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My friend,

If it was a totally unknown moon with no knowledge of the environment then we might crash to test. The moon is extremely well documented. They could start with a decent touchdown if they did some more research. I think it is more about throwing something on the moon before China could do it. ou do remember US and USSR? While the Russians where clearly the first with a sat (sputnik), animal (nice dog) Laika, astronoaut (Yuri), space walk or space sex... The US wanted to put something on the moon just to show... Whether it contributed anything? I doubt that. Now India and China seems to do the same...

The Moon is extremely well documented we know dat, but that data is with USA and Russia. We needed our own data so we sent our own probe. As the matter of fact, it will collect more precise data than any other probe sent before even by US or Russia. 3-D atlas, map of dark side of Moon, water fragments on polar caps, and not to forget Helium-3.

If India were left behind then we would not be able to claim parts and minerals of moon after 30 so years.

So its more than just show off. And it brings confidence, and that matters most to any nation.
The data and the research that we are conducting is entirely new. It has not been done by any other moon mission.
If it was a totally unknown moon with no knowledge of the environment then we might crash to test. The moon is extremely well documented.

It is a factually wrong statement. There is very little that is known about the moon.
ok guys some more pics now:
Images of Moon from Chandrayaan-1


Moon Imagery obtained using HySI and TMC cameras operated together


HySI image (64 Bands) of lunar craterlet BarrowH


A strip (20 km across x 40 km along track) from equatorial region in 64 bands


First RADOM results for Earth and Moon Radiation Environment


First RADOM results for Earth and Moon Radiation Environment
Chandrayaan feels the heat in 'moon summer'

Vicky Nanjppa in Bengaluru

November 26, 2008 11:29 IST
Last Updated: November 26, 2008 11:30 IST

India's moon mission Chandrayaan [Images]-1 was a dream come true for every Indian and it was a perfect launch. But, since the last few days, ISRO scientists have been noticing that there is a slight rise in temperature on the surface of the Chandrayaan.

However, ISRO scientists told rediff.com that there was no cause for concern and this generally happens due to something called as 'moon summer'

The multi-layered insulated blanket on the Chandrayaan maintains the temperature between 0 and 40 degree Celsius. However, due to moon summer, the ISRO noticed that there had been a 10 degree rise in the temperature on the surface.

ISRO scientists, who reassure that there is no cause for panic, add the temperature is expected to cool off in the next two weeks following which things will come to normal.

The immediate fall-out due to the rise in temperature will be that the high energy X Ray Spectra Meter and the Sara (Sub KeV Atom Reflecting Analyser) will not be switched on immediately.

Following the launch, the nine instruments being carried aboard the Chandrayaan had been switched on, but the remaining two as mentioned above will be switched on only once the temperature comes down.

ISRO says that it will be better to switch on these two instruments once the temperature comes down as these are high-voltage instruments.

The SARA once switched on will image the moon surface using low energy neutral atoms as diagnostics in the energy range 10eV-2keV to address the following scientific objectives:

For India, this is a relatively new concept considering the fact that this is the first moon mission. ISRO had been gathering details about moon summer from other countries which have had moon missions in the past. However this time it is a first-hand experience for ISRO.

The Hindu : Front Page : Chandrayaan mission on target

Chandrayaan mission on target

Special Correspondent

Data sent from nine scientific instruments being analysed

— Photos: ISRO

Detail-Rich: Three-dimensional images of the moon’s surface, with craters and other features, captured during the past fortnight by the Terrain Mapping Camera of Chandrayaan-1.

CHENNAI: Nine out of 11 scientific instruments on board Chandrayaan-1 have been switched on, and the data that have been radioed in by them are being analysed.

According to M. Annadurai, Project Director, Chandrayaan-1, the data include three-dimensional pictures of the Moon’s surface taken by the Terrain Mapping Camera, an instrument built by ISRO’s Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad.

The TMC has fore, nadir and aft cameras. Of the nine instruments that have been activated, the Moon Impact Probe, painted in the colours of the Indian flag, landed on the Moon on November 14.

Two more to go

The instruments that remain to be activated are the High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX) and the Sub keV Atom Reflecting Analyser (SARA). HEX, built by the Physical Research Laboratory, Bangalore and the ISRO Satellite Centre, Bangalore, will study the Moon’s polar regions for deposits of water ice and prospect areas for high uranium and thorium concentration.

SARA will investigate the surface composition, how its surface reacts to the solar wind and how materials are altered in space. SARA has been jointly built by the Swedish Institute of Space Physics and the Space Physics Laboratory of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram.

HEX and SARA, both high voltage instruments, will be switched on in the first week of December. “These are high voltage systems. You have to wait for some time in orbit before they are switched on,” Mr. Annadurai said.

When the ISRO performed a series of manoeuvres by firing Chandrayaan-1’s onboard engine to take the spacecraft to the Moon and then lower it into the final lunar orbit at an altitude of 100 km above it, the two systems could have been exposed to gases.

These gases should be “evacuated’ before the two instruments were activated, he said. The calibration of instruments was under way. Teams dealing with the instruments were studying the data received. “The science data needs to be fully reviewed and analysed,” said Mr. Annadurai.

Also check this:
A satirical humour about Chandrayaan mission.

Beating the moon man’s wife..!
Robert Clements
Pakistan Observer, Pakistan

The Man on the Moon heard the shriek and stumbled out from one of the moon craters where he lived with his wife, “What is it dear?” he asked. “Somebody threw something at me!” “You’re hallucinating again!” sighed the old man, “You did it forty years ago when you said you saw people climbing down from a spaceship and you’ve started again!” “Of course I saw people on a space ship getting off onto our moon, “ said the old lady defiantly, “and I swear somebody just beat me with something! Look my neck is bruised.”

