration’ of holy book

    i am really loving this Modi's India. I genuinely wish him good luck in next general election! btw i am waiting for them to blame ISI and Pakistan! wait.... they already did on this article ......wow talk about brainwashing!
  17. Asfandyar.Khan

    Pakistan to Push for T20 WC out of India

    Not gonna happen! Cricket is no more the GentleMan's game anymore. it is the game of children of Cow now! ICC, If Pakistani commentators, Umpires and analysts are not safe in india, who do you claim Pakistan team will be safe?
  18. Asfandyar.Khan

    US Think-Tanks ask Pakistan to sign CTBT without waiting for India

    LOL I demand US and NATO army in Afghanistan/Middle East surrender to Pakistan/iran to win Muslim world confidence
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