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  1. haha

    Capt. Hercharn Singh,first Sikh Commissioned Officer in Pakistan Army

    Nice but some thoughts: Is he not considered a Non Believer or Kaffir ? Will he be able to practice his religious duties ? When there is war with India will he be able to kill Indian Sikh soldiers without any hesitation ? Logically once the Partition was agreed and carried out, the animosity...
  2. haha

    IAF team at HAL for speedy completion of projects

    Extreme testing plays a useful function in evolution of habits of societies. European total wars like World War II acted as Spring Cleaning of out of date thoughts. India never had extreme testing, and keeps old habits of thought for ever.
  3. haha

    IAF team at HAL for speedy completion of projects

    Technology development needs to be free of projects. There has to be general exploration of technology, and the technology should determine what project is to be done. China followed this route, and all developed countries too, but Indians try to create projects first and technology later. As...
  4. haha

    The Muslim World | Medusa's Wreck!

    Oil is the misfortune of the Muslim world. Its energy gives them a notion that societies can operate by Prescription alone. Actually societies have a need for Discovery. Internal and external situations do not follow a preset pattern and a process of adjustments is needed that produces new...
  5. haha

    Kashmir a flashpoint for another India-Pak war, Nawaz Sharif says

    Had Pakistan really wanted Kashmir in 1947 - 48 they would have used a faster, more efficient method to work on the Maharaja who was the key, like assassination, blackmail, kidnap, befriend, entice, or otherwise influence. There was no use killing, raping, and terorising the poorest Kashmiris...
  6. haha

    China's Picturesque Tibet Autonomous Region: News & Images

    When China accuses India of wrongly occupying what it calls South Tibet, it does not mention since when. Records before 1947 including postings of officials of British India would show that NEFA (North East Frontier Agency) was under British administration from almost the beginning of their...
  7. haha

    China opens new highway near Arunachal Pradesh border

    Indians are like opium eaters and their favorite way to spend national time is to drowse off. However they have two busy friends who are constantly trying to wake them up. If these efforts work then one day the Indians might wake up to find that they have many things to attend to.
  8. haha

    President’s Arunachal visit irks China

    In history sometimes China was a part of Tibet and sometimes the other way round, but finally Tibet was separate from China at the time of British leaving and China and India becoming new free countries. The rulers of Tibet were Dalai Lamas for over 400 hundred years, never in history under...
  9. haha

    Longewala 'lies' - Nailed

    Battle of Longewala is a long past event. Current feelings or identifying with the sides do not shed much light on causes and effects. Indian claims are based on better coordination rather than resources. In World War II actions the resources did not accurately convert into performance but...
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