The Man on the Moon sighed and looked at his wife, “In medical terms,” said the old man, “you are psychosomatic!” “Psycho what?” asked his wife glaring angrily at him. “It means your body is reacting physically to what’s playing on your mind!” “So what you’re saying husband is…” “That you so desperately want company that you are even getting bruises from imaginary stones imaginary people are throwing at you!” “Just like the imaginary earthlings I saw forty years ago?” asked his wife angrily. “Exactly!” said her husband as he went back into the crater he’d come from.

The Woman on the Moon looked round wearily for the stone she was sure had been flung at her and nearly shrieked again but thought better of it as she saw a pole painted green, saffron and white staring at her. “What is this?” she asked herself as she picked up the Moon Impact Probe she didn’t know had been sent down by India’s rocket hovering above. “Oh I know these colors,” whispered the woman as she looked at earth thousands of miles away. “Those are the colors of India!” She looked up and saw Chandrayaan circling above and clapped her hands with glee, “India!” she screamed silently, “India! I know you are from India! You hit me didn’t you? Don’t tell me we will be having visitors soon?” The Woman on the Moon walked back to the crater where her husband was already asleep, “Husband,” she screamed, “I’ve found what hit me!” “Woman stop hallucinating, let me sleep!”

“The Indians are coming!” she screamed, “The Indians are coming!” The Man on the Moon turned over on his side and looked squarely at his wife, “Listen woman when you told me years ago you saw Americans on the moon I nearly believed you, because I know they were capable of doing something like this, but if you’ve become mad enough to suggest Indians have the technology and money to come here, you better get your head examined!”

“Husband have you looked at India lately? Look down husband, tell me what you see?”

The man on the moon looked down at the world below and gasped, “What’s happening?” he asked, “The lights are off all over except India?” “There’s a recession below dear husband, and your America and other countries are all going down under, but the feeble light you see still burning and which seems to be struggling but steadily becoming stronger is India!” This time the Man on the Moon walked with his wife to where the tricolor lay on the ground and grinned,

“Way to go India!” he shouted and all the stars and planets clapped, “Its good to see you beating the world, but you’ve dared to do what even I wouldn’t dare: beating up my wife..!” And the Moon Man and his wife laughed and danced a jig with a billion jubilant people down below.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | India moon craft hit by heat rise
By Swaminathan Natarajan
BBC Tamil service

Indian scientists are exploring various options to cool down a sudden surge of temperature inside the country's first unmanned lunar craft, Chandrayaan 1.

The temperature inside the satellite has gone over 50C, prompting scientists to take drastic measures.

They say that the problem arose because of very hot temperatures during the lunar orbit.

The mission is regarded as a major step for India as it seeks to keep pace with other space-faring nations in Asia.

Earlier this month the spacecraft sent a probe onto the surface of the moon.

Urgent measures

"Now the moon, our satellite and the sun are in same line this means our craft is receiving 1,200 watts of heat from the moon and 1,300 watts from the sun per meter square," said M Annadurai, project director of Indian's moon mission.

If the temperature is not kept in check, many instruments on board the orbiter may fail to perform, scientists say.

This has prompted them to take urgent measures. Most of the instruments are now switched off or being used sparingly.

"We have rotated the spacecraft by 20 degrees and this has helped to reduce the temperature of the craft. We have also switched off certain equipment like mission computers and this has resulted in the reduction of temperature to 40C now. At this temperature all the equipment can perform very well," Mr Annadurai said.

"Although we did factor in the thermal conditions in the lunar orbit, the temperature is a bit higher than we anticipated."

He insisted all the instruments carried on board of the satellite have been tested and were working properly.

While the turning-off of certain equipment will have an impact on lunar research, Mr Annadurai said that it was not worth "taking the risk to run it" at present.

Scientists also plan to raise the orbit of the Indian craft to cool it down. It is presently in orbit 100km (62 miles) from the moon. However Mr Annadurai said that would only be done as a last resort.

He said that the next month would be critical for the survival of the mission, which has an intended life span of two years.

"We are able to use terrain mapping cameras to take picture of the moon whenever required," Mr Annadurai said.

India launched its first lunar mission on 22 October. The mission aims to map the lunar surface, look for traces of water and the presence of helium.

The current difficulties are the first to be experienced by the probe, which has been praised for sending the probe onto the moon's surface.


1 - Chandrayaan Energetic Neutral Analyzer (CENA)
2 - Moon Impact Probe (MIP)
3 - Radiation Dose Monitor (RADOM)
4 - Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC)
5 - Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3)
6 - Chandrayaan 1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS)
7 - Solar Panel
If India complained about Pakistan copying stolen US cruisemisile and help from China then why are they so filled up with their crashing on the moon and painting it as Indian achievement? I do not get it. You guys are posting so much in this topic yet none of you was able to enlighten us about your presidents actrivities in Russia and the real background of the engine... Just tell me, did I open up wrong info or is the truth? You guys can handle the truth, don't you ? :)

I really want to hear the definition of the word
Even though Vindod2070 has answered you in his post#528 (23/11), let me supplement his answer.
What is the definition of the word HomeGrown? & How you go about to achieve it?
If you take time to read post#509 (18/11) from Halaku Khan, where he grudgingly acknowledges & welcomes the Indian Chandrayan achievement, you will get an idea about the answer you are seeking. Reading his (Halaku Khan's) post is very illuminating, even though his answer is from a more generic context of an Arabic-Probe. (Some excerpts below)
HalakuKhan said:
It is no secret that the future is made today, in schools, universities, research centers and technological institutes. Evidently we are losing the battle for the future. We are not asking for sending an Arab probe to the moon. We demand probing the Arab mind itself to find out how it has frozen and discover how we can bring its comatose state to an end.
In his post, He humbly admits that he has indeed prejudices, but in this post he is able to overcome these prejudices, and able to provide a stimulating & very thought provoking discussion. One cannot but salute his frankness & openmindness, and the professionalism displayed by him in this quite lengthy analysis.

