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Lance Armstrong Stripped of ALL Titles + Banned For life

I see that cheap shot as more of a sentiment against recent accusations of Chinese cheating. It's more of a schadenfreude moment for when the shoe falls on the other foot, so to speak.

Armstrong's been fighting the positive return for EPOs on his 1999 sample for the last few years. And he's been suing anyone who even dares publishes that incident. Not to mention his connections to the infamous "sport" doctor Michele Ferrari as well as the personal testimonies of former teammates and friends.

Contrary to what you believe, having innate talent doesn't preclude the possibility of him doping.

And for your belief that the other competitors aren't scrutinized.. well,
Doping at the Tour de France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This affair of course, doesn't change the fact he did indeed have great talent nor does it take away his contributions with his cancer foundation.

And do you know the background behind the sample? It was tested not by any agencies but a sports newspaper. And here is the background - Unless the samples A and B both test positive, the agencies will not call a person as tested positive for drugs. This newspaper tested with only B sample and who knows what sort of tricks this sports newspaper has employed and they tested them after pledging that the tests will remain confidential and they do not even know whose sample it is. You see, there are lots of loop holes.
I hope my brother Armstrong does not takes drugs when he posts here. Lolz.

Eagerly waiting your reply Armstrong.
He practised 12 hour a day, at least that's what I read. Same with Tiger woods. No one can practise that much and not be good.
And do you know the background behind the sample? It was tested not by any agencies but a sports newspaper. And here is the background - Unless the samples A and B both test positive, the agencies will not call a person as tested positive for drugs. This newspaper tested with only B sample and who knows what sort of tricks this sports newspaper has employed and they tested them after pledging that the tests will remain confidential and they do not even know whose sample it is. You see, there are lots of loop holes.

What are you talking? Newspaper tested with B sample?

US is the king of drug technology and, doping. Marion Jones was tested positive for just one of her samples and she was allowed to continue her career, and see what happened?

Armstrong had one sample tested positive. His teammates and his doctor were all involved in doping. And you think he is clean...
What are you talking? Newspaper tested with B sample?

US is the king of drug technology and, doping. Marion Jones was tested positive for just one of her samples and she was allowed to continue her career, and see what happened?

Armstrong had one sample tested positive. His teammates and his doctor were all involved in doping. And you think he is clean...

If US is involved in a state-sponsored doping, the newspapers will have a field day. That is the benefit of living in an open society with freedom of press.

There are isolated incidents and they get punished like Marion Jones and Justin Gatlin.

And as for A sample and B sample, lookup for the doping rules.

I am going by the fact here and not speculation. He was tested hundreds of times and it all turned up negative. So you are going on a wild goose chase like USADA.
Had respect for this guy. Wasn't too familiar of the case though.
i knew armstrong was a cheat. typical american cheating scumbag, there are thousands like him in the entire US sporting system. its a culture full of drug use.

if WADA had the technology to detect these american cheats in the olympics, team USA will be lucky to be in the top 3 in the medal table. most of their medal winners are doping, its just that american technology is so advanced, they have ways of hiding it. i mean just look at marion jones scandal, they didnt even catch her until she admitted in 2007 that she took drugs in 2000.
same with tim montgomery.

United States of Cheaters!
he had to quit, either this or commit perjury. UCI has been covering the systematic doping of almost all cyclists, so he will and will only be ruled 'not guilty' in a UCI court. Now the federal judge favors USADA's jurisdiction over UCI's (requested by Armstrong). At this stage he is bound to lose the case. the USADA blood sample results can very much prove Lance's been doping, though the controversy in these test results would have got this whole USADA case dropped were this a regular court case.
That was in response to a cheap shot alluding that cheating is typical or normal for Americans. Get it?
Nothing unusual at all about Americans cheating. Look at Wall Street, nothing but a casino run by a bunch of hustlers. Look at Capitol Hill, nothing but an auction for campaign contributions. Look at the media, nothing but a bunch of cheerleaders for US conflict against Muslims, China and to some extent Russia.
I spoke too soon, the USADA is still planning on releasing the evidence, so we can argue on the merits of the evidence.

