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  1. Ragnarok connection

    Possible Russian S-400 sale to India and Pakistan's Response.

    What was the yield of the miniature warhead? And please provide some source if there is one.
  2. Ragnarok connection

    Possible Russian S-400 sale to India and Pakistan's Response.

    A way bigger fool would rely on MIRV payload with untested miniaturized warheads with speculative yields.
  3. Ragnarok connection

    Possible Russian S-400 sale to India and Pakistan's Response.

    I disagree with your comment, It would be a smarter option to first overwhelm Indian defenses by launching MIRV payloads (these can be either with dummy/nuclear/ or conventional warheads), their main purpose would be to overwhelm, and then launch multiple MARV or regular nuclear payload...
  4. Ragnarok connection

    Possible Russian S-400 sale to India and Pakistan's Response.

    Wrong, S-400 is designed to intercept anti-radiation and non-supersonic cruise missiles. And btw, how will the aircraft carrying the Mar-1 even get close enough to launch the missile ?
  5. Ragnarok connection

    Yield of May 1998 Pakistani nuclear tests,a comparison

    Good story bro, thats why the Pakistan Army is building so many tactical nuclear missiles. BTW what does "Alhamdulillah" mean?
  6. Ragnarok connection

    Yield of May 1998 Pakistani nuclear tests,a comparison

    Quote my post, where I have speculated, if you think I have done so.
  7. Ragnarok connection

    Yield of May 1998 Pakistani nuclear tests,a comparison

    No one is "degrading" your "achievement", data from seismographs was used to estimate the yield to 6-12 KT, most likely 6 KT. End of story, you can believe it to be anything... 30 KT, 100 KT, it doesn't change the yield of the true device does it?. So stop speculating.
  8. Ragnarok connection

    Yield of May 1998 Pakistani nuclear tests,a comparison

    Lol, thanks for your super investigation skills in finding that India Tv news report; in India we (at least the educated) take India Tv stuff as a laughter pill not as a sleeping pill. I used to watch comedy stuff like this on India Tv and shows like CID when I was a kid, thanks for reminding me.
  9. Ragnarok connection

    Yield of May 1998 Pakistani nuclear tests,a comparison

    I shall explain your own logic to you in simple language, tell me if it makes sense... Video A has triangular shaped mountain, with nuclear bomb detonated in tunnels Video B also has triangular shaped mountain, with nuclear bomb detonated in tunnels It is confirmed that Video A's bomb had a...
  10. Ragnarok connection

    Yield of May 1998 Pakistani nuclear tests,a comparison

    Not, this 'video evidence to calculate yield' theory of yours again again....lol
  11. Ragnarok connection

    RSS backed Muslim Rashtriya Manch on misson to change mindset of Kashmiri youth

    If a person is "very logical and has his facts correct about history, identity and purpose of Pakistan", doesn't imply that all his views are correct and factually right. And, btw only facts regarding Lucknows current muslim populations orientation towards Pakistan were being questioned.
  12. Ragnarok connection

    RSS backed Muslim Rashtriya Manch on misson to change mindset of Kashmiri youth

    Lol, possible; what if PDF is run by RAW to get some inside info on Pakistan? This is way more possible than Lucknow becoming a part of Pakistan.
  13. Ragnarok connection

    RSS backed Muslim Rashtriya Manch on misson to change mindset of Kashmiri youth

    This Lucknawi talk is interesting...LOL, no idea what it has to do with this thread. They should probably accept these so called 'Lucknawi Muslims' into Pakistan or take back the Lucknavis from Pakistan to India. Why let familial relations suffer due to religion/two nation theory? What exactly...
  14. Ragnarok connection

    Watch how a Brahmos missile is made at Godrej Plant in Mumbai

    The aluminium airframe of The brahmos missile are manufactured only by L&T and Godrej indigenously, the Guidance system by HAL, many other tiny components by various other small private machining companies. Critical component's of the ramjet engine are from russia. DRDO/RCI is involved in the...
  15. Ragnarok connection

    Criticism on Pakistan's Nuclear Doctrine.

    Our "Shoopah Powah" country does not have enough money for good quality video recorders, the quality of the recorder during Pokhran-2 was so bad, that it fell of its tripod and broke. Please, provide us some funds from your budget please. Chest thumping? It appears to me, that you are the one...
  16. Ragnarok connection

    Criticism on Pakistan's Nuclear Doctrine.

    Same 'fizzle' yield was obtained by Pakistan, so I don't understand why you get so obsessed over videos and "smoking mountains". I just enjoy reading this kind of stuff; egocentric views held here by some and expressed publicly by Pakistani politicians on Nuclear weapons is so entertaining. Bash...
  17. Ragnarok connection

    Watch how a Brahmos missile is made at Godrej Plant in Mumbai

    I don't think, it said anywhere in the video that Godrej was the only one making Brahmos, or that only 60 Brahmos were made by India. They are showing only Godrej, as they got access to only Godrej or they don't know about the other manufacturers. And, anyways whats the point in showing two or...
  18. Ragnarok connection

    Criticism on Pakistan's Nuclear Doctrine.

    Yes, it was as much as a fizzle as Pakistan's test.
  19. Ragnarok connection

    Criticism on Pakistan's Nuclear Doctrine.

    According to this premise, if double the amount of dust and "Bigger the Bang", double is the power. So Pakistan's test must have been 60