Now coming to my own answer:
It is generally well known that India follows a dual pronged strategy in the develoment/acquisition of its military assets. ( I am trying to be simplistic here, for sake of brevity.)
(Approach-A): Inhouse Research & development & realization (what you call as homegrown).
(Approach-B): Acquisition of completed equipment/hardware from other developed powers.
But the stress is definitely on Approach-A.

Now the problem with Approach-A is that many times, it will not provide immediate results/dividends (in short-run). There will be some failures & only partial successes. But you learn along the way correcting mistakes, gaining huge knowledgebase, which can be put to use (re-invested)in later endeavours & projects successfully.

This approach has payed rich dividends to india, interms of developing huge infrastructure, academic/research-institutions-base, & many times exploiting them in other projects, and also developing an associated industry in private sector. Resulting in cheaper realization & even earning of precious FE in sales to other interested 3rd world countries.

For any nation, the basic necessity to follow a sustained strategy based on Approach-A (i.e. home grown technology & assets) is to invest adequately in & have a vibrant educational/academic/research-institutions-base to tap high-quality talent pool. Fortunately India has world class institutions in its IITs & IISc, thanks to the vision of our founding fathers, and also numerous other technological-academic institutions. Another requirement is to have a sound economic base, again thanks to the financial reforms we have achieved it.

Now coming to development of space technology & assets, the Indian strategy is all the more centered on (if not solely based on) approach-A, simply because there is no CHOICE! (There are very few exceptions). Other developed countries will not share their highly valued space technology, because of the huge competition involved, as well as because of MTCR/ICBM issues.

Now in my opinion Pakistan on the other hand, has adopted a strategy giving more thrust to approach-B in both their military & space endeavors. Now there will be differences of opinion here, regarding this issue. But the results are there for all to see. Moreover I myself have seen in these very forums (& sister forums) many Pakistani friends sarcastically commenting on India's reliance/emphasis on approach-A, which has led to failure in some (if not all) segments of its DRDO missile projects & LCA projects, and claiming jingoistically that Pakistan is far ahead because of its wiser direct acquisition policies on military hardware, missiles/planes etc... (Pertinent to note here this is not my opinion, but only quoting others)

Now my intention here is NOT to belittle Pakistan's own indigenous achievements in the research & development of military/space technologies, for whatever it is worth. But it is a plain fact that because of your initial thrust (& i would say even continued thrust) on Approach-B, & neglecting Approach-A, you have fallen way far back.

To conclude, here in this forum I have seen an Indian friend "LogicNote" replying (post #482, 16/11) to Neo that, Pakistan too will be able to achieve similar feats (rockets targeting moon) someday in the future, since we are the same people , same origin and have same capacity to achieve milestones of human dreams. I do agree with him. But Pakistan has a long way to go from its current state of affairs, for nearing this. Fundamentally you have to strengthen your economy, & strengthen your academic/ educational/ research-development systems-base etc etc, by providing more funds (GDP%) into your educational sector.
Basically switch to an Approach-A strategy, which is inherently a slow process & for which results cannot be achieved overnight, as I indicated earlier. It is pertinent to note that India took about 4 to 5 decades to buildup its academic/ research/ institutional base to its current advanced state.

Without any acrimony, I can state Pakistan has wasted a lot of time clinging to an India-centric responsive approach, whereas India has long ago extricated itself from a similar destructive path, to leapfrog into the 21st century. You may be surprised to know that there are less % of people in India carrying hatred towards its neighbor than viceversa. I am not telling not everybody is devoid of prejudices here in India, but the new generation is more concerned about getting a job in the fledgling IT industry or other public-sector/corporate segments, than worrying about Pakistan OR Pakistan centric issues (atleast in urban centres). ##
Signing off for now...

NOTE: ## Some fellow-indians here may disagree with me here, especially after this Nov 26 Mumbai incident, But I sincerely hope it is only a transient & hence passing phase.
Last edited:
LONDON: India's first uncrewed lunar probe, Chandrayaan-1, is experiencing the hottest temperatures it has yet faced, which have forced it to

take a "summer break", using its instruments sparingly until mid-January to get through the hot patch.

Chandrayaan is currently over the sunlit side of the moon, a place where spacecraft are expected to heat up because they receive energy directly from the Sun as well as infrared radiation given off by the Moon.

According to a report in New Scientist, the spacecraft is currently facing external temperatures of 100 degrees Celsius, and cooling systems aim to maintain the spacecraft's interior at around 40 degrees C.

"It is local summer for the satellite," Chandrayaan project director Mylswamy Annadurai told New Scientist.

When the craft passes by the dark side of the Moon external temperatures will fall to as low as -100 degrees C.

Still, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is working in unknown territory, on its first mission operating outside the Earth's gravity.

