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  1. cloud_digger


    There are different communist ideologies, Indian communist parties follow the Chinese ideology.
  2. cloud_digger

    India's Air Force to buy last remaining US-built C-17

    Ok, let me try one last time to educate you. Somehow i am beginning to think you actually believe in your argument. Your argument of 'last freaking plane' is valid only when there is a huge time gap between the last aircraft manufactured and the one before it. Basically there will be no parts...
  3. cloud_digger

    India's Air Force to buy last remaining US-built C-17

    You are beating a dead horse mate. Correction, you are actually beating a horse pretending to be dead.
  4. cloud_digger

    India's Air Force to buy last remaining US-built C-17

    After a while the cuteness wears off and the trolling gets annoying. I will take my leave from this thread, i have accomplished what i wanted to, expose the nonsense in your posts. Keep piling on those stupid comments, this is a defense forum, most people do understand how military logistics and...
  5. cloud_digger

    India's Air Force to buy last remaining US-built C-17

    There is a saying, when in a hole, stop digging. You are only digging your self a deeper hole. B52 has been in service for 60 years and will be in service for another 20 or so. So a transport aircraft will have a design life of only 30 years? The US Airforce is damn sure it will be flying for...
  6. cloud_digger

    India's Air Force to buy last remaining US-built C-17

    And now you bring in totally unrelated topics into the discussion. Clutching-at-straws syndrome at its finest display, ladies and gentlemen. Edit: congratulations on hitting the trifecta of troll syndromes in a single thread. Btw: where have i ever called China stupid??
  7. cloud_digger

    India's Air Force to buy last remaining US-built C-17

    And now you exhibit foot-very-deep-in-own-mouth syndrome. First you comment how an entire nation can be stupid (based on a very nonsensical line of thought) and then complain that some has called out the stupidity in your comment. You really don't think before you comment, do you? I don't know...
  8. cloud_digger

    India's Air Force to buy last remaining US-built C-17

    Congratulations, you have won the stupidest post of the thread award. This is what happens when you open your mouth without bothering to think. It is the C17 you are talking about. The US Airforce received its latest newest c17 in 2013. Are you telling me that the US airforce, the largest...
  9. cloud_digger

    Indian Army News & Discussions

    First off, its not a documentary, just a random video of some numbers without taking into context what they really mean. Example: what is the difference between 120 nuclear weapons and 110 nuclear weapons without understanding what types of weapons? All we hear about pak weapons are Babur and...
  10. cloud_digger

    Writer and disability campaigner thrashed in Goa theatre for not standing up during national anthem

    I am going to take your advice on this. It is a waste of time talking with them
  11. cloud_digger

    Writer and disability campaigner thrashed in Goa theatre for not standing up during national anthem

    There is a campaign for all that you mentioned and it is gaining momentum. Again, this thread is not about gun control. If you want to argue that then open another thread and if you are for gun control i will support you. I fail to see how gun control and the issue at hand are inter related...
  12. cloud_digger

    Made in India military weapons and support systems

    When one intends to troll, they will find a way in every post. Countering them with even simple logic is like reasoning with a monkey. You may, eventually reason with it, if it is a simple enough logic, but you will have spent considerable amount of time and resources. Resources that are not...
  13. cloud_digger

    Writer and disability campaigner thrashed in Goa theatre for not standing up during national anthem

    Before you call me a turd, know the law you stupid prick. There is a highly controversial law here, stand your ground. It is controversial in both its existence as well as its interpretation. And point here is an idiot took the law into his own hands, manhandled a disabled man, and another idiot...
  14. cloud_digger

    Writer and disability campaigner thrashed in Goa theatre for not standing up during national anthem

    Whats with these sensational titles? Where was the disabled man thrashed? I read the article in bbc, the man himself said he was smacked on the back of his head. How did this translate into thrashing? That being said, I completely disagree with the behavior of the couple, he had no right to...
  15. cloud_digger

    Friendless India?

    @MagicMarker. His constant belittling of past Indian diplomatic relations and achievements, and continual interjection in the articles with pronouns like 'We' are quite the proof of a self flagellating (and as you rightly put) coward.
  16. cloud_digger

    Friendless India?

    Agree with you, nothing about respecting elders or touching their feet translates to what the author of this crap article wrote. Its just that the author is trying to show off his english/essay writing skills. Trying to be funny and look liberal/modern. He likely thinks that writing in such a...
  17. cloud_digger

    Friendless India?

    There is introspection and then there is self flagellation. The language used in this article reeks of the latter. Gives us a glimpse into the mind of the author, a weak and self deprecating person. The same article could have been put in much better language and people would have actually...
  18. cloud_digger

    The Indian Rafale: Why Pakistan Should Celebrate! -Opinion (ALL Rafale posts here please)

    J10 - Program start 1988 First flight 1998 Typhoon Program start 1983 First flight of finalized prototype 1994 Almost every contemporary fighter in its class seems to reflect Rafale timelines. I fail to see the truth in your statements.
  19. cloud_digger

    The Indian Rafale: Why Pakistan Should Celebrate! -Opinion (ALL Rafale posts here please)

    And how long would it take for you to induct the J31? I suppose it will come fully inducted into the PAF?? [emoji58] Throwing stones from glass houses much??
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