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How Iran decided to down a US drone and narrowly averted War by sparing another US plane


Mar 11, 2017
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United States
United States
“Iran was about to hit and destroy the US Navy P-8 Poseidon spy and anti-submarine Boeing that was flying in the area when we received confirmation that the US had decided not to go to war and not to bomb any control and command or missile batteries positions, cleared or non-cleared, along the Straits of Hormuz. Had Trump decided otherwise, we had orders to hit several US and US allies’ targets and the Middle East would have been the theatre of a very destructive war with huge losses on all sides”, said an Iranian IRGC General.”

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It's like an ant (Iran) threatening an elephant (USA).

sorry to break it to you but even a mouse can scare elephant and make elephant run for his life sooooooo

It's like an ant (Iran) threatening an elephant (USA).

Pakistanis and Indians have a lot more in common then they like to admit...

They both worship the white man as this invincible being. probably a product of having a few thousand white british overlords ruling hundreds of millions of you for so long.

Iran doesn't see these white imperialists as anything special. these savages were illiterate cavemen when Iran was the super power of the world building roads, bridges, palaces, state bueracracy, coinage, art, literature etc.etc.etc..

I think it might be a cultural thing
For the past couple of weeks tensions were heightened in the Gulf of Oman and for some reasons some American officers decided to load a p-8 plane with 35 passengers and send it to violate Iran's airspace knowing that they might get killed. Man some people in the U.S. want to start a war with Iran so badly, The American soldiers in the region should take their lives and run away, Their own government is after their arses.
For the past couple of weeks tensions were heightened in the Gulf of Oman and for some reasons some American officers decided to load a p-8 plane with 35 passengers and send it to violate Iran's airspace knowing that they might get killed. Man some people in the U.S. want to start a war with Iran so badly, The American soldiers in the region should take their lives and run away, Their own government is after their arses.
This is verystrange that they loaded up the plane with
For the past couple of weeks tensions were heightened in the Gulf of Oman and for some reasons some American officers decided to load a p-8 plane with 35 passengers and send it to violate Iran's airspace knowing that they might get killed. Man some people in the U.S. want to start a war with Iran so badly, The American soldiers in the region should take their lives and run away, Their own government is after their arses.
Very odd indeed...this story does not get much attention but if true it just demonstrate the mind set of the US leadership.
the jew is the their tin idol god, better than other djinn. So when they picked their idol, the jew is not so bad. Amerika is far worse.

Remember what the jew 'think' of non-jews:

IDK why the jew wants to compliment the goyim?

immediately the jews say the goyim are good, perfect, holy, and far superior to the jew.

Amerika as your god, and you will get hell.
In Quran and hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (S) jews are considered as the most deceitful people and the worst enemies of Muslims and time will not come until Muslims fights jews.
In Quran and hadiths of Prophet Muhammad (S) jews are considered as the most deceitful people and the worst enemies of Muslims and time will not come until Muslims fights jews.

Quran also tells us that there are good people amongst the Jewish people. Believe me, I've seen many Jews who are vocal on behalf of Muslims and others. Many Jews are opposed to Netanyahu and extreme Zionists. They have good and bad like everyone else.
But Muslims of today are working hard to establish Zion. Ask yourself what are the sectarian wars accomplishing? They're all about establishing Zion. Sunni vs Shia, Shia vs Sunni, Salafi vs Sufi, Sunni vs Alawites, Sunni vs Coptic, Sunni vs Zaydi, Seculars vs Muslim Brotherhood, etc. The madness has no end. The sad part is the people who are fighting these sectarian wars have no clue whom they're serving.

One Hadith prophesied after the conquest of the Holy Land by Jews, they'll capture everything west side of Jordan river. Today Israel virtually has control of that area. Palestinians are doing their best to hold on it, but they're outgunned, suffocated, and are facing a brutal occupation.

They'll remain in control of that area until the arrival of Mehdi and return of Nabi Issa (peace be upon him). That is how I understand it.

But Muslims of today are working hard to establish Zion. Ask yourself what are the sectarian wars accomplishing? They're all about establishing Zion. Sunni vs Shia, Shia vs Sunni, Salafi vs Sufi, Sunni vs Alawites, Sunni vs Coptic, Sunni vs Zaydi, Seculars vs Muslim Brotherhood, etc. The madness has no end. The sad part is the people who are fighting these sectarian wars have no clue whom they're serving.
its not soni and shia .its about soudi wahabi and uae and littel bahrain fat fool king and other royal fat family and iran power we have sunni in iraq in syria in lebenan and ... who like iran even izadi in iraq who not moslem love iranian soldier and cristian in lebnan

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