"The thermal environment is very demanding. I think it somewhat surprised ISRO," observed Paul Spudis, scientist at the Houston-based Lunar and Planetary Institute. "They have ways to mitigate the issue, so I do not see this as a big problem," he added.

Annadurai said that the spacecraft systems are designed to withstand different temperature ranges depending on their use and exposure to radiation.

For example, solar panels that supply power to the spacecraft can withstand from minus to plus 120 degrees C. Others, like its infrared detector can only handle up to 50 degrees C.

Nine of the 11 instruments on-board Chandrayaan have now been switched on for calibration and simple health checks.

The spacecraft's temperature is expected to stabilise by the end of December.

Until then, scientists will use one instrument at a time, as required, but will be able to operate all instruments simultaneously by mid-January.

Chandrayaan-1 takes summer break till mid Jan - ET Cetera-News By Industry-News-The Economic Times
New Isro rocket in 6 months, will cut launch costs by 40% - Technology - livemint.com

New Isro rocket in 6 months, will cut launch costs by 40%
Tecsar is a 300kg Israeli spy satellite Isro had launched in January and Agile a 352kg Italian astronomical satellite launched in April 2007
K. Raghu

Bangalore: The Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is building a smaller launcher that costs 40% less than existing rockets to hurl satellites such as Tecsar and Agile into low-earth orbit.
Tecsar is a 300kg Israeli spy satellite Isro had launched in January and Agile a 352kg Italian astronomical satellite launched in April 2007.

The three-stage rocket will launch remote-sensing satellites weighing less than 500kg into an orbit that will ensure they return to map a targeted region on earth at more frequent intervals. Low-earth orbit is 400-500km above the earth. The new launcher is targeted at the country’s military as well as global customers. “This (launcher) is for strategic reasons. There is also demand from international customers,” said an Isro official, who did not want to be named because of the sensitive nature of the matter. The new launcher would take around six months to build, the official said. In June, the government said it is setting up an Integrated Space Cell to counter a growing threat to India’s space assets, but did not elaborate. The Indian Air Force (IAF)’s first controlled satellite to gather navigational information will be launched in July. The satellite, according to IAF chief Fali H. Major, would serve as the air force’s eye in the skies, ‘PTI’ reported on 18 November. An Isro spokesman said the space agency was working on a different variant of its Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). It currently costs Rs100 crore to launch a satellite on a PSLV rocket. The PSLV, Isro’s workhorse, can launch satellites of 1.3 tonnes into a polar orbit, but in the last two years, stripped-down versions of the rocket carried the lighter Israeli and Italian satellites. “We had to first send it to polar orbit, burn the rocket for long, before we placed Tecsar in the low (earth) orbit,” said another official at the space agency. “That (detour) consumed 60% of the energy of the rocket.”
Cutting edge

Cutting edge


There were many technology firsts by ISRO in the ground segment, Chandrayaan’s design and in the experiments.

A picture of the moon's surface taken from the lunar orbit by Chandrayaan-1's Terrain Mapping Camera on November 15.

ON November 12, the scientists of the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully manoeuvred the Indian lunar orbiter, Chandrayaan-1, to its operational circumpolar 100 km x 100 km orbit around the moon. Further, with the deliberate crashing of the Moon Impact Probe (MIP) in the intended area on the moon’s surface on November 14, one of the five Indian experiments was also successfully completed (Frontline, December 5, 2008) although the media hype and hoopla surrounding the event was completely unwarranted and incommensurate with the scope of the experiment (see accompanying story). There were, however, many technology firsts and noteworthy innovations by ISRO in the ground segment, the spacecraft’s design and the other four Indian experiments.

The establishment of the Indian Deep Space Network (IDSN) to world standards around an indigenously built 32-metre diameter antenna, which can support the communication needs of not only lunar missions but also future deep-space probes, was a significant achievement in itself (Frontline, November 21, 2008). But significant technology developments in the ground segment have been not only in hardware but also in software.

According to M. Annadurai, Chandrayaan-1’s project director, improved data formatting and coding systems have been evolved for deep-space communication so as to minimise the amount of “link margins” – appropriate margins provided to account for randomly varying gains and losses in the received signal power – in the coding chain. Further, the technique of packetised telemetry for on-board instrument data transmission – where data are sent in packets – over a deep-space channel, as per the protocol defined by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Deep Space Network, has been implemented for the Chandrayaan-1 mission.

The overall spacecraft mass is at a premium in any deep-space mission. Given its limited capability, the PSLV-XL launcher could inject Chandrayaan-1 into an initial orbit (IO) with a perigee lower than the usual Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO). Miniaturisation, therefore, is a key feature of the satellite as well as its payloads to reduce the mass budget, said K. Thyagarajan, formerly of the ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), Bangalore. Also, according to Annadurai, by using parts made of Composite Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) wherever possible, significant mass reduction was achieved.

Chandrayaan-1's orbit with respect to the sun.

“Unlike in all earlier satellite missions of ISRO, for Chandrayaan-1, the control gyros, which maintain the spacecraft’s attitude, had to be miniaturised,” said Annadurai. Similarly, the reaction wheels, which change the orientation of the spacecraft by a spin-up or spin-down operation (as was done during the lunar orbit injection (LOI) manoeuvre and will be done many times during the course of the mission) were not the ones that ISRO normally uses, he pointed out. In Chandrayaan-1, the wheels were spun at a much higher speed to achieve greater torques.

