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Historical proof. Rohingya are indigenous race of Arakan for thousand ye, Not Bengali immigrants


Aug 10, 2013
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With more new information on history we now have a more clear understand of the historical settlement of Arakan state. Rohingya were Indo-Aryan people that descended from Arabs, Bengali and Indo-Aryan population that had lived in Arakan state long before any Mongoloid or any Burmese tribal population.

The Rakhine Burmese Bhuddist arrived in 10th century while the Bamar/Burmese dominant
ethnic group conquered Arakan in 18th century. The ancient population of Arakan was like today's Rohingya. While it's true many Rohingya today have origins from 19th century many also have origins with hundreds to thousand years history

Early history

The Rohingya population is concentrated in the historical region of Arakan, an old coastal country of Southeast Asia. It is not clear who were the original settlers of Arakan. Burmese nationalist claims that the Rakhine inhabited Arakan since 3000 BCE are not supported by any archaeological evidence. By the 4th century, Arakan became one of the earliest Indianized kingdoms in Southeast Asia. The first Arakanese state flourished in Dhanyawadi. Power then shifted to the city of Waithali. Sanskrit inscriptions in the region indicate that the founders of the first Arakanese states were Indian. Arakan was ruled by the Chandra dynasty.[88] The British historian Daniel George Edward Hall stated that "The Burmese do not seem to have settled in Arakan until possibly as late as the tenth century AD. Hence earlier dynasties are thought to have been Indian, ruling over a population similar to that of Bengal. All the capitals known to history have been in the north near modern Akyab".[89]

(Daniel George Edward Hall (1891-1979) was a British historian, author, and academic. He wrote extensively on the history of Burma. His most notable work is A History of Southeast Asia, said to "...remain the most important single history of the region, providing encyclopedic coverage of material published up to the time of its 1981 revision."[1] He held professorships in Southeast Asian history at both Cornell University and the University of London - where he eventually became professor emeritus. )


Arrival of Islam (8th-9th century)

Due to its coastline on the Bay of Bengal, Arakan was a key center of maritime trade and cultural exchange between Burma and the outside world, since the time of the Indian Mauryan Empire.[90] Arab merchants had been in contact with Arakan since the third century, using the Bay of Bengal to reach Arakan.[76] Starting in the 8th century, Arab merchants began conducting missionary activities, and many locals converted to Islam.[91]Some researchers have speculated that Muslims used trade routes in the region to travel to India and China.[92] A southern branch of the Silk Road connected India, Burma and China since the neolithic period.[93][94] Arab traders are recorded in the coastal areas of southeast Bengal, bordering Arakan, since the 9th century.[95] The Rohingya population trace their history to this period.[96]

Besides locals converting to Islam, Arab merchants married local women and later settled in Arakan. As a result of intermarriage and conversion, the Muslim population in Arakan grew.[76] Modern day Rohingya believe they descended from these early Muslim communities.

Settlers from Burma proper (9th-15th century)

The Rakhines were one of the tribes of the Burmese Pyu city-states. The Rakhines began migrating to Arakan through the Arakan Mountains in the 9th century. The Rakhines established numerous cities in the valley of the Lemro River. These included Sambawak I, Pyinsa, Parein, Hkrit, Sambawak II, Myohaung, Toungoo and Launggret. Burmese forces invaded the Rakhine cities in 1406.[88] The Burmese invasion forced Rakhine rulers to seek help and refuge from neighboring Bengal in the north.[88]
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The Burmese invasion forced Rakhine rulers to seek help and refuge from neighboring Bengal in the north.
Please send the remaining historical account of how the Buddhist Rakhine rulers were reinstated by the Gaur Sultan in 1430, who sent an expedition team there and they chose to stay behind instead of coming back to their native Gaur. This was the most important reason of swelling the number of Muslims in Arakan. It was about 600 years ago, and those people who settled there have become the natives of Arakan since then.
Please send the remaining historical account of how the Buddhist Rakhine rulers were reinstated by the Gaur Sultan in 1430, who sent an expedition team there and they chose to stay behind instead of coming back to their native Gaur. This was the most important reason of swelling the number of Muslims in Arakan. It was about 600 years ago, and those people who settled there have become the natives of Arakan since then.

" Early evidence of Bengali Muslim settlements in Arakan date back to the time of Min Saw Mon (1430–34) of the Kingdom of Mrauk U. After 24 years of exile in Bengal, he regained control of the Arakanese throne in 1430 with military assistance from the Bengal Sultanate. The Bengalis who came with him formed their own settlements in the region.[97][98] The Santikan Mosque built in the 1430s,[97][99] features a court which "measures 65 ft from north to south and 82 ft from east to west; the shrine is a rectangular structure measuring 33 ft by 47 ft."[100] "

The Burmese are keen on denying the history of Rohingya and doesn't want anyone to know of their historical rights. If you talk to a Burmese extremist they most likely will reject any claims of Rohingya and claiming they only existed in the 19th century.

