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  1. B

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    You guess it. The same reason why I don't put my personal info, my email addresses, credit cards on unverified sites. I would never put my own fullname. I hope that's clear enough. Anyroad, I'm done arguing on this matter. Too many bladdered responses. You've said it mate. If I wanted...
  2. B

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Re-iterating from my previous post, I really don't care on how you guys bash me or my assistant out for using this user ID and email address to start this forum account. And if it's really gut-wrenching looking at false flaggers, people assuming identities , then I will not use this account...
  3. B

    Why India Will Displace China as Global Growth Engine

    I definitely agree. And to add... Walmart is perhaps one of the most dangerous elements of capitalism in society today for some various reason.
  4. B

    Al-Khalid tank (Type 90-IIM / MBT-2000) Information Pool

    I'm a big fan of this tank. Composite armors are the new generation of all tank sheet armors.
  5. B

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    I was starting to like this forum, talked to a number of Indians, Filipinos, Thais, Viets, Pakistanis, and they're really good with discussions about military updates and war histories (this is the reason I joined this forum). Not until some bunch of Chinese PUNKS start swarming up on you like...
  6. B

    London Mosque Fire: Police Investigate Cause

    This is utterly sad. See how everything ripples down to this. I knew the victim's nephew, he lives across the street from where I used to rent an apartment. Just sad.
  7. B

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    As you might understand, I rarely put my own working email address on forums, you are actually putting my asistant's photo, he's laughing at it right now. Not safe registering email addresses here, just a hint...
  8. B

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Not very mature discussing something "healthy" with you mate. You take photos off some random twitter account, that how you work things. : ) Very sad.
  9. B

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    It can be true, Britain's rule was OCCASIONALLY marked by incidents of arrogance, abuse, and setbacks, these things happen, every colonizer can admit. But it encouraged traditions of a civil society, the rule of law, charity, education, and the English language. PICTURE THIS: If Hong...
  10. B

    Are Koreans smuggling ground-up dead babies from China?

    This is really sick. And this is all China can say? What a f***ed up regime. " it is investigating the claims. However, it insists that it strictly oversees the disposal of infant and fetal remains. " Do we hear anything from this investigation?
  11. B

    China admits it: we are cutting off Filipino supply to Ayungin Shoal

    A lot of Chinese warmongers here. Every thread I go to... Viets, Indians, Malaysians, Filipinos, all gang up against China. I now see the reason why...
  12. B

    ‘Pilipino coast guards laughed while firing’

    Sorry for being off-topic: I actually own a bunch of dogs, but this is certainly not true. : ) A dog never replaces any master for failure of nourishing it. Even how many times you hit this poor creature, if underfed, if sick or being left out, a dog will always be by your side and protect...
  13. B

    ‘Pilipino coast guards laughed while firing’

    This is much of a lesser degree than Chinese syndicates sending illegal Chinese immigrants to Europe, with their b*tts and every cavity stuffed with cocaine, also called drugmules. They're packed in crates like canned sardines and sent to Europe to steal a European college kid's hope of getting...
  14. B

    Nov 17,1965: 155 American soldiers killed in Vietnamese Ambush.

    Nice to hear. Then you can go lay in your couch, drink an American-made soda, browse with your American-made laptop and watch a Hollywood film.
  15. B

    Three countries condemn Philippine's murder of unarmed Taiwanese fisherman

    Well someone has to have that big, sturdy boot to kick some foreign power back to motherland. The same way you yanks kicked the Brits out of your country. Although the Brits remember everything, but were still friends, right?
  16. B

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    The truth is hurting you, right? And yet you bully and post racist comments against developing nations. All colonies are taxed, not only Hongkong. That's how it suppose to work. The "Chinese melon" was taxed by the Japs, French, UK, etc... South Africa by the Dutch. Philippies was taxed...
  17. B

    Is China inserting itself into the Taiwan-Philippines spat?

    It is found on all Filipino history textbooks and journals, and also with University libraries in Madrid, Spain. It's even read on British libraries. So the fact is credible.
  18. B

    Is China inserting itself into the Taiwan-Philippines spat?

    Re-read the statement again. I never mentioned Filipinos having a "country". Philippines before Spain was divided by tribes and clans called "Baranggays". The Chinese landed on Archipelagos for centuries and bartered food and technology with Filipino "Barangay" chieftains. Filipino unity...
  19. B

    Is China inserting itself into the Taiwan-Philippines spat?

    Ephone.... mate, this comment verifies you truly as a racist and a warmonger. I was reading through all your responses and the exchange of words popping out isn't looking healthy as a valid remark. You need to be very well-informed of the consequences if China fires the first bullet. And you...
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