All the orbital manoeuvres to take the spacecraft from its earth-bound IO to the final operational lunar orbit have been performed with remarkable precision. Of these, the last of the earth-bound manoeuvres to reach the lunar transfer trajectory (LTT) and the LOI were particularly crucial. Each orbit manoeuvre corresponds to imparting a certain velocity change to the satellite, which is done by firing the on-board Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM). Precision manoeuvre requires that this velocity change is determined accurately.

In the usual earth-bound missions, on the basis of the specific impulse of the fuel as well as the engine parameters, the LAM is allowed to fire for a calculated amount of time through commands from the ground to change the velocity by a given amount. This is subsequently verified by determining the parameters of the orbit acquired. “In deep-space missions, however, even a small error in this can result in a difference of several hundred kilometres in the apogee of the new orbit,” pointed out V. Adimurthy of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), Thiruvananthapuram. “The process of cut-off, the tailing off and the detailed behaviour of the propulsion system become important,” he added.

“We need autonomous determination of the velocity change realised and automatic cutting off of the firing,” said Annadurai. To realise this, ISRO has used ceramic servo-accelerometers for the first time in Chandrayaan-1 for precise orbit manoeuvres, and the success so far is a testimony to their performance.

Accelerometers are normally used as part of the on-board navigation, guidance and control system in launch vehicles, which experience large accelerations in a short time. In orbital manoeuvres of near-earth satellites, because of the overwhelming background of the earth’s gravitational acceleration, accelerometers are not very effective in determining the accelerations imparted to the satellite. In deep-space missions, beyond the earth’s gravity, where orbit changes across several tens of thousands of kilometres are realised, accelerometers are very sensitive. “This precision has helped us save a lot of on-board fuel,” said Annadurai. In Chandrayaan-1, miniaturised accelerometers were used, and Micro Electromechanical System (MEMS)-based accelerometers may be used in future missions, according to Thyagarajan.

Thermal control of the spacecraft is very critical in deep-space missions like Chandrayaan-1, pointed out Annadurai. In a lunar mission, this becomes particularly complex because of the very different thermal environment that a lunar satellite encounters as compared with an earth-bound satellite. Maintaining the temperatures of the on-board instruments and detectors at the desired levels is a challenge as each device has its own appropriate operating temperature, which varies from a low –17oC to a high +40oC, while the general electronic components need to be maintained at about –10oC.

Solar panel orientation strategy: A 180o rotation of the satellite about its yaw axis in the first extreme configuration, performed twice a year (A and C), and a 180o flipping of the solar panel about the satellite's pitch axis in the other extreme configuration, performed after a three-month phase lag with the former (B and D).

In the case of earth-bound missions, while the thermal load on the sun-facing side of the satellite is about 1,300 W/m2, it is much less on the earth-facing side because of a low albedo (reflectance from a surface averaged over all frequencies). Also, since the earth has an atmosphere, only part of the heat absorbed by the earth is lost by radiation and the rest contributes to atmospheric convection. Temperature variations across the globe are, therefore, not drastic because of the atmosphere.

The solar load on the moon, too, is about the same as the earth and its albedo – in fact, it is about a third of the earth. However, since the moon has no atmosphere, the absorbed heat is almost fully radiated as heat. This causes the temperature of the moon to vary from a peak of about 125oC on the sunlit side to about –170oC on its dark side. Thus the spacecraft, which has an orbital period of only two hours, has to go through quick cycles of very cold and very hot lunar environment. Recent lunar missions such as the European SMART-1 (2003-06), the Japanese Kaguya/SELENE (launched in 2007) and the Chinese Chang’E-1 (also launched in 2007) have all had problems with the thermal management of their on-board instruments.

Generally, thermal management of a satellite is based on two principles, explained D.R. Bhandari of the ISAC, who led the thermal modelling exercise for Chandrayaan-1. One is the multilayer insulation (the golden metallic wrapping that one sees on the outside) that reduces the external thermal load on the satellite as a whole. But then there is also the heat generated internally within the satellite, which needs to be dissipated. So, the second principle involves selecting some suitable radiating surfaces on the satellite that have very low solar absorption but high emissivity. But to meet the special requirements of designing for very low temperatures in some parts of the satellite, the heat is distributed with the aid of thick distributor plates or heat pipes and finally dissipated through special radiators incorporated in the satellite.

According to Bhandari, the actual layout of these is achieved through mathematical modelling in which the heat distribution is calculated by dividing the satellite into a number of parts. Further, to ensure that the critical components requiring low temperatures are exposed only to minimum solar and lunar load, they are mounted on non-sun/moon-facing sides of the satellite. Chandrayaan-1’s design is such that the solar panel is only on one side (the positive pitch face) and, as will be explained here, the satellite or the solar panel is suitably manoeuvred at the right time to ensure that this face is always sun-facing. Correspondingly, the negative pitch face, which carries all the critical instruments, will always be facing away from the sun.

An important feature of a circular polar orbit around the moon is that it is fixed in space (relative to the distant stars) unlike the sun-synchronous orbit of earth observation satellites. The latter precesses around the earth-axis because of the oblateness of the earth. The moon, on the other hand, has very small oblateness and the lunar orbit is always very nearly perpendicular to the earth-sun plane. This gives rise to two extreme situations as regards the solar illumination of the lunar orbit. One extreme is when the sun-pointing direction (with respect to the moon) is parallel to the lunar orbit plane and the other, which occurs after three months of the first extreme, is with the sun vector perpendicular to the orbital plane (see figure 1).

