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Friendless India?


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Friendless India?
October 16, 2016, 8:32 am IST Sunil Sharan in Strategic Insights | India | TOI

It was the winter of India’s discontent. Boris Yeltsin was in power in Russia. In his rare sober moments, he used to rail against India. In his drunk ones, even more. India had lost an old friend.

A new generation of babus and military officers were in power in Delhi. Many of their kids had gone for higher studies to the US. And stuck around there. There then was a natural inclination towards the land of milk and honey. Trips there only fortified the bond. Ah, if India could have the US as a friend. But the Yanks were least bit interested. They had just pushed the Soviets out of Afghanistan and now wanted to forget the backwater that was South Asia.

Pakistan has always seen India as an existential threat. It may be a failed state but it is not a dumb state. It evolved a pincer move to counter India. Control Afghanistan. That land also gave it strategic depth in case of an Indian attack. And befriend China. China doesn’t treat its Muslims, the Uighurs, well. A predominantly Sunni Pakistan could shed blood, sweat and tears for a predominantly Shia Kashmir, but as far as the Uighurs were concerned, well it would “manage” them for China.

Historically India has never seen an existential threat from anybody. Hindu kings of yore never expected invaders to come streaming through the Khyber Pass. Indira Gandhi felt threatened by China and the once-upon-a-time bigger, badder Pakistan, so she got into bed with the Soviets. The affair came in handy in 1971. India imported most, if not all, of its military equipment from the Reds. We signed a treaty to protect each other.

Even though India faces an existential threat from Pakistan and China, our leaders, like the Hindu kings of old, act quite blase about it. Our military constantly talks of winning a two-front war, but can it? If India attacks Pakistan, Pakistan might nuke us, in which case it will invite a massive retaliatory strike. If the recent surgical strikes are true, then Pakistan has done a deft two-step. Were it to hold itself to its own word, it should have attacked India. But it has chosen to altogether deny the strikes.

Second, China could come to Pakistan’s aid, either immediately or when Pakistan’s back starts getting broken, inevitably. Most of India’s forces are concentrated against Pakistan, so if China were to pounce on us, we would stand exposed. Now we might think that we would nuke the Chinese in this case. But using nukes is not such an easy decision. Witness the haircut from North Korea. He keeps shooting missiles near Japan, but far enough so as not to cause panic. If even one plate of sushi in a Japanese restaurant was fried by him, the Japanese would fry all of him. Personally, I like my sushi raw.

The US has lost war after war after war. In the meantime, the Chinese have colonized half of Africa, are trying to do the same in Asia with their one-belt initiative, which includes the multi-billion China Pakistan Economic Corridor, and scare their neighbors but only just enough to remind them who is the new big daddy in town. The US has a treaty arrangement to provide security to both Japan and South Korea, but both countries are skeptical that it has the will to put its money where its mouth is.

We claim to be natural allies and/or strategic partners of the US. The US says that it is pivoting to Asia and will build India as a counterweight to China. Really? Our friendship reminds one of a couple on a park bench. One sidles up to the other to kiss her, but she keeps sidling away. Even Bollywood allows kissing now. But there is no smooching between India and the US, forget about consummation. And if the US is so weary that it cannot protect allies it has already consummated, do you think it will come to India’s aid if push comes to shove.

The Russians still make top-class Sukhois, Migs, tanks and what-not. But our policy makers wanted to diversify away from them. France, the UK, Germany. Sure, the French supported us after the 1998 nuclear blasts, but the others have been chiding us forever. But they are so beautiful to visit. And I just love frog’s legs. Yeah, Russia is beautiful, and there is enough white meat (strictly, only to observe) there but it doesn’t speak English, so it’s all rather inconvenient. And then there is so much Russian white meat in Delhi itself. And it speaks English, somewhat.

The Russkies are mighty mad at us. They have started conducting military drills with Pakistan, a first for either country. India yelps, as usual. But who kicked the Russians away. And now you are crying that Pakistan is bagging them. So our prime minister digs deep into “Russian in the Immortal Words of Tolstoy”, translated into Gujarati, and comes up with the immortal quotation, “An old friend is better than two new ones”, which he uses on whom western media describes as the man with no soul, Vladimir Putin. Do you think Putin is going to fall for this one, especially now that he is dictating the world on Syria and ISIS.

