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  1. hydmuslims

    Quaid-e-Millat bahadur yaar Jung Hyderabad Deccan

    Like many other Muslim leaders of pre-Independence era Bahadur Yar Jung’s dynamic image and multi-faceted personality have not been highlighted are hardly known to any in the present Muslim generation. Last year Dr. Hyder Khan, a medical professional from Hyderabad settled in the US gave a gift...
  2. hydmuslims

    Nizam of hyderabad £80 million which belongs to pakistan

    Since you do attend marriages of hyderabadi Muslims, what language do the majority speak there? Why the films made by hyderabadi Muslims is in dakhni/hyderabadi urdu? Why does every chief minister be it ysr,naidu,kcr speak in urdu when they visit old city? If what you say is true they should...
  3. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    I have read many books and personal accounts of the time from 1947 to September 1948. Regarding razakars, they were an irregular army of nizam. There is beyond a doubt proof that many Hindus were killed by razakar's . The exact numbers of Muslims killed and Hindus killed is impossible to judge...
  4. hydmuslims

    Nizam of hyderabad £80 million which belongs to pakistan

    Why should we learn Telugu. Since 400 years and beyond creation of hyderabad and there was Golconda before that we have been speaking hyderabadi urdu. It is our language .
  5. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    The photo and arya samaj was from two circles. Two post were simultaneous so it appeared as one
  6. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    Two circles website. Sept 17 fall of hyderabad And I told you to read a book "October coup" which is a first hand account of the massacre. And since my grand father was a jagirdar of hyderabad state i know the extent of damage caused to our beautiful deccan state during that massacre.
  7. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    So j/k prince decided to join india should be taken into account and is a reason for india to annex kashmir so how about the fact that nizam of hyderabad decided to stay independent or join pakistan, india invaded hyderabad then. So you decide now what was right and what was wrong. Hence what...
  8. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    Indian Prime minister jawaharlal Nehru was against an operation and war with hyderabad but it was due to sardar patel that opeartion polo happened. If Nehru had his way so many life's would have been saved. But the right wing patel wanted to kill Muslims. And the fascist indian...
  9. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    Fall of hyderabad : 17th September a black day in human history . And you should read October coup : a memoir of the struggle for hyderabad. It is first hand account of witness of the massacre
  10. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    What kavitha said is the truth and I don't know why you people are reacting in a such a way . She said both telangana and kashmir were independent and were annexed by india. And this is part of history, what wrong did she say. Why the need for a sedition case? I hope the court decides the case...
  11. hydmuslims

    Nizam of hyderabad £80 million which belongs to pakistan

    I suggest you go to old city hyderabad. Charminar,Noor khan bazar, chaderghat, nampally, mallepally, chandrayangutta ,etc and see for yourself if the people understand Telugu. Infact the elected MLA from hyderabad who are Muslims don't understand Telugu .
  12. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    BBC news Hyderabad 1948: India's hidden massacre When India was partitioned in 1947, about 500,000 people died in communal rioting, mainly along the borders with Pakistan. But a year later another massacre occurred in central India, which until now has remained clouded in secrecy. In...
  13. hydmuslims

    Police book case against TRS MP for remarks on Telangana, J&K

    I totally agree with K kavitha. She being resident of telangana knows the history of this region. Hyderabad state(now telangana ) was not part of india before 18th September 1948. And india annexed it similar to what it did in kashmir. The indian army commited a genocide which killed more...
  14. hydmuslims

    Nizam of hyderabad £80 million which belongs to pakistan

    Say what you want. It seems you are from some village in andhra. You should know why telangana government logo is in urdu. It is because mulsims read and write and speak urdu. There are many urdu newspaper( siasat,munsif,ehtemaad) And many more urdu tv channels. Infact even etv urdu is...
  15. hydmuslims

    Is Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan better than Lata Mangeshkar?

    Both were legends and it is impossible to compare, but lata mangeshkar is a communal bigot and her support is for right wing political parties whereas nusrat fateh ali khan was a secular person and a great human being
  16. hydmuslims

    Nizam of hyderabad £80 million which belongs to pakistan

    Hyderabadi Muslims of the region of deccan speak a dialect called hyderabadi urdu/dakhni.
  17. hydmuslims

    Nizam of hyderabad £80 million which belongs to pakistan

    Hyderabad: The descendants of the Nizam have appealed to Pakistan to reciprocate to India's offer of an out-of-court settlement over the wealth of the ruler of the erstwhile Hyderabad state lying locked up in a London bank for over 60 years. The Nizam's heirs want the foreign ministers of both...
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