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  1. Medic2

    Erdogan's Ergenekon "Victory"

    What? I don't even know what point you are trying to get across, or how it is remotely relevant to the original post. Regardless, as stated/proven in my previous 'discussion' with you in another thread, you are nothing more than a Zionist propaganda spewing simpleton. Even when your arguments...
  2. Medic2

    Erdogan's Ergenekon "Victory"

    **** off with your BS about Israel you bigot. This article is addressing internal strife in Turkey - issues that mean far more to Turks than Israel does. Not to mention how absolutely irrelevant Israel is as a whole to this issue.
  3. Medic2

    Jerusalem Post: The Turkish saga

    How ironic. By the way, hows Mr. Snowden doing?
  4. Medic2

    Jerusalem Post: The Turkish saga

    How did that conquest for WMD's turn out in Iraq there, ol'cowboy? Ignorant Americans should have fought harder against deception right? I never held the American public to the disastrous campaign outcomes in the ME. Don't point fingers at my country when yours is equally guilty of being...
  5. Medic2

    Jerusalem Post: The Turkish saga

    BINGO! I was upset when Israel raided the ship, but it never warranted what Erdogan is doing. I really hope we can rekindle this relationship with both Israel and the US.
  6. Medic2

    Crisis Leaves Greek Military Outgunned By Turkey

    Oh you mean they had a chance before? ;)
  7. Medic2

    Ex-Military chief gets life

    Ex-military chief gets life in Turkish trial - CNN.com (CNN) -- The former head of Turkey's military was sentenced to life in prison Monday in the controversial Ergenekon case. CNN Turk reported that Ilker Basbug, a former military chief of staff, and others were sentenced in the lengthy...
  8. Medic2

    Change of Command at TAF by all branches!

    And so the sole TRUE protector of the free and secular Turkish Republic continues to be systematically dismantled. Call me one of those "Sky is falling" people, but I really feel that whether Erdogan gets re-elected or not, he has set in motion almost all of the tools needed for us to slowly...
  9. Medic2

    Turkiye has suspended some of the 27 the agreement with Egypt

    If the former Islamist government shot dead liberal protestors Erdogan would be signing an agreement to help build more mosques in Egypt + financial aid right now. "The government was legitimately elected! No one can say or do anything now! They can run the country how they please because they...
  10. Medic2

    Turkey: No tolerance for Kurdish entity in Syria

    Hello there Can you elaborate for discussions sake what these quiet measures were that Turkey had taken? I dont mean it in a sarcastic way, I am genuinely curious as I know we created a vocal ruckus and after that it was just "measures taken against Syria" but no specifics.
  11. Medic2

    NY Times: Violence after reopening Gezi Park

    Not that there are any powerful leaders to take Erdogans place right now, but its time for him to go - even at the cost of taking a couple steps backwards for the time being. I would rather Turkey limp along, keeping some of the progress its made but remaining SECULAR, over taking a few more...
  12. Medic2

    Parallels between Turkish attempt at COUP and Egypt

    "SUCKULARISM AND ZIONIST MASTERS! STUPID ANTI ISLAMIC CLOSED MINDED IDIOTS!" The irony is overwhelming. Can you stop posting here please? Edit: Just saw this little gem So...I doubt you will heed my request of not posting any further. How would you like to discuss the mean literacy rates...
  13. Medic2

    ANKA Shows Off Anotolian Eagles

    Great pics! :)
  14. Medic2

    Azerbaijan: T-90SA, BMP-3M, Msta-S, TOS-1A

    This entire thread made me lose brain cells. The amount of subjective, non-factual nonsense being thrown around is absurd. Relax with the pride and admire military tech for what it is. Russians have built incredible hardware, as have we. To claim our tank is superior when it hasnt even been...
  15. Medic2

    DEAR MODS!!!

    Honestly due to the time lag for things to happen, there are so few things worth mentioning in the defense aspect of things that this forum would be pretty quiet if we didnt talk about some of the politics. Not to mention - Turkeys internal political affairs, as well as its foreign policy will...
  16. Medic2

    What is the trade of forum members?

    I am currently a medical student. So technically unemployed lol Here because I love Turkiye and want to follow her politics/security closely.
  17. Medic2

    TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Hello all. Just a little update from the SABAH news website (still can't post any links). Theyre just addressing some potential options for the new fighter jet. "Having successfully completed the nation's first indigenous drone the ANKA, as well as the training jet the Hürkuş, now...
  18. Medic2


    I had a wet dream last night too. :coffee: Neither side can push or boss the other around at all. The final equation will always come down to: NATO Nukes vs Russian Nukes. Nobody wins, nobody attacks. As for Armenia- brb, going to mail the TAF some bug spray.
  19. Medic2

    Anka + SSM 2013 Introduction HD

    Great post, thank you! I hope we can keep this up amid all the turmoil happening right now.
  20. Medic2


    Siktir git lan.
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