Indian policy makers would do well to remember that everybody’s friend is nobody’s friend.

if there are four grocery stores in your street, the best friend you will make is the one you buy your grocery from until you think the other store has better produce and you start buying from them.
if there are four grocery stores in your street, the best friend you will make is the one you buy your grocery from until you think the other store has better produce and you start buying from them.
same logic from wholesale perspective the wholesaler will only sell to the proper shop in the street not the street hawker cause he knows he will loose the bigger client
There is introspection and then there is self flagellation. The language used in this article reeks of the latter. Gives us a glimpse into the mind of the author, a weak and self deprecating person. The same article could have been put in much better language and people would have actually empathized with the author. But no!!! Author had to use some weird self deprecating statements to look modern and liberal. When will people grow up and realize self flagellation is not going to get us anywhere?
oh bboy, here comes another fir, this time against this poor chap sunil sharan.:sad:
god thats a third rate article filled with sexist remarks. You guys could give Trump a run for his money. The US will very easily be able to fulfill its obligations to Japan and Korea. Heck, they can stand for themselves against the Chinese. Japan has already started on its military rebuilding process and is looking for allies with the Aussies and the Indians.

my two cents... Before the SCS disputes and even before the WoT abated, there was a moment where China, India and Russia were almost an alliance (thats when the BRICS, the ADB, the BRICS bank and a flurry of such activity took place). But in an effort to be the only sherrif in town, China decided to pick Pakistan against India instead of being a statesman and help build a bridge between India and Pak. It would have been case closed for USA then. But as of now, they have left a giant sized foot hold for the US to be in South Asia for a long time to come.
There is introspection and then there is self flagellation. The language used in this article reeks of the latter. Gives us a glimpse into the mind of the author, a weak and self deprecating person. The same article could have been put in much better language and people would have actually empathized with the author. But no!!! Author had to use some weird self deprecating statements to look modern and liberal. When will people grow up and realize self flagellation is not going to get us anywhere?

There is no self flagellation in his writing, but it certainly denote the words of a coward. Constantly seeking the support of 'elders' to cover for his own weakness.

That is why as per the author, India's destiny is in the hands of either the US, Russia or China :lol: , Not in our own hands.

He is unable to even conceive a scenario where India is capable of defending its own integrity and can decide our own destiny. Its a classic UP wala inferiority complex played out in different forms.

This is what happens when kids are taught to touch elders feet and continue to do so even when they are grown up. They always seek new feet to scrap and grovel under. Be it US, Russia or Rahul Gandhi. Grovel they must. They are socially conditioned to do so.

god thats a third rate article filled with sexist remarks. You guys could give Trump a run for his money. The US will very easily be able to fulfill its obligations to Japan and Korea. Heck, they can stand for themselves against the Chinese. Japan has already started on its military rebuilding process and is looking for allies with the Aussies and the Indians.

my two cents... Before the SCS disputes and even before the WoT abated, there was a moment where China, India and Russia were almost an alliance (thats when the BRICS, the ADB, the BRICS bank and a flurry of such activity took place). But in an effort to be the only sherrif in town, China decided to pick Pakistan against India instead of being a statesman and help build a bridge between India and Pak. It would have been case closed for USA then. But as of now, they have left a giant sized foot hold for the US to be in South Asia for a long time to come.

What do you mean "You guys" can give Trump a run for his money ? Who are "you guys" ?
No matter what "neutral" or non-extremist an Indian claims to be, there is not a single author in India who in her arrogance would not throw profanities at Pakistan.

Pakistan, a failed state? WTF Indians are being fed? Do they teach you this in schools? Do they even know what a failed state mean?

It is India who is a failed state. With size of China, all she is capable of is to threaten and bully smaller neighbors. But the hindu religious extremism is going to consume her. With so many existing fault lines and insurgencies going on in India, it could divert their attention for a while bashing Pakistan, but that is not gonna solve any problems.

Indian psychology and mindset is completely screwed. This continuous paranoia of having some imaginary enemies who want to do her harm and hence sponsoring cross-border terrorism in the neighborhood in order to overcome that "threat", is a completely screwed policy.

India must review her policies of playing some sort of eternal victim in order to justify her terrorism in the region.

We all can work together and progress collectively. But for that to happen, India must review her school syllabus of hatred and control jingoistic media, which are feeding self-consuming venom to their young.

Hope sanity prevails in this country of 1.2 billion!

I have serious doubts about the age of the person who wrote this article or blog or whatever it is.

What the hell he had in mind when he was writing these statements?

We claim to be natural allies and/or strategic partners of the US. The US says that it is pivoting to Asia and will build India as a counterweight to China. Really? Our friendship reminds one of a couple on a park bench. One sidles up to the other to kiss her, but she keeps sidling away. Even Bollywood allows kissing now. But there is no smooching between India and the US, forget about consummation.

Yeah, Russia is beautiful, and there is enough white meat (strictly, only to observe) there but it doesn’t speak English, so it’s all rather inconvenient. And then there is so much Russian white meat in Delhi itself. And it speaks English, somewhat.
I have serious doubts about the age of the person who wrote this article or blog or whatever it is.

What the hell he had in mind when he was writing these statements?

Calling Russians "White meat"... low life tharki "writer"... gutter level "journalist"
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