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  1. V

    Is Reverse engineering a Good Option for India?

    Indian Pharma industry is thriving by making generic versions of medicines whose patent has expired after lapse of 15 years. Indian courts are very proactive in protecting patents and copy rights unlike China where inspite of copying the whole car the violator gets away from the court.
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    BJP opposes reservations for Muslims: Rajnath

    You are right it is a case of quota within a quota. In Andhra Pradesh the government has already introduced 4% reservations for muslims falling under Backward Class. Supreme Court has already approved the admissions as per this quota subject to final outcome of various petitions filed in AP High...
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    Indo-China war Inevitable ?

    With private players now allowed in defense industry, the scenario is changing. Within next 10-15 years we will have solid defense industry.
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    Very true. In the race of becoming first one to report they are unknowingly (?) giving advantage to the terrorists. Even during Mumbai attack this was the case with Indian Media.
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    Lahore Police Academy crises over | One gunman, five collaborators arrested

    I am feeling very sad for those who have died and sincerely concerned for those who are still trapped inside the compound. I think after this is over and I wish that it gets over very fast, it is time for some serious and honest introspection. Pointing to your eastern neighbor will not solve...
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    Pakistan nukes outstrip India’s

    :rofl: :rofl::wave: I believe whether you have 15 or 100 nukes. It makes no difference. In worst case scenario only 1 or 2 nukes are more than enough. What is important is medium of delivery. India has delivery systems from all three Land, Air and Sea.
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    My thoughts on the Lahore attacks

    It would have made more sense had u used words "Indians (And not Hindus) have been proven......." You are forgetting third dimension i.e. Terrorists. The question is not only of Gain to India or Pakistan. In Lahore only party that gained were Terrorists. Pakistan was not a gainer for...
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    Massage from a srilankan!

    Regret the typo error... ;) :cheers:
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    Massage from a srilankan!

    The Best Way Forward: 1. Security agencies in Pakistan must get their acts together and catch the terrorists whoever they are. (I seriously doubt this is an act sponsored by RAW because covert capabilities of RAW were wound up way back when Indrakumar Gujral was PM of India as a goodwill...
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    Indian Defense Schemes Against Pakistan Unmasked

    Demand for Pakistan was agreed upon and Pakistan was created. Thats history now. The population of Muslims in India has increased both in terms of numbers and also percentages in 60 years. What about minorities in Pakistan? This is what Mehmood Madani, MP and leader of Jamat-e-Ulema-i-Hind...
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    Experts say Pakistan is on trajectory to failure

    Cant agree with you more. I will add one more to that- Lack of able political leadership: For any nation to prosper and develop far sighted and visionary leadership is must. I think Musharaf was one such leader. Look how Putin has turn around Russia within short span of 5 years.
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