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Friendless India?

the writer is either a fool or a antyNamO anty BJP adarsh sikular liberal presstitute who just wants to make news and grab headlines by saying something diffrent and against the national narrative .... just ignoare such parasites

thing is there are no "friends " in international politics forget international not even national or family level what is contsant and unchanging is owr interests and all our actions are based according to them from dealing with our immidiate neighbours in our mohalla to international politiics
There is no self flagellation in his writing, but it certainly denote the words of a coward. Constantly seeking the support of 'elders' to cover for his own weakness.

That is why as per the author, India's destiny is in the hands of either the US, Russia or China :lol: , Not in our own hands.

He is unable to even conceive a scenario where India is capable of defending its own integrity and can decide our own destiny. Its a classic UP wala inferiority complex played out in different forms.

This is what happens when kids are taught to touch elders feet and continue to do so even when they are grown up. They always seek new feet to scrap and grovel under. Be it US, Russia or Rahul Gandhi. Grovel they must. They are socially conditioned to do so.

What do you mean "You guys" can give Trump a run for his money ? Who are "you guys" ?
Agree with rest of the posts but two point reeks anger or self depleting hope.

*UP wala is a broad term

*Touching feet is showing respect to your elders because of them you are here writing in this forum. Your mother gave you birth , father provided for you and teacher made you to who you are today.

If you do not respect those three then you are the same what you despise.A weak man who blame others for his failure.
Agree with rest of the posts but two point reeks anger or self depleting hope.

*UP wala is a broad term

*Touching feet is showing respect to your elders because of them you are here writing in this forum. Your mother gave you birth , father provided for you and teacher made you to who you are today.

If you do not respect those three then you are the same what you despise.A weak man who blame others for his failure.

Agree with you, nothing about respecting elders or touching their feet translates to what the author of this crap article wrote. Its just that the author is trying to show off his english/essay writing skills. Trying to be funny and look liberal/modern. He likely thinks that writing in such a crude manner makes him some sort of a rebel. But he utterly fails. Not only is his article and his skills completely ridiculed, even the message he is trying to convey is now completely ignored. This is what happens when knowledge fails to match up to emotional growth. Only an insecure, emotionally undeveloped person would write such crude statements while describing bilateral and trilateral relations.
@MagicMarker. His constant belittling of past Indian diplomatic relations and achievements, and continual interjection in the articles with pronouns like 'We' are quite the proof of a self flagellating (and as you rightly put) coward.
Could someone summarize what the author is trying to say?
Could someone summarize what the author is trying to say?

In nutshell all it says -- India shouldn't have strategically parted her ways with Russia & US perhaps is too weary to protect India's interests.

We claim to be natural allies and/or strategic partners of the US. The US says that it is pivoting to Asia and will build India as a counterweight to China. Really? Our friendship reminds one of a couple on a park bench. One sidles up to the other to kiss her, but she keeps sidling away. Even Bollywood allows kissing now. But there is no smooching between India and the US, forget about consummation. And if the US is so weary that it cannot protect allies it has already consummated, do you think it will come to India’s aid if push comes to shove.

Now this is classic.
Ever since India decided to become America's Poodle, it's lost a lot of respect in the world. I mean, Pakistan regularly kills Indian soldiers in the Indian Occupied Muslim Kashmir and no one in the world cares despite daily pleas to the entire world.
In nutshell all it says -- India shouldn't have strategically parted her ways with Russia & US perhaps is too weary to protect India's interests.

The way I understood was India went into an alliance with USSR but after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia has shown little interest to have exclusive relations with India. This was demonstrated by both Yeltsin and Putin.
No amount of platitudes and bending backwards by India would bring back the Russia-India relations to the level of erstwhile Soviet-India relations.

Since 1990s many Indians have immigrated to US and have been instrumental in changing the US perception towards India. The result is the same US which made China strong once is now making India strong. It is US which is now pushing India into exclusive groups like MTCR.
Agree with rest of the posts but two point reeks anger or self depleting hope.

*UP wala is a broad term

*Touching feet is showing respect to your elders because of them you are here writing in this forum. Your mother gave you birth , father provided for you and teacher made you to who you are today.

If you do not respect those three then you are the same what you despise.A weak man who blame others for his failure.

You do not have grovel at somebody's feet to show respect. The end result is what you see, a generation of grovellers constantly seeking 'elders'.
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Russian Foreign policy is going some attrition these days ,there are white necks speaking English in India saying the words what audience wants to listen and there are foreign troops as well as defence agreement with Islamabad .All i can say i will put my money where mouth is . Actions speaks larger than words .
You do not have grovel at somebody's feet to show respect. The end result is what you see, a generation of grovellers constantly seeking 'elders'.

At least you agree on giving respect to elders.

Lets agree to disagree on methodology.
Agree however one clause.

My parents doesn't need to earn my request.

They have already earned their respect. So reality is everybody needs to earn it.

There are plenty of parents who have not earned their children's respect and in fact their children hate them.

Child molester is just one example.
They have already earned their respect. So reality is everybody needs to earn it.

There are plenty of parents who have not earned their children's respect and in fact their children hate them.

Child molester is just one example.
You are arguing for the sake of arguing. Our conversation end here.
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