Evidence against Lance Armstrong will be disclosed by USADA as they aim to strip Tour titles and ban for life - Telegraph

The 41-year-old released a statement saying he was "finished with this nonsense" and insisted he is innocent, but did not want to spend any further effort clearing his name.

He said: "There comes a point in every man's life when he has to say, 'Enough is enough'. For me, that time is now.

"I have been dealing with claims that I cheated and had an unfair advantage in winning my seven Tours since 1999."

Armstrong faces having his unprecedented run of Tour wins stripped out of the record books, as well as a lifetime ban from any sport signed up to the World Anti-Doping Agency code.

His decision to walk away from the charges against him casts a cloud of doubt over proceedings.

The USADA have treated his move as an admission of guilt, but it is a guilt that has not been proven by arbitration hearings where the evidence against him has been judged on its merits.

WADA chief John Fahey believes Armstrong's decision not to fight the charges meant there was 'substance' to those allegations.

"He had the right to rip up those charges but he elected not to, therefore the only interpretation in these circumstances is that there was substance in those charges," Fahey said.

"My understanding is that when the evidence is based upon a career that included seven Tour de France wins then all of that becomes obliterated."

The USADA also accused five of Armstrong's associates including Johan Bruyneel, the sporting director who guided the American to his Tour triumphs.

Proceedings against them are ongoing but Tygart told velonation.com the evidence, believed to include testimony from up to 10 of Armstrong's former team-mates, will be released "in due course".

When asked if he expected details of the evidence against Armstrong to emerge, he said: "Yes, absolutely...at the right time.

"Obviously there are other cases that are alleged to be involved in the conspiracy. Their cases are still proceeding, so it will be in due course."

When asked if there was any impediment to the USADA releasing those details, he replied: "No."

Tygart also insisted the USADA have the power to strip Armstrong of his Tour titles.

Cycling's international governing body, the UCI, have contended they should have jurisdiction over Armstrong's case as they were responsible for carrying out doping tests while he competed.

Armstrong has been at pains to point out that he has never failed a drug test.

The UCI could choose to appeal to CAS against the USADA ruling, or to gain jurisdiction over the case.

But Tygart is confident his body have the power to hand down their sanctions.

He said: "They (Armstrong and his legal team) have already taken legal action and the federal judge told them we do have authority and our process is the process where those complaints can be made.

"It is kind of funny that they walking away from a process, but are threatening to attempt to go back to somewhere else to fight. It is a little ironic but, no...it means nothing."

The UCI have released a statement saying they will wait to receive a required communication from USADA explaining its actions before making further comment.

It read: "The UCI notes Lance Armstrong's decision not to proceed to arbitration in the case that USADA has brought against him.

"The UCI recognises that USADA is reported as saying that it will strip Mr. Armstrong of all results from 1998 onwards in addition to imposing a lifetime ban from participating in any sport which recognises the World Anti-Doping Code.

"Article 8.3 of the WADC states that where no hearing occurs the Anti-Doping Organisation with results management responsibility shall submit to the parties concerned (Mr Armstrong, WADA and UCI) a reasoned decision explaining the action taken.

"As USADA has claimed jurisdiction in the case the UCI expects that it will issue a reasoned decision in accordance with Article 8.3 of the Code.

"Until such time as USADA delivers this decision the UCI has no further comment to make."
Too bad deflecting the issue to Chinese examples of cheating doesn't make the entire affair less farcical or tragic.


you are missing the point. It shows the virtue of American society. Its values of upholding rule of law. No matter how big the icon, the law takes its course. I highly commend this American virtue and not surprised why America is the most powerful nation of the world.

Imagine if this man was from South Asia. Rules would have been bent to keep him immune from prosecution. He would have been a god. Americans do not create false icons. And those who cheat must never be anyone's idols. American put a high premium on achievement and this shows they believe there is no short cut to ultimate success. The success should come through fair, unbiased competition.

Great job America!!!

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