" Early evidence of Bengali Muslim settlements in Arakan date back to the time of Min Saw Mon (1430–34) of the Kingdom of Mrauk U. After 24 years of exile in Bengal, he regained control of the Arakanese throne in 1430 with military assistance from the Bengal Sultanate. The Bengalis who came with him formed their own settlements in the region.[97][98] The Santikan Mosque built in the 1430s,[97][99] features a court which "measures 65 ft from north to south and 82 ft from east to west; the shrine is a rectangular structure measuring 33 ft by 47 ft."[100] "

The Burmese are keen on denying the history of Rohingya and doesn't want anyone to know of their historical rights. If you talk to a Burmese extremist they most likely will reject any claims of Rohingya and claiming they only existed in the 19th century.


I am very happy to read your further account of the Muslim settlements in Arakan that goes back to 1430s as well. Note one thing, the settlement was huge when seen from the angle that the King was deposed earlier by his nephew with the help of Burmese military. So, a strong all time presence of Muslim Bengali troops from Gaur was needed for the safeguard of the Kingdom to avoid a recurrence.

This is how many from the mainland Bengal settled in Arakan in the 1430s. Since this large settlement happened 600 years ago, therefore, one cannot argue that they are recent migrant from Bangladesh. If we follow any Burmese logic, then the Burmese themselves will have to return to China/Tibet, and all the people of this world will have to go back to some regions in the central Africa, where the Homo Sapiens evolved.

The world leaders must be made aware of this truth of history. However, problem lies with the half-educated politicians of our own BD govt, who are not aware of this history and, therefore, the govt is unable to focus on this point and is unable to propagate it to the international forums.
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I am very happy to read your further account of the Muslim settlements in Arakan that goes back to 1430s as well. Note one thing, the settlement was huge when seen from the angle that the King was deposed earlier by his nephew with the help of Burmese military. So, a strong all time presence of Muslim Bengali troops from Gaur was needed for the safeguard of the Kingdom to avoid a recurrence. This is how many from the mainland Bengal settled in Arakan in the 1430s.

The world leaders must be made aware of this truth of history. However, problem lies with the half-educated politicians of our own BD govt, who are not aware of this history and, therefore, the govt is unable to focus on this point and is unable to propagate it to the international forums.

Yes, it's time the Burmese and other ignorant people stop calling them " Bangladeshi immigrants " and putting them blames on Bangladesh.

Fact no.1 Rohingya speaks a related Chittogonian language which is not mutually intelligible to Bengali. A Bengali cannot even understand a Rohingya.

Fact no.2 Rohingya are much more islamic, the women wear Hijab and that's because they also have Arabic contacts

Fact no.3 Even during the 1400's to 1700's the muslims settlements are welcomed in the uninhabited northern Arakan, they were welcomed and lived peacefully with the Buddhist Rakhine people and serve the Buddhist kings also enjoyed muslim clothings and traditions, food, architecture. All that changed when the violent Burmese empire Konbaung dynasty invaded Arakan and conquered it in 1784.

" Arakanese kings continued the custom of maintaining Muslim titles.[103] The Buddhist kings compared themselves to Sultans and fashioned themselves after Mughal rulers. They also continued to employ Muslims in prestigious positions within the royal administration.[104] Some of them worked as Bengali, Persian and Arabic scribes in the Arakanese courts, which, despite remaining Buddhist, adopted Islamic fashions from the neighbouring Bengal Sultanate.[104][97] The population increased in the 17th century, as slaves were brought in by Arakanese raiders and Portuguese settlers following raids into Bengal.[104][73][97] Slaves included members of the Mughal nobility. A notable royal slave was Alaol, a renowned poet in the Arakanese court. The slave population were employed in a variety of workforces, including in the king's army, commerce and agriculture.[73][105][106] "
This is how many from the mainland Bengal settled in Arakan in the 1430s. Since this large settlement happened 600 years ago, therefore, one cannot argue that they are recent migrant from Bangladesh. If we follow any Burmese logic, then the Burmese themselves will have to return to China/Tibet, and all the people of this world will have to go back to some regions in the central Africa, where the Homo Sapiens evolved.

But than again it's not like the Rakhine (Tibeto-Burmese) were in Arakan state since the beginning of history. The Rakhine people immigrated somewhere from China or the Tibetan plateau via Burma to Arakan from 10th - 15th century.


" Arakanese legends claim that the history of the Rakhine people began in 3325 BC, although archaeological evidence supporting this claim is unavailable. "The presently dominant Rakhine are a Tibeto-Burman race, the last group of people to enter Arakan during 10th century and on.” (Pamela; The Lost Kingdom, Bangkok, 2002, P-5)].
Rohingyas are native to Mayo district consisting of Maungdaw Budhidaung and Rathidaung township. They never shared this district with Rakhine population.

Whatever the historical census Burmese bring are from other places for example Akyub district which has massive immigration from Bamar Bengali and Indians after British establishes a new sea port in sittwe like Calcutta. The rate of immigration for bamar population was way higher than bengali population.
Rohingyas are native to Mayo district consisting of Maungdaw Budhidaung and Rathidaung township. They never shared this district with Rakhine population.

Whatever the historical census Burmese bring are from other places for example Akyub district which has massive immigration from Bamar Bengali and Indians after British establishes a new sea port in sittwe like Calcutta. The rate of immigration for bamar population was way higher than bengali population.

Here it's Rohingya's population distribution.

The international community to need help Rohingya force their own indigenous lands. It's time that Burmese accept that Rohingya were natives of Arakan.
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