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  1. Turkish-Don

    Turkish Naval Programs

    1.7 billion is a rip off. It costs around 400-500 million normally. Even with those other equipment should be maximum 800-1billion
  2. Turkish-Don

    Baluch Sunni woman elected mayor is first for Iran

    Weak link? A Persian is never been a match for a Türk in battlefield in history never will. You got stomped by Mongol, greek, Arab, Türk and you call us weaklings ..
  3. Turkish-Don

    Forgotten Patriots

    Abdullah Catli a great man who did great things against terrorists in the borders and outside. When you put your political thoughts aside he is a real patriot that served his nation. He helped destroyed ASALA terrorists and also kill alot of terrorists in the country. I would like my countrymens...
  4. Turkish-Don

    Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

    They didn't choose RMK on purpose because it's koc group.
  5. Turkish-Don

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    AKP stole as much, or even more than previous governments.
  6. Turkish-Don

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    like a domino- one by one.
  7. Turkish-Don

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Allaha Şükür bunlar birbirlerini yesinler aradan vatansever parti çıkar. I'm not sure if you could post Turkish on this thread, you can delete the post if you can't.
  8. Turkish-Don

    Racism against Azerbaijani Turks in Iran

    Some of these people are so obsessed unbeliavable. Al Hasani all his posts one page he talks about DNA's and arab rivers, deserts,mountains :lol: when the thread has nothing to do with it.Hes usually does this to iranians.This particular is obsessed with us.Best we keep out of their things...
  9. Turkish-Don

    Nations that were never conquered, occupied, governed by foreign powers

    Wasn't Canada part of British and french empire and USA part of many different empires for long time?
  10. Turkish-Don

    Child dead in Israeli airstrike after firefight on Gaza border kills 2

    Look, this is my last reply to you. First. Ask anyone in the world or even israelis who they would want to face us or arabs. They see you as incompetent people, you hire other people for your air force. They defeated three arab countries at once... Second why should we defeat Israel and...
  11. Turkish-Don

    Child dead in Israeli airstrike after firefight on Gaza border kills 2

    You are comparing the flotilla to arabs in palestine getting killed daily? They apologized for the flotilla, an official apology by a nation to restore relations. Second i didnt even support the flotilla because i didnt care. No country in the world will attack another country for a flotilla...
  12. Turkish-Don

    Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

    :lol: Do you seriously believe even what you are saying? KSA was never conquered or colonized:lol: after this i have no reason to say anything, cause your delusion is beyond imagination. I didnt even want to answer you cause your wasting my time but i couldnt hold it because you wrote such...
  13. Turkish-Don

    Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

    We all no who writes nonsense here, everyone laughs at your posts. We dont have any brothers occupied in Russia and China. They all have their lands. I dont boast like you and then do cry when israel attacks palestine. If we have a business we sort it out. KSA was never a colony nor borders...
  14. Turkish-Don

    Child dead in Israeli airstrike after firefight on Gaza border kills 2

    All your posts actually make me laugh. You sound so stupid. Xinjiang was part of china for more than 500 years, before that there was Uyghur khanates so that is like a joke comparing both. What does is matter if we have a Turkic Union its not your problem, we solve our problems ourselves. Unlike...
  15. Turkish-Don

    Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

    Hahah where did you learn history , which books did you use. Half of the countries in the middle east or more than halfs borders are drawn by the british and french, including saudi arabia, there was no country called saudi arabia,iraq,qatar,uae and so many more. Before the Turkish republic...
  16. Turkish-Don

    Child dead in Israeli airstrike after firefight on Gaza border kills 2

    RIP sad to see innocent civilians die. al hasani you write pages of arab things in all your posts and semitic brotherhood. Arab countries are more than 20 countries too right? If you are all united and brothers and this and that why dont you all join up and stop what the israel is doing to...
  17. Turkish-Don

    Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

    I'm not running away, your not worth replying because your posts are a joke. All you do is write a page long rubbish.
  18. Turkish-Don

    Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

    Your wasting my time here, you don't seem to know a damn thing you write paragraphs but people just laugh at what you say. You repeat the same rubbish in 90% of your posts. You can carry on your semitic whatever it is and keep fighting among yourselves, that doesn't bother me as long as the...
  19. Turkish-Don

    Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

    We don't Distinct between Shia and sunni Türk we are not fanatics like you. We are all proud Turks.We came here with our sword and we got it with our brain, strength, bravery and power and they nobody stopped us. You understand this much so far? Chechens don't give a damn about your semitic...
  20. Turkish-Don

    Kurdistan map on Iraqi Kurdish TV weather forecast raises eyebrows in Turkey

    Self determination ey? Haha So everyone has the right to self determination? Who the f are they to self determinate lands that's not theirs that they never owned but lived there? It was my ancestors that fought for it, it was Osman bey, Alparslan who captured it not their mountain gypsies...
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