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    'Pakistan was right all along', ex-US commander admits failure in Afghanistan

    'Pakistan was right all along', ex-US commander admits failure in Afghanistan Pakistanis never believed that we would stay, always thought that we would leave, says Frank McKenzie Anadolu AgencyAugust 27, 2022 Former head of US Central Command General Frank McKenzie. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE...

    Disturbing behaviour and attitudes on PDF

    Since the vote of no confidence saga began a few days ago, I have noticed a disturbing development on PDF. I don't want to name random posters and demonize my fellow Pakistanis but some long standing, educated and articulate Pakistani posters on PDF are trying to defend the zardari/bhuttos and...

    Zidane Iqbal: First EVER Pakistani to play for Manchester United and play in the Champions League


    Well done PDF! Now let's get to the other level

    I would firstly like to begin by thanking the MODs for doing a sterling job in getting rid of anti-Pakistani racism and propaganda on PDF over the past year. This was very prevalent between 2010-2019/20. The quality of PDF has substantially shot up as a result and it is pleasing to see, to say...

    indians have gone ultra crazy online. PDF needs to do something

    For some reason since monday, indians all over the internet have chimped out BIG TIME become more anti-Pakistani than usual. They have become ultra racist, Islamaphobic and genocidal. They have even been advocating attacks on people of Pakistani descent living outside of Pakistan, our...

    American T-Shirts mocking Afghans falling from Aeroplanes being sold

    ‘Disgusting’ T-shirt blasted for mocking Afghans falling from plane in Kabul By Ben Cost August 19, 2021 11:09am Updated 'Kabul Skydiving Club' T-shirts go on sale showing Afghan stowaways falling to their deaths from US plane after seeking to flee Taliban Play Video MORE ON:AFGHANISTAN...

    6294 American Military Personal were killed in action during the Afghanistan War

    A total of 6294 American Military personnel were killed in the Afghanistan War. 2448 Regular American troops and 3846 American Contractors. These are the figures of the American soldiers who were killed IMMEDIATELY during hostile/enemy contact. This does NOT include ANY american soldiers or...

    Afghanistan: ‘Humiliating’ defeat to the Taliban makes US ‘look like suckers’, say security officials

    Afghanistan: ‘Humiliating’ defeat to the Taliban makes US ‘look like suckers’, say security officials The US poured in trillions of dollars to the 20-year Afghan effort that claimed the lives of 2,448 Americans By Taz Ali August 16, 2021 11:43 am(Updated 1:39 pm) US President Joe Biden is...

    HUGE surge of anti-Pakistani Propaganda

    Over the past few days, I have noticed a HUGE surge of worldwide propaganda against Pakistan mainly by indians and Afghans. In all the major UK TV Channels, Afghans are openly blaming Pakistan for the Taliban victory and are demanding that we are sanctioned. indians are spreading malicious and...

    Opinion Piece: The constant and never ending begging of the Afghan elite and intelligentsia

    Over the past few days, I have been watching the news regarding the Afghan situation and have been taken aback by the response from the Afghan elite and intelligentsia in both Afghanistan and around the world. They all follow the same pattern: (1) Describe how bad and dire the situation in...

    How things can vastly change in 2 weeks

    I was banned two weeks ago on August the 5th (2021). On the last thread I read, the indians were claiming that the Taliban would NEVER EVER come to power and that some americans would remain to secure and protect india's huge strategic interests in Afghanistan. Some indians were even claiming...

    A call for Pakistani Unity

    I don't care if you are Religious, UNReligious, Right-Wing, Left-Wing, Liberal or Conservative. I don't care if you don't have a religion, what you believe in or what ethnicity you are. I don't care about ANY of that. The MOST important thing is Pakistani Nationalism and Unity. It is Sacrosanct...

    Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-56209007 Shamima Begum cannot return to UK, Supreme Court rules Published1 day ago Share Related Topics Shamima Begum case IMAGE COPYRIGHTBBC NEWS image captionShamima Begum, pictured here in 2020, is currently living in a camp in northern Syria Shamima Begum...

    CPEC: Wider Regional Integration

    https://pakobserver.net/cpec-wider-regional-integration/ CPEC: Wider Regional Integration By News desk - February 24, 2021 0 Brig (R) Muhammad Khan THE most significant and decisive factor in the interstate relationship of the states is the bilateral trust and mutual respect of each...

    5,340 MW of electricity added to grid under CPEC power projects

    5,340 MW of electricity added to grid under CPEC power projects Out of a total of 22 projects, another eight are near completion and would pump in an additional 4,470 MW of electricity to the national grid. Ali Ahmed 23 Feb 2021 Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Comments In order to meet the...

    Nine out 22 energy projects under CPEC completed

    Nine out 22 energy projects under CPEC completed Web Desk On Feb 23, 2021 ISLAMABAD: The federal government has made major progress in the energy-related projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as nine out of a total of 22 power projects were completed, ARY News reported on...

    CPEC in full swing; Gwadar SEZ to be declared tax-free zone soon

    CPEC in full swing; Gwadar SEZ to be declared tax-free zone soon Balochistan government is inviting investors to Gwadar for the generation of revenue ByMian Abrar ISLAMABAD: Balochistan government is working on a plan to declare Special Economic Zone (SEZ) at Gwadar as a tax-free zone...

    CPEC projects bring more electricity to Pakistan

    CPEC projects bring more electricity to Pakistan ISLAMABAD: CPEC projects not only brought electricity to Pakistan, but also trained professionals, and contributed to the well-being of local people for Pakistan. This was stated by Muhammad Muneeb, a senior official of Sahiwal Coal-fired Power...

    Model economic zone to be set up under CPEC

    Model economic zone to be set up under CPEC A model economic zone will be set up under the second phase of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to captivate the interest of overseas Pakistani and Chinese investors’. ByNews Desk February 18, 2021 Updated: 20 seconds ago Share Facebook...

    CPEC Authority to undertake more projects in Faisalabad: Bajwa

    CPEC Authority to undertake more projects in Faisalabad: Bajwa Bajwa says Faislabad is quite suitable for local as well as foreign investment ByAPP FAISALABAD: China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) Authority Chairman Lt Gen (r) Asim Saleem Bajwa on Monday said that the CPEC Authority...
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