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  1. Strike X

    4G Sim Router with Ethernet port?

    Is anyone using 4G Sim Router with an ethernet port? It looks like Zong 4G BOLT+ does not have it. I might buy this router...
  2. Strike X

    Open Doors while AC On?

    I'm facing an issue with my living room being too dark due to tinted windows. I like to open external French doors to let sunlight in but keeping the room cool with the air conditioning which means I have to keep the doors closed. Do you have any suggestions on how I can keep the doors open to...
  3. Strike X

    Advert Board in Lahore - let's contribute together

    You can see there is a big Advert Board, we should put a picture of Shehbaz Sharif with a text of "beggars can't be choosers... Crime Minister" Can any of you make a call to find out how much it will cost for a day or a week? We all should contribute!
  4. Strike X

    Power backup for PTCL router?

    I am going to Pakistan soon for a holiday and we do have PTCL broadband there. I am looking for power backup for PTCL router when there is a power cut. We do have a power generator but the router will get disconnected and then reconnect from the generator - I can't allow that to happen while I...
  5. Strike X

    London's ExCeL centre into Nightingale hospital

    Watch the video: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-52112652/coronavirus-transforming-london-s-excel-centre-into-nightingale-hospital Why it has not been done in Pakistan? Build a massive tent outside should be simple to do.
  6. Strike X

    Waste Management System in Pakistan?

    What is stopping the government to have Waste Management System overall in Pakistan? In the UK, most households have 4 bins: Black Bin = general waste. Yellow Bin = paper, card. Red Bin= cans, bottles. Green Bin = garden waste, food scraps.
  7. Strike X

    Will President Erdoğan visit to Pakistan?

    Do you think President Erdoğan will visit to Pakistan?
  8. Strike X

    Imran Khan Addressing Central Party School of the Communist Party of China in Beijing

  9. Strike X

    Buy Smoke Grenade?

    Does anyone know where I can buy Smoke Grenade in Pakistan? I need something like this www.airsoftworld.net/enola-gaye-ring-pull-coloured-smoke-grenade-purple.html It is for wedding - it will smoke in colour.
  10. Strike X

    Generator recommendation?

    I am going to Pakistan soon and my generator is not working anymore. It is over 7 years old! It can run on Gas and Petrol. I want to buy a new generator, my budget is around 150,000 Pakistan Rupees. I am looking for around 9kw or more this time and run on Gas/Petrol. I currently have: Rated...
  11. Strike X

    PayPal or a "similar platform" could launch in Pakistan soon

    Even though PayPal is heavily used around the globe in order to complete transactions and other forms of payments, it is still unavailable in numerous countries, including Pakistan. Now, it appears that the newly-formed government of Pakistan is working to bring PayPal or a similar payment...
  12. Strike X

    Are you ready for Plant4Pakistan?

    Over 1.5 Million saplings will be planted across Pakistan tomorrow Are you ready to be part of it?
  13. Strike X

    Eva Zu Beck and Air Force

    When The PAKISTAN Air Force Invites You To A Mountain Marathon
  14. Strike X

    Keep Streets clean

    In order to keep the streets clean, PTI should provide Wheelie Bin in every household. In the UK, I have 4 Wheelie Bins. Yellow = Cardboard and mixed papers only. Red = Plastic bottles, glass bottle, and tins. Green = Food waste and garden waste Black = Anything else
  15. Strike X

    Why Eid is not today?

    80% of the world are doing Eid today, why do Pakistan always prefer a day after? really messed up!
  16. Strike X

    Queen Elizabeth II in Pakistan (1961)

    I am quite shock, Pakistan look better in 1960 and modern society
  17. Strike X

    What first thing IK will do?

    IK is now a Prime Minister.... Mubarak What the first thing he will do now?
  18. Strike X


    Just came back home from work and seeing some threads about Imran Khan is now a PM. I thought we already knew and oath is starting from tomorrow. What is going on?
  19. Strike X

    Eva zu Beck - Promoting tourism in Pakistan

    Check out her instagram https://www.instagram.com/evazubeck/?hl=en
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