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  1. индусск&

    Russia's first Muslim TV channel goes on air

    Thankyou:thinktank: Any country who has a naval base like if china want to attack japan then it would also be attack on usa because of the base.............the logic goes somehow like this. "We are always with u";)
  2. индусск&

    Russia's first Muslim TV channel goes on air

    Мусульманский канал «Аль-Ð*ТВ» начал вещание | Ислам в Ð*оссии | islam.ru First Russian Islamic TV Channel Goes On Air
  3. индусск&

    Russia's first Muslim TV channel goes on air

    Russia's first public Muslim TV channel, Al-RTV, has gone on air ahead of Eid-ul-Fitr. According to the Bashinform news portal, Al-RTV has been established by Russia's largest Muslim organisations to promote Islamic religious and spiritual values. The round-the-clock service was launched...
  4. индусск&

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    My fellow citizens of PDF, Your anger is nothing more then misunderstanding, ill explain name is about culture for eg the indian name singh if you say in Russian it is хорнс or horns and it is funny to us, names can mean many funny things........ also tom cruse...
  5. индусск&

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    Russia becoming a Muslim state!(Inshallah) Russia becoming a Muslim state! | Asian Tribune
  6. индусск&

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    Chechen people are brown?:blink: look at one of our Chechen brother
  7. индусск&

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    its translated from turkey which is the name of a dish hindi burn is a delecacy in our place chek it out here Google Translate
  8. индусск&

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    keep ur suggestions to urself only Russia and Russian muslims are going to bring back the lost glory days of mother Russia back Аллах акбар ху! Д&#1072...
  9. индусск&

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    When Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin promised to find the funds, for the new mosquethe gathered Muslims burst into applause.
  10. индусск&

    There will be blood in streets of Russa if muslims don't get Sharia

    A Muslim representative of Russia said that if Muslims do not get Islamic Sharia Law and Courts in the country there will be blood in the streets. He demands that Russia give in and allow them to have their own Sharia courts and laws. Russia is starting to have a large Muslim population and it...
  11. индусск&

    Several people shot outside Empire State Building

    pure mental break down of american socity
  12. индусск&

    Asif shaheed defending AWACS. Which guns is he holding?

    Such deep entry of terrorist in a military area is shocking.
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