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Pakistan not to join coalition forces against ‘Islamic State’

Is this a good Decision?

  • YES

    Votes: 59 86.8%
  • No

    Votes: 9 13.2%

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We have our own wars to fight here.
After yemen, this is another web they want us to be trapped in.

I have a feeling that in near future, our decision may be revised.

The real cause of contention between Army and Gov is this.

Imagine a year ago ..

Shaikh: Ya nawaz banday bhaijo
Nawaz: ok sir, kitnay ? ... Shareefay oye .. banday ready kar, mein ne paisay pakar liye hein
Shareefa : Betay .. is pe climb karo, we are busy .. tu bata shaikh ko ya mein khud jaoun ?
Nawaz : Ummm achaaa ... chal dono chalein ...

Dono: shaikh saab .. abhi we are little busy .. thori time baad aa jaoun ?

Shareefa : ( to him self )mein ne koi nahi aana ...


Shaikh: Oye nawazay oye ... jaldi aaja .. phati pari hai..... tu ne bola tha .. aur hum ne wait kar liya.
Nawaz: aaya sarkar ( Security council meeting time).
Nawaz: Chalo, speech karta hoon, hum ne kaisay contribute kiya peace (money making) mission mein.

Nawaz: Chalo zara mulaqat bhi kar aaoun mushad se.
Shaikh: Dekh oye tattu ... zaban pe qayem reh, chal shabash.

Nawaz: Yaar, shareefay .. jigar, bhai nahi hai .. chal na ... shaikh bohat jaldi mein hein
Shareefa: Beta, L pe ... mein khud jaata hoon batanay. Teri NAP pe non-action ki waja se, we are still busy.

Shareefa: Gora sarkar, you is asking for too much; not that we can't give, but we want you to give us too much also.
Gora Sarkar: Sochta hoon ... BC .. Paris ko bhi abhi hona thaaa ..

Pakistan army is acting like a scared rabbit!!

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha no ...

but we sure been pumping your butt like a rabbit !
Hahahah i can only laugh at you. The only Army which gave a winning result and then we see kids like you saying that my Army is scared. This is the only Army in the world which does the job properly weather in past against Indians or Russians or saving american butts in Afghanistan.

If your army was doing the job properly you wouldn't be fighting the war on terror in pakistan.
Your army wouldn't be killing your own people with fighter jets.
And US drones wouldn't be killing your citizens, and taking your sovereignty for a ride every day.
''Not looking for involvement OUTSIDE the region"?
Is this another way of saying TTP is gonna be in trouble in Afghanistan?:police:
Pakistan army is acting like a scared rabbit!!

Can you make a list of conflicts that Indian armed forces are spearheading [outside] Indian territory?

Pakistan have its own issues to address; Middle East is not Pakistan's responsibility.

You send your army to tackle ISIS, if you are so keen to do so.
When asked if the dossiers on Indian involvement that were handed to United States during the visit of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif also came under discussion in meetings of Chief of Army Staff General Raheel Sharif with US officials, Asim Bajwa said that this matter was not taken up during the tour.
Source: Pakistan not to join coalition forces against ‘Islamic State’ - Daily Pakistan Global
Wow! Such an important India-bashing topic in Pakistan wasn't taken up? That just goes to show that the dossiers contained pure fiction!!

Pakistan MUST stay out of it, this is none of our problems.

Can you make a list of conflicts that Indian armed forces are spearheading [outside] Indian territory?

Pakistan have its own issues to address; Middle East is not Pakistan's responsibility.

You send your army to tackle ISIS, if you are so keen to do so.
But your army says it's a saviour of Arab world!
Why not save them by fighting against ISIS!!
Or you are not fighting them because they are pro sunni?

Scared rabbit , they are not mercenaries , fight others war while you are already being fighting a war at home for a decade
Then ask your army not to make false promises and act as a saviour of Arab world!!
Any threat to Saudi Arabia will evoke strong response from Pakistan: army chief - The Express Tribune

And you looked like a moron and a headless chicken.
Refrain from personal attacks!! Posted reported!!

Hahahah i can only laugh at you. The only Army which gave a winning result and then we see kids like you saying that my Army is scared. This is the only Army in the world which does the job properly weather in past against Indians or Russians or saving american butts in Afghanistan.
Lol making fake promises...but when need comes gives a big 'hand'!!Lol yeah great army!
Pakistan parliament rejects Saudi Arabia's call to join Yemen coalition - The Economic Times

This is the most most most most cheap shot i have ever seen . I never expected this one even from dot heads that u guys will go this down
Pakistan parliament rejects Saudi Arabia's call to join Yemen coalition - The Economic Times
Any threat to Saudi Arabia will evoke strong response from Pakistan: army chief - The Express Tribune
Bragging about stuff you can't do isnt cheap!! Lol
Pakistan - will decide its own battles , and when to use its nukes

UN resolution = Christian crusader resolution

Koreans are known fanatic Christians and their leader is head of United Nation

The extremist Christians believe in the following prophecy

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are Drying Up - End Times Truth

Again one of many extremist Christian sites that promote war

The Euphrates River is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Revelation in a prophecy that is predicted to occur just before Jesus returns. During the Great Tribulation when the global destruction of the last days is threatening the very existence of life on Earth, the Apostle John says:

“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”

Rev. 16:12

Which is why they are always eager to jump into battle when its around Iraq or Syria
They have this idea that that some end of days battle will take place in Syria or Iraq

However as we know many great battles have been fought in that region and no Jesus showed up

Impact of wrong decision on lives of victims of war - the war in iraq was fought because there was

DANGER TO HUMANITY , BY WMD weapons in iraq (which did not exist by the way)

Lets look beyond the agenda

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to prevent the action against ISIS be labelled as West Vs Islam", it is very important that "Islamic" countries take part in visible numbers and show that its EVERYONE against ISIS and NO ONE against Islam itself. I would have been very happy if there was at least a token support from Pakistan.

This action only shows that if there is any slip up by the coalition forces, it will be blamed as West Vs Islam and then be used as a political tool by Islamic countries. A sad state of affairs indeed.

Request Pakistan and All Islamic countries, people around the world to join this force in full numbers if not in the "boots on ground" at least with your rhetoric and intentions.

Pakistan - will decide its own battles , and when to use its nukes

UN resolution = Christian crusader resolution

Koreans are known fanatic Christians and their leader is head of United Nation

The extremist Christians believe in the following prophecy

Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are Drying Up - End Times Truth

Again one of many extremist Christian sites that promote war

The Euphrates River is mentioned in the Bible in the Book of Revelation in a prophecy that is predicted to occur just before Jesus returns. During the Great Tribulation when the global destruction of the last days is threatening the very existence of life on Earth, the Apostle John says:

“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”

Rev. 16:12

Which is why they are always eager to jump into battle when its around Iraq or Syria
They have this idea that that some end of days battle will take place in Syria or Iraq

However as we know many great battles have been fought in that region and no Jesus showed up

this is exactly what the ISIS wants. to make this look like a Christian Vs Muslim war. Too bad that being an Elite member, you have taken to this level.
Unfortunately , I only see solidarity for Christian cities or Christians dieing


And I really do not see any monuments for Palestinians , Syrians or Libyans who have died? Do you see a large monument or flowers ? or Facebook campaigns ?

Nor any movies made up about their lives, media puts Muslim deaths on bottom of their news where may be 1-2% readers click or its not even reported.

Until l there is understanding that Muslim lives matter it will be seen as a war between civilizations

Who are Tony Blair or Bush planning to kill over 100 year war ? Saddam is gone

When Muslims scholars and activist and many in Western world protested the decision for wars why was there a hurry to go to war to find fictional "WMD" ?

Why was it necessary to destroy government and civilian structure in region?

Christian crusader will kill 100-300 people , and then go to his Pope , and then he will sprinkle holy water over his head and then he will be "cured" and forgiven..........

Muslims all over the world asked why there is support from outside for ISIS fro 3 years no one listened to us , because it was cool for ISIS to exist to counter Hafiz Al Assad

For 3 years Syrian citizens were displaced lived in tents children were orphaned and women and elderly probably died - yet it was ok , becasue it was against Assad. May be 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 people displaced living in tents

After france mere 300 people , its called "start of world war by pope", excuse me but where was this hypocritical sense of "solidarity" when 3,000,000 to 6,000,000 people in syria were effected ?? for Past 3 years !!!

Muslim Lives Matter and we are not a punctuation mark in history !!


If your leaders are going to destroy Muslim cities , all these people are not animals that are going to be left to die or called collateral damage


You should have thought about crisis before you created ISIS with support with $$ from your allies and collegues

Weapons , and bombs don't grow in trees of Iraq and Syria , they are normally provided by "out side" players who support rebels against Asad
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