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    Germans voters worry about losing jobs to immigrants

    Graduates from top universities hardly migrate. They good good jobs in India.
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    Indian Political Corner | General Election 2014, All Updates & Discussions.

    How does this guy manage to stay invested in the forum after abusing everyone right and left? Pak Mods seem to be part of E-NREGA :pissed:
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    Will US, India build THIS Gen Next missile together?

    He is right in a way. Armaments is the only "real" industry left in the US and India is a big buyer.
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    My Autobiography

    Yeah! Your are right. Sound pretty drunk to me.:D
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    Indian Political Corner | General Election 2014, All Updates & Discussions.

    Still better to be ruled by "corrupt" Indians than by "honest":rofl: Italians. The issue of foreignness of SG is not an insignificant triviality. It has made India the butt of insulting and condescending comments the world over. Which other significant democratic nation has ever been ruled by...
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    Real range of Indian Missiles ?

    Thank you! But I reserve my right to remain unconvinced. All international seismic stations are unanimous that while the fission device worked, the TN was a dud and its only output was 20-30 KT - the Fission bomb part worked, while the TN did not. This was tried to be explained away by...
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    Real range of Indian Missiles ?

    Any international references which say that it can be done? A 45 KT TN would be a "first" and while such miniaturization may be theoretically possible, it has not done anywhere in the world so far. The general international consensus has been that India's TN has been a dud and I am more inclined...
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    Riot for Votes, the politicization of bloodshed.

    The old Socialist cr@p which "intellectuals" embrace with such fervor because they can, when the day is worn through, apply it on their bruised consciences - a bit like a dishonest trader making regular visits to temple. And so they play the games needed in a dog eat dog through certain...
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    Was this guy a real Kashmiri? Kao (RAW’s 1st chief)

    These one liners do not interest me. I have been consistently pointing out the cowardly history of Pakistani Muslims, specifically the Punjabis who other wise have pretensions to a martial and conqueror past when the reality is that most are descendants from unresisting, cowardly lower castes...
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    Earth Expected to Be Habitable for Another 1.75 Billion Years

    Just the usual science fiction written by popular "science" article writers. Take a few unproved hypotheses. Present them as concrete natural laws. And then extrapolate and create a fictional edifice of some eye catching topic which interests the general public and reinforces the reputation of...
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    Was this guy a real Kashmiri? Kao (RAW’s 1st chief)

    No! they were cowards who converted to save their lives when confronted with swords.
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    Real range of Indian Missiles ?

    Whats the point of having a 5000 Km range missile for carrying just a 45 KT warhead?? I think we are just running ahead of ourselves - creating IRBMs when the real need is to restart testing for nuclear weapons. We already have enough to deter Pakistan. As for China, its a different story, and...
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    Was this guy a real Kashmiri? Kao (RAW’s 1st chief)

    We do! Most Hindus consider them cowards as they could not protect their ancestral faith.
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    Indian Political Corner | General Election 2014, All Updates & Discussions.

    These are not BJP's proposals. Some hair brained "think tank" has proposed and a big news is being made of it. And these are dangerous proposals in that they give too much powers and information to the Government and will lead to a Stalinist regime where every financial detail about a citizen...
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    Riot for Votes, the politicization of bloodshed.

    The funniest part is that every one agrees that there are group and individual differences in characteristics such as height, complexion, muscular strength, athletic ability etc, but when it comes to intelligence, everyone must be equal. I agree that we exist today at the end of a chain of a...
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    Indian hospitality floors Pak students

    A temple, however old, remains a place of worship as long as the presiding deity is present and puja takes place. Age of temple does not matter. In south India we have temples as old as 2000 years. Unfortunately, all old temples in North India were destroyed by Muslim rulers. Also, a temple can...
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    US offers help for next generation aircraft carrier

    Not while Congress is in power. The entire Zing Bang from World Bank has been parachuted into the top policy positions of Indian Government - MMS, Montek, Chiddu and a host of economic advisers including the latest Raghuram Rajan. Russia is always far reliable and stands by its friends unlike...
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    US offers help for next generation aircraft carrier

    Guess it is a quid pro quo for this
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    US offers help for next generation aircraft carrier

    God save India from US based Indian cheerleaders.
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    Indian hospitality floors Pak students

    In south India, only priests may enter the Garbha griha ( Sanctum Sanctorum), while in the North, devotees can go inside and do their own puja. And yes, many temples do not allow non - Hindus inside because an active temple is not a place for tourism.
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