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  1. M

    Mass rapes of Aryan Caucasian muslims by Buddhist Mongoloids

    World cup is over but It sickens me how little remorse there is from the European christian community and hindu community. I don't deny some Muslim extremist had caused many terrorism activities in Europe, America, India and some Rohingya militants killed Hindu minority but still they are all...
  2. M

    Xinjiang, Tibet is part of Central South Asia not part of East Asia and was never part of China

    Why is China allowed to stretched it's hand so deep withing Central South Asia lands. Why did national geographics allowed them to be part of East Asia ? China is the only country with a disproportioned unbalanced geographic territory in the entire countries of Asia. How is a country's...
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    Ethnic Pamiri of China part of Kashmir India/ Pakistan ? Are they related with Kalash, Hunza ?

    I haven't seen anyone talk about this but there's a ethnic group in China's Xinjiang called " Pamiri " and physically they look 100% just like the ethnic Kalash, Hunza who live in Indian's/Pakistan Kashmir. It's hard to be believe they don't belong to the same origin considering their close...
  4. M

    Mongoloids does not exist in India, Nepal

    1) There is no such thing as genetically and racially pure Mongoloids in South Asia unless he is a ethnic Chinese or East Asian. Mongoloids do not exist in South Asia only Mongoloid looking South Asians. 2) Mongoloid were never native to South Asia. The lands that the Mongoloids in South Asia...
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    Rohingya Testimonies: murder, rape, violence by Burmese ( in percentages )

    I can't believed this wasn't posted before in this forum which is far more important than most of news https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2017/08/shrinking-spaces-for-rohingyas-in-india/ "Then, there is the report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), based...
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    Genocide of Rohingya phenotypes: Indo-Aryan race with light eyes, light hair

    According to UN the number of Rohingya women raped and gang-raped were massive, this is Mongol invasion of Central Asia all over again. Nearly half of the Rohingya female population were raped !!!!! The UN who interviewed the Rohingya victim claim 52% of all Rohingya refugees surveyed were...
  7. M

    Historical proof. Rohingya are indigenous race of Arakan for thousand ye, Not Bengali immigrants

    With more new information on history we now have a more clear understand of the historical settlement of Arakan state. Rohingya were Indo-Aryan people that descended from Arabs, Bengali and Indo-Aryan population that had lived in Arakan state long before any Mongoloid or any Burmese tribal...
  8. M

    World greatest pirate = a Cantonese / Chinese women

    What a bad-***. She controlled an army of 20,000 to 40,000 pirates (others put it much higher at 80,000). Not only that but she had defeated the Qing dynasty and the hired navies of British, Portugal. Modern Hong Kong people and Macau people should be proud of such historical figure...
  9. M

    Cantonese more civilized than Mandarin northerners

    Hong Kong and Macau = Cantonese speakers China, Taiwan, Singapore = Mandarin speakers I'm against discrimination and I do not believe northern Indian are better than southern Indian. Being a HK of Indian origin who often faced discrimination by racist Hong Kong Cantonese even I must admit...
  10. M

    Nations that were never conquered, occupied, governed by foreign powers

    There is only 3 nations I believe. 1. Nepal 2. Thailand 3. Bhutan Although all these 3 nations
  11. M

    South Asia UNITE against western european propaganda and lies against Indians / Pakistani

    South Asia has the potential to become the strongest and most powerful part of the Asia continent in the world. If the two nuclear power nation India and Pakistan unite including if we have the world most fearless and talented soldiers from Nepal we be a threat to the world. If Europe can create...
  12. M

    Gurkhas = Turks of South Asia ?

    There is so much similarity between the Turks of central Asia and Gurkhas of Nepal. Both of them are the most famous warriors in military history of Asia. 1. Both are a mixture of Mongoloid and Caucasoid, and both are nomadic warriors. 2. Both are known for bravery and were the toughest...
  13. M

    Chinese double standard of military history

    I find Chinese manipulation and claims extremely bias and self-centered. I've seen a lot argument between Chinese and other people like Koreans/Mongolians who dislike Chinese for claiming Qing dynasty as their own. What amazes me is that some Chinese are trying to insult Indians by saying the...
  14. M

    British didn't colonize Hong Kong People

    I'm Indian Hong Konger myself and plenty of times some Hong Kong people say they were colonized but this does not make sense whatsoever if you read it's history. For example this is what it said. " The British empire first colonized the empty Hong Kong Island in 1842, however it was in 1898...
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    Founder of China : Cantonese - Hakka

    Without the great Hakka leader Sun Yat sen there will be no new founding of modern China.And without the Cantonese revolution, finance and without Hong Kong there would never be such thing in the first place. Does anyone agree? Without them no modern china no xinhai revolution. Chinese will...
  16. M

    DNA of all ethnic Chinese ( from history of military invasions ) Mandarin , Cantonese , Hakka

    Almost every Chinese today is formed from a mixture of military invasion and migrants which is different to India genetic history. However there is some great similarity in term of geographic/genetics. Like the North Indians/Pakistan have blood of Iranian/Arab/Mongol/Turkic blood but in smaller...
  17. M

    Are Cantonese le more successful than Mandarin ?

    In India, you can find HK Cantonese speaking movies. I remember when I used to watch HK actions of Jackie Chan , Bruce Lee, Samo Hung. HK and Macau seems to be the richest city in China
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    Why Turks has been historically powerful in terms of military?

    What was it that made Turkish people so powerful militarily? My opinion is ever since the invasion, Turkification, genetic influence of Turkish people by Turkic invaders of Central Asia they had become strong. If you read the history of Anatolia, the ancient indo-european people of...
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    Afghanistan = land of invaders descendants ( Greeks , Turks, Mongols ect )

    The majority of Afghanistan are descendants of invaders. I wonder why so many invaders choosed to stay in Afghanistan? does this prove Afghanistan was a strategically advantageous location? Pasthun, unknown origin. Originally lived mostly north afghanistan after the Mongol-Turkic invasions and...
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    Buddhist Mongoloid army rape and genocide : military history

    Some members here have rubbish claims about religion and race are connected with violent crimes of military nation at least that is what some Chinese members are trying to interpret here. Military nations that followed Buddhism committed just as much rape and invading like the ones followed...
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