These orbit configurations have a direct bearing on the illumination on the satellite’s single-sided solar panel. If, as is usually done, the solar panel were mounted exactly perpendicular to the satellite face, it would face the sun directly in one extreme orbit configuration and generate 100 per cent power. In the other extreme configuration, it would be edge-wise and generate zero power. Hence, for optimum power generation throughout the mission, detailed orbit analysis shows that the solar panel is required to be canted, or offset with respect to the horizontal, by 30o.

In addition, eight important manoeuvres – four on the satellite and four on the solar panel – need to be performed during the entire two-year period (see figure 2). As mentioned earlier, this complex strategy also automatically results in the negative pitch face (the aft side of the solar panel face) always being non-sun facing, an important requirement for thermal control. One other important consideration is the occurrences of eclipse during the mission, when the solar panel does not generate any power. For the first time, ISRO has used compact (rechargeable) high-energy lithium-ion batteries to provide essential power during the eclipses, the maximum duration of which is about 48 minutes, according to Thyagarajan. Chandrayaan-1 will experience its first eclipse in February 2009.

Miniaturisation and mass reduction were key aspect of the payloads as well, Annadurai pointed out. For example, the Terrain Mapping Camera (TMC), built by the Space Applications Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad, makes use of a very innovative camera design that is capable of acquiring stereoscopic images with a single lens camera. It has an unprecedented 5-metre resolution and is designed to prepare a three-dimensional atlas of the moon. Two sets of mirrors help to obtain aft and fore views and this combined with the direct nadir view by the lens system, a field of view is imaged from three angles in a push-broom mode, which are combined to generate a 3D view (see figure 3).

The focal plane imaging is done by a 4,000-pixel linear array Active Pixel Sensor (APS)-based detector, an evolving technology in space applications. The device is a silicon-based CMOS (Complimentary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) image digitiser, which has an in-built detector drive and on-board processing electronics. “This,” said A.S. Kiran Kumar of the SAC, “has helped to reduce additional hardware and minimise power, weight and size”.

Schematic of configuration and viewing mechanism of the Terrain Mapping Camera.

The Hyper Spectral Imager (HySI), intended to obtain mineralogical mapping of the lunar surface, also makes use of a focal plane APS detector – this time a 500 x 500 area array – with a digitiser to map the spectral bands. The APS detectors, both for TMC and HySI, were designed in-house and fabricated by a Taiwanese foundry, according to Kiran Kumar. The uniqueness of HySI is in its capability to map in 64 contiguous bands in the spectral region of 0.4-0.95 micrometre (µ) wavelengths (visible and near-IR), with a spectral resolution better than 15 nanometre (nm) and a spatial resolution of 80 m.

The dispersion into different spectral bands is achieved by using the new concept of a wedge filter, which is being used for the first time by ISRO. As against a prism or grating, the use of a wedge filter makes the instrument compact and reduces the weight. A wedge filter is basically an interference filter with varying thickness along one direction so that the transmitted spectral range varies in that direction. Pixels along the track direction will receive signals from different spatial regions in the same band while pixels in the perpendicular direction will receive signals in the different spectral bands.

The High Energy X-ray Spectrometer (HEX) aboard Chandrayaan-1 is meant to detect naturally occurring emissions of Gamma-rays from the lunar surface owing to radioactive decays of nuclides in the uranium-238 and thorium-232 series with energies in 20-250 kilo electron Volt (keV) range. Gamma-ray emissions in this range, however, are of low intensity. The HEX payload will use for the first time pixelated cadmium-zinc-telluride (CZT) array detectors that have high sensitivity and high energy resolution to pick up these weak signals. Regions of U/Th concentration can be mapped by detecting the 240 keV emissions from the decays of lead-212 and lead-214, nuclides of the series.

So far, no mission has detected Gamma-rays below 500 keV, according to J.N. Goswami, Director of the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL), Ahmedabad, and principal scientist, Chandrayaan-1 mission. CZT detectors have not been generally flown in space missions because of the high noise in high radiation and the need for on-board cooling, he pointed out. “Usually space missions have used cesium iodide scintillators or germanium detectors or proportional counters which do not have the required sensitivity,” said Goswami. Extensive thermal modelling has been done for these detectors in Chandrayaan-1 and these will be maintained below 0oC by passive cooling.

Specially designed CZT detectors were flown in the U.S. X-ray satellite SWIFT, launched in November 2004, which have been used so far for X-rays above 500 keV only. “This will also be the first experiment to detect volatile transport from the sunlit regions to the permanently shadowed cold regions in the moon,” said Goswami. “If we can pick up the 46.5 keV line characteristic of the decay of lead-210, a decay product of volatile radon-222, it will give us a handle to model volatile transport on the moon, which could in turn be used to study transport of water molecules to the poles,” Goswami said.

The Lunar Laser Ranging Instrument (LLRI), built by ISRO’s Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems (LEOS), is aimed at studying the topography of the lunar surface and its gravitational field by measuring the altitude precisely from Chandrayaan’s orbit using a pulsed neodymium (Nd)-YAG laser (1,064 nm wavelength) and measuring the ‘time of flight’.

“While the laser has been bought off the shelf, they feel that in future they will be able to build it themselves,” said Goswami. “However, the entire optics has been designed and built by LEOS.” To handle the poor reflectivity of the lunar surface, a suitable silicon Avalanche Photo Detector (APD), with good resolution and a high-signal-to-noise ratio, and the associated electronics were built in house. This will provide altimetry data close to the poles for the first time.

