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  1. D

    Understanding Western Media's Take on China's Victory Parade

    The comments are hilarious. One said that he doesn't buy MSM newspaper anymore, they are to hard to wipe his behind. :lol: Europe get fooled by the USA, the USA give every countries troubles, I just cannot understand until today, why the EU still follows the USA. The USA is always working to...
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    The Need of Sino-Japanese Correspondence in the 21st Century: Is there an Empirical Validation ?

    During the 1970,1980 and 1990’s, some times the relationship between China and Japan were very good, but because the historical problems between the our two countries, this good relationship can very easily become bad, in China, the people follows the government and media very closely, when our...
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    At last, an Indian leader who knows how to deal with China

    MR MODI’ visit to China is great success, at least for the next 4 years, India will concentrate more attention on country building up then looking for confrontations with China. Now hope the two neighbors can shelve the problems and seek co operations. But you know Chinese people are not as...
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    Ahead of Modi’s visit to Beijing, a Chinese state newspaper accuses Indians of ‘inferiority’

    It is very rear that a Chinese printed media say something not favorable about India, so it draws a big uproar in India. It is normal that India media blast at China every day, and nobody give is a shit. The relationship between China and India is very simple, the border disputes can not be...
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    Chinese Leader Arrives In Pakistan To Unveil $45B In Investments

    CHINA now focus on building up the “one road, one strip”, Pakistan is the first step of the “one road”. China wishes to make this strategy a success, must make Pakistan a successful sample to show to the other countries on this “ Road”. If you looking at the big picture of Euro-Asia continent...
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    China's National Security: The role of Turkey and Iran

    IRAN is much pragmatic than those Wahabi Sunnis, Iran is on the way to be an industrialize nation, and doing better than any Islamic country, even Turkey included, Iran has a lot of students sturdy abroad, even in USA universities. Iran has a longer civilization history than the Arabs, Islam is...
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    Sino-Russian military alliance dwarfs US in military power

    China will not have any military alliance with any body, China likes to do business with every body, and support to maintain the current world order. The problem is that USA, as the biggest guy in the village, always likes to play the sheriff. USA makes troubles and extracts protection fees...
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    China's National Security: The role of Turkey and Iran

    China always have a good relationship with Iran, Iran sit at a very critical geopolitical position, with a big energy reserve and can control the world water way. Now all the Arab republics fail, the kingdoms at the Gulf are in a very good position, maybe it’s time Saudi can put their dream in...
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    India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.

    In the last 30years, India is the biggest loser of the world. When the Soviet collapsed, almost every body in the world benefited, only India lose. For one example, China bought a bigger craft carrier by very little money, India bought a small one by a very big sum of money, and all the time...
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    India Warns China over SCS : Will use Naval Might !!! to secure our interests.

    India make such a boast is only to draw the Uncle Sam’s attention, India wish can be included in the contain China game, so India can be brought up by uncle Sam like Japan and Korea, but the cold war time is over, Uncle Sam now do not have much to offer, and India is too large to help, China is...
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    The Economist: Made in China - New, Improved and Stronger than ever

    The problem with your country is the distribution of wealth you can create, the problem with China is that, how can we arrive where your are first.
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    China mocks India's democratic system

    It is not communist or democracy system that matters, what matters is the system can solve the countries problem and make the people live better. All Chinese people were peasants 50years ago, peasants problem is the national problem of China. Who can handle the peasants’ problem will be...
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    Why China Doesn't See India As a Threat

    India was made a colony by the British, and after the WWII, the British lost it’s power, then India cried to be freed as a country. Now India is a fully diversified democracy, always has a weak center government and have a lot of domestic problems, I just wish India’s over populated youth not...
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    China Should Send Troops to Fight ISIS

    China will not fight the isis, because we know where the real problem is. The problem in the middle east have been created by the west, especially the USA, the religion is used as a tool to against the Soviet in Afghanistan, before this CIA work, the Islamic terrorist does not exist. You can...
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    India's First Manned Space Mission in 2021: ISRO Chairman

    The satellite sent to Mars was a spare for the moon mission. And the deep space communication was outsourced to Nasa, so the Mars mission was on time
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    China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

    Confucius teaching is not like a religion, all the systematic religions are connected with hell and paradise, a combination of lure and intimidation, but Chinese people do not need this kind of catalyst, directly understand what is correct and wrong, that is why I always think Chinese culture...
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    China to be world largest Christian country in less than a generation

    The Chinese people take Christian as part of the west culture, now China is very much westernized, you can see the clothes, buildings and the teachings at the schools. People in China like to celebrate Christmas but not read the bible, Christmas very much celebrated by the shopping mall, and...
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    The Need of Sino-Japanese Correspondence in the 21st Century: Is there an Empirical Validation ?

    The history problem between China and Japan is not the real problem, in the late 1970’s and 80’s, the relation between the two countries were very good, but how come the history even become more hot with the time passes by? Japan is under the occupation of the USA, must carry out the duty to...
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    Asian Games= Eastern Asian Games?

    India, with 1.2billion people of all colors and sizes, most of them are young, so difficult to win a gold medal in the Asia games, just incredible, it’s true incredible India.
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    Obama whining a result of US decline

    yes, you are right,if not for the WW II,Europ will always be the center of the world. What ever the USA is doing is to contain the EU, when you make a EURO,USA make a Kosovo war, when Iraq decided to sell the oil by EURO, SUA finished the country, and then lot of revolution around the...
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