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  1. B

    Mumbai Attacks

    I am seeing some flaming war going on here. I do think Infanteer, r3alist, rajiv, toxic_pus, gambit, & pmukherji, all have summarized neatly the situation in their earlier posts. :cheers: Let me add my two cents. The aircraft was supposed to carry a military call sign, according to...
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    Three attacks in Lahore - Attackers killed, Hostages Rescued, Operation Successful!

    Let me try some different response here! They are Taliban ..... no. !! See below. They are TTP.... no doubt. :No Contest here. They have indian and US wepons..... no doubt. How are you sure so early?. Is'nt this a knee-jerk response, even without verifying the facts. They come from...
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    Indian Space Capabilities

    I was following this thread & was amused at the various responses- clappings & praise from some quarters, rubbishing & pikish/peevish comments from others, and genuine disbelief from some others. The following post summarizes some of the views expressed here. Well by now the news is well...
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    Attack On Islamabad, Reports of explosion and Gunfire!

    I have numbered Stumpers Questions.. How many of them have you answered in your reply below.? Hoh, You dont cry...... You are a man of action and not of empty WORDS!! Then what are these BS below, corrupting this forum. I am not seeing any action in these lines. only full of CRYING &...
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    pakistan not victim of terror, it is victim of its own policies

    What is disrespectful? nnsinghal raising his opinion here. OR the comments & the language used by two esteemed members here (in response)! What nnsinghal raised, is an opinion not only widely shared in india & abroad, but also in some moderate circles in pakistan itself. may be i will fault...
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    Download this pdf Document : Comprehensive refutation of Indian Dossier against Pak !

    Hey man Dont close this thread. It is fun to read. And keep it sticky too. "Comprehensive refutation of Indian Dossier"! Put that Rehman malik in jail. He is also a RAW agent.
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    Gunmen kill retired general in Rawalpindi shooting

    mam I understand from posts here that your dad was a honest, straightforward & no-nonsense person, a professional and brave soldier who led from the front, and above all a loving human being. He has also renounced his British nationality, to serve in the army of the country he loved. His...
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    Jamaat-ud-Dawa to approach ICJ over sanctions: Hafiz Saeed

    My two cents here.... The real answer to AM's question can only be answered by Indian officialdom. But we can guess the answers..... Is because of the trust deficit between our nations, as indicated by Dhruv (Historical mistrust & inaction). India should be afraid that such a move would...
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    About 9/11

    How to post is S-2's prerogative. But I have the following comments to make, for whatever it is worth! I was new to this forum, & when trying to read most of S-2s posts, many times I found it difficult to read the intent, & comprehend the context , because of the peculiar & non-conventional...
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    UN bans Jamaat-ud-Dawa; declares it a terror outfit

    You are trying to trivialize the facts in my post by your quote which is incorrect in this context. 1. Argumentum ad populum in logic, is a fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true only because many or all people believe it. My post is not about many or all people's...
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    UN bans Jamaat-ud-Dawa; declares it a terror outfit

    The whole pakistani brigade here is shouting over rooftops, WHERE is EVIDENCE? Some of the indian posters have responded ... It seems that now the whole world believes in the complicity of elements within Pakistan & even suspect the support of rogue elements from ISI, but Pakistan & some...
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    Hindu violence —Brian Cloughley

    It is not only Indian PM, the whole world is telling Pakistan is indeed the epicenter of terrorism. Quotes from the article in Pak national daily Dawn by Sr Columnist Irfan Hussain. Pls learn to live with that tag/stigma, if not able to take steps to rectify it.
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    India releases details of nine dead Mumbai gunmen

    Hey Vanguard Mild sarcasm is ok. Why u have to be so crass & inflammatory. Are'nt we trying to get the co-operation of GoP to investigate this, notwithstanding whatever prejudices we have.
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    Pakistan arrests do little to stop Lashkar.

    Nobody care a hoot when u shoot on your own foot. But taking the gun to others is a whole new ball game. As you are now finding out. Is that simple enough to understand?
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    The Truth About Mumbai Attacks (Indias Hindu Radicals Responsible)

    The brigade here has fallen silent for the last couple of days. Why? Probably waiting for the raid on LeT&JuD camps by Pak army to be completed, to turn up the Hindu Radical culprits! :azn:
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    Pakistan takes major action against Jamaat-ud-Dawaa camp

    Greetings from a new entrant here.... It is indeed good and a positive aspect that Pakistan has atleast started to move against these evil elements now. The only question needs to be seen, is whether this is being done sincerely or this is a hogwash, started simply because of international...
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    Pak denies any 48-hour deadline

    Anarchy is being rooted out in Pakistan, while it is flourishing in India!!! How very illuminating. I do not know when u people will come out of this ostrich like attitude? India is not blaming anything on the current GoP. But India is definitely blaming elements within Pakistan, which your...
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    Indian Space Capabilities

    Even though Vindod2070 has answered you in his post#528 (23/11), let me supplement his answer. If you take time to read post#509 (18/11) from Halaku Khan, where he grudgingly acknowledges & welcomes the Indian Chandrayan achievement, you will get an idea about the answer you are seeking...
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