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  1. hossein9

    Iran completes indigenous missile system Bavar-373

    Same happened to me too. He has lost all credibility. His posts on twitter remind me of the MEK.
  2. hossein9

    Gibraltar releases Iranian tanker Grace 1 -Gibraltar Chronicle

    Under local regulations that ship could not be confiscated so Gibraltar changed its rules 36 hours prior to the Iranian tanker going to its ports: https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/gibraltar-changed-its-sanctions-laws-to-impound-iranian-ship-lc5vm59bh and without telling the Iranians that...
  3. hossein9

    Germany refused, Norway to join US-led naval mission in Strait of Hormuz

    Smart move by Iran. Seize a UK tanker in retaliation for UK seizing an Iranian tanker. Results: 1-Next time they will think twice before seizing Iranian assets. 2- Now everyone knows UK can't do S**t when confronted by Iran. 3- More sitting ducks moved into the Persian Gulf in case of war.
  4. hossein9

    Alleged Iranian Drone in Pakistani Custody

    Its a different drone: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iranian-drone-shot-down-by-us.627600/page-5#post-11635292
  5. hossein9

    Breaking: IRGC seized a British tanker

    Iranians are confident there will be no war that is why they are resorting to Tit for Tat tactics against the Brits. In case of any war there is no need for Iran to shoot any missiles. If they simply threaten to retaliate by using missiles then No oil Tankers will dare enter the Persian Gulf. I...
  6. hossein9

    Iranian drone shot down by US

    Pics or it didn't happen. Funny the US was quick to show images of its own drone being shot from miles away but it won't/can't provide us with a simple image of a drone from less than a kilometer away.
  7. hossein9

    How Iran decided to down a US drone and narrowly averted War by sparing another US plane

    Yeah well if that was the case the US would have trampled Iran years ago. Unfortunately many of our neighbors see the US as an elephant an allow it to rape them.
  8. hossein9

    Trump approved cyber-strikes against Iran’s missile systems

    The US national debt stands at about 22.4 trillion dollars: https://www.usdebtclock.org/ The only reason the US hasn't collapsed is because of the Dollar and once the world ditches that then bye bye USA
  9. hossein9

    Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

    Pentagon just released another grainy black and white video showing basically nothing.
  10. hossein9

    Senior Russian MP Proposes Iran to Purchase S-400 Missile Defense Shield

    <<<Senior Russian MP Proposes Iran to Purchase S-400 Missile Defense Shield>>> It seems we don't need it.
  11. hossein9

    Tension escalate as IRGC shoots down US Spy Drone

    What happened to all the usual Iranian posters like Soheil etc? LOL guys we are all dead meat: Trump: "Iran made a very big mistake!"
  12. hossein9

    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    IRGC confirms some of the missiles parts fell in Iraq... Detachable warheads were used. The engines detached and fell in Iraq 100kms from the targets...
  13. hossein9

    IRGC members appatently have been detained by Saudi Arabia.

    If those poor captured fishermen were IRGC, the Saudi coastguards wouldn't be alive to tell the story.
  14. hossein9

    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    For all the Zolfaghar haters:
  15. hossein9

    IRGC missile attack on ISIS in Deir ez-Zor Syria

    Either Fateh 313 or Zulfaghar
  16. hossein9

    سلام military.ir چه بلایی سرش اومده بالا نمیاد؟ معلوم نیست کی درست میشه؟ یا علی

    سلام military.ir چه بلایی سرش اومده بالا نمیاد؟ معلوم نیست کی درست میشه؟ یا علی
  17. hossein9

    Qaher F313 l News & Discussion

    Project is alive and well and proceeding according to plan. Compare:
  18. hossein9

    Iran unveils Fateh-313 SRBM

    The translator made a mistake. "combined" should be "composite"
  19. hossein9

    Iran State TV Airs New Footage Of of Hormuz Anti Radiation Missile

    The 2 meter height for the target box is way too short. The hormuz missile itself is about 9 meters (assuming it is the same size as the Khalij Fars missile). If you use the size of the missile, the frames are fairly consistent with the announced speed.
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