In addition to the above indigenous instruments, ISRO’s contribution has been noteworthy in the collaborative payload called Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS). The mission objective of C1XS is to produce a high-quality X-ray spectroscopic map of the lunar surface and determine the abundance of elements such as magnesium, aluminium, silicon, calcium and titanium, which have a bearing on the origin and evolutionary history of the moon, using the X-ray fluorescence technique. The sun is the natural source of X-rays and the above elements absorb these primary X-rays and re-emit them as fluorescent X-rays with the energy characteristic of each element (1-10 keV). In normal solar conditions, C1XS can detect magnesium, aluminium and silicon and during solar flare time it would be able to detect elements such as iron, calcium and titanium.

C1XS will use the recently developed Swept Charge Device (SCD) X-ray sensors, with 24 nadir pointing detectors. SCD was flown recently in the European SMART-1 lunar mission as part of the instrument called D-CIXS (Demonstration of Compact Imaging X-ray Spectrometer). It is similar to the conventional Charge Coupled Device (CCD) but allows sensitive spectroscopy to be done at low temperatures of –20oC to 0oC (achieved by on-board passive cooling with radiative plates and heat sinks). The technology of the device was successfully demonstrated in SMART-1 and, in fact, the mission detected calcium for the first time.

Graphic representation of Chandrayaan-1. The solar panel is canted by 300. C1XS (including XSM), RADOM, SIR-2, SARA (including CENA and SWIM), MiniSAR and M3 are the six foreign experiments.

However, an important consideration for its proper functioning is good thermal design and radiation shielding. In fact, because of the long time of 15 months that it took to reach the moon and its highly elliptic 300 km x 3,000 km final orbit, SMART-1 had to pass through the near-earth radiation belt several times. This caused rapid degradation of the SCD and made its calibration and good energy resolution difficult.

But Chandrayaan-1, both because of its orbit and the timing of its launch, will be able to focus on science with potentially better results. From its low 100 x 100 km orbit, Chandrayaan-1 is expected to provide much better spatial resolution of 25 km (as compared to over 100 km in SMART-1). But more importantly, while SMART-1 flew at the worst time in respect of solar flares, Chandrayaan-1 has been launched at the best time for solar flares, thus enabling much more robust data.

Further, the orbit is also relatively a low radiation environment region of space and therefore the device is not expected to deteriorate fast. In its journey to the lunar orbit, however, it did pass through the radiation belt once, but its switching-on on November 23 has indicated that the instrument is working fine.

The collaboration with ISAC has contributed substantially to its improved design, better thermal engineering and radiation shielding, which are expected to yield far better energy resolution than SMART-1’s 200 eV. To check its calibration in the lunar orbit, a radioactive iron-55 source was placed on a deployable door that the instrument carries. After the instrument was switched on, the spectrum of iron-55 obtained in the moon’s environment was found to be identical to the spectrum on the earth. This is indicative of the instrument’s efficient thermal control and robust calibration, and a testimony to the ISAC team’s successful effort headed by P. Sreekumar.

One of the hurdles during the preparation for the Chandrayaan-1 mission before 2004 was the export embargo placed on ISRO units by the U.S. An IR detector up to 3 µ frequency that ISRO wanted to include in HySI could not be procured. HySI now has a range of 0.4-0.9 µ only. Post-2004 a French company offered to supply it, but by then the instrument design had been frozen. The Japanese mission has included an IR detector that goes up to 2.2 µ. The U.S. payload Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) on Chandrayaan-1, however, has a range of 0.7-3 µ.

“By overlapping data from the three experiments we will have a complete mineral map of the lunar surface,”
said Goswami.
An afterthought

An afterthought


The Moon Impact Probe was never a part of Chandrayaan-1’s original configuration.


The Indian flag painted on the Moon Impact Probe.

THE primary objective of the Moon Impact Probe (MIP), according to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), was “to demonstrate the technologies required for landing a probe at the desired location on the moon”. It was also intended “to qualify some of the technologies related to future soft landing missions” and to carry out a “scientific exploration of the moon at close distances”. In contrast to the other four Indian experiments, which were well conceived and evolved over time, the MIP, it is argued, was not the optimal experiment to achieve the above.

The MIP actually was never part of Chandrayaan-1’s original configuration, which included payloads from abroad in response to ISRO’s announcement of opportunity (AO) for proposals from elsewhere. This clearly indicates its lesser importance. Its inclusion probably became imperative because it was mooted by former President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. This was subsequently endorsed (uncritically though) in November 2004 by ISRO Chairman G. Madhavan Nair at the International Conference on the Exploration and Utilisation of the Moon in Udaipur.

The probe’s mass of 35 kg is more than one-third of the total mass (of around 100 kilogram) of the 11 payloads on board and is the highest of all. This would seem to be highly disproportionate to what was achieved during its 24-minute descent from the mother satellite to self-destruction. However, once the MIP’s inclusion was decided, ISRO scientists tried to make the best of a bad bargain without sacrificing any of the mission’s other, already planned, objectives. In fact, the initial estimate was only about 24 kg – the final mass marks an increase by nearly 50 per cent. K. Thyagarajan, formerly of the ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC), agreed that the payload mass could have been optimised better.

The nominal amount of on-board propellant required for the maintenance and orbit and attitude control of the lunar-orbiting 675 kg spacecraft over its lifetime of two years is about 100 kg. One could, therefore, argue that if the launcher (PSLV-XL) could deliver a 1,380-kg satellite (as against the originally planned 1,300 kg) in the appropriate earth-bound initial orbit (IO), its lifetime could have been extended by four to six months, and the period more gainfully utilised by the other experiments, if an equivalent amount of additional propellant had been carried instead of the MIP.

However, according to Thyagarajan, any additional propellant loading was not possible for the following reason. Given its high mass, the launcher, PSLV-XL, could inject the satellite not into a 36,000-kilometre-apogee Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) (like the 1,050 kg METSAT/Kalpana-1) but only into an IO with an apogee of 22,000-23,000 km. This necessitated a subsequent lunar transfer through a series of firings of the satellite’s liquid apogee motor (LAM). To enable this, the satellite’s fuel tank was apparently filled to its capacity. So, it could not have carried any additional fuel even if one desired. But that only begs the question: couldn’t the satellite have been reconfigured to carry a higher capacity tank?

Indeed, Chandrayaan-1 had to be reconfigured significantly to accommodate the MIP and that too within six months. For instance, the original plan of having 16 on-board thrusters was changed to eight, according to M. Annadurai, Chandrayaan-1 project director. Similarly, instead of the usual four star sensors (used for attitude control) only two were used. This reconfiguration exercise also seems to have necessitated some innovation. Instead of deploying the antenna at the end of a boom, as is usually done in such deep-space missions, the antenna was re-engineered for it to be deployed without a boom.

Annadurai, however, prefered to take a positive view of the whole exercise. “I would not say we paid a price. It was a trade-off,” he said. “This forced us to optimise the mission to the maximum without giving up system redundancy. This challenge has resulted in an improved overall mission performance. We could carry out all operations with great precision. This has given confidence for efficient execution of future missions,” he added. According to him, the satellite now has about 150 kg of the propellant, which is 50 per cent more than what is required (including the margin provided for in the fuel budget) for a lifetime of two years.

In its final form, the TV monitor-sized MIP payload was like an autonomous mini-satellite. It included three on-board scientific instruments: a C-band radar altimeter to measure the instantaneous height of the probe from the moon surface, a CCD video camera to acquire images of the surface during its descent and an off-the-shelf mass spectrometer to sense the transient lunar atmosphere (particularly for the sporadic and localised volatile emissions of helium-4, radon-222 and argon-40 from the surface). Besides the instruments, the MIP carried a small solid motor and mini solid thrusters, on-board electronics for communication with the orbiting mother satellite, an antenna, a thermal control system and a data storage and read-out system for relaying to the orbiter.

The solid motor provided the small de-boost velocity (of about 62 metre/second) to make the probe’s orbit sub-optimal so that it would crash on the surface (instead of going around with the orbiter after separation). The de-boost was kept small so that the orbiter and the probe had nearly the same horizontal velocity (of about 1.6 km/s) and the former could track the latter right until its demise.

Before the de-boost operation, the probe was spun (at 60 rpm) using the spin-thruster to stabilise it so that the on-board antenna remained steady during the firing. Thus the video imaging was actually done by a spinning camera, which is devolved to get images with the correct perspective. In the distance that the MIP traversed before crashing, it captured about 800 images, according to T.A. Alex, Director, ISAC.

According to Annadurai, the probe crashed near the rim of the Shackleton Crater on the south pole as targeted. The crash was signalled by a sudden break in the transmitted data. The crater itself is in permanent darkness whereas the sun shines in the adjacent regions (including the Malapert Mountain Range) nearly all the time. The evidence on where it crashed came from the final few video images which became progressively pitch dark from one side, as against the earlier lighted images, because of the adjoining crater’s darkness.

A valid argument against the MIP’s inclusion is that the orbiter Chandrayaan-1 itself will be de-orbited at the end of its two-year life and allowed to crash on the moon. It is, therefore, conceivable that science and validation of technologies could be done during the final crash of the orbiter itself by a deliberate manoeuvre (as was done for SMART-1) and by adding suitable instruments on board. As regards the operations done using the MIP, all except one could have been carried out during the final descent of the orbiter.

An important feature of future lunar missions will be a lander/rover that would separate from an orbiter and descend to the surface, with the two moving objects remaining in constant radio communication. This technology could not have been validated using the final descent of the orbiter alone. The MIP was the test bed for this, but only to the extent that this was being done for the first time; not for overcoming any inherent technological limitations. The primary objective of landing the probe at a desired spot could have been better achieved during the final crash of the higher mass orbiter by including a pre-programmed trajectory and appropriate spin and de-boost, which, in fact, could have been made larger to achieve a slower descent.

Similarly, video images, instantaneous altitude information and data on the lunar atmosphere from close quarters could have been obtained during the final descent, by including a video camera, an altimeter and a mass spectrometer in the suite of main payloads, and transmitted directly to the ground station.

Besides qualifying the pyro-activated device that separated the probe from the orbiter and the communication link between the two, it is not clear what other technologies this experiment could have validated for future soft-landing missions. Unlike the hard-landing of the MIP at 1.6 km/s, a soft-landing mission is a different technology altogether. (At 6,000 km/hour, the probe, the flag on it included, would have blown to smithereens.)

According to a paper by R.V. Ramanan and Madan Lal of the Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC), the optimal strategy for landing on the moon from a lunar parking orbit requires a powered braking (at an intermediate altitude) to bring the horizontal velocity to zero and the vertical velocity to a few m/s so that the probe has vertical soft touchdown with a near-zero velocity. This requires an optimum braking thrust of about 700 Newton. The thrusters that ISRO currently has are only of 440 N, and a new thruster has to be developed. They also point out that the landing mass is not optimal if two 440 N thrusters are used.

The MIP could not have validated any of the above. It is, therefore, debatable whether its inclusion could be justified by the single technology of establishing communication link between two moving objects that it helped validate – which is no big deal – at the cost of skewing the satellite’s mass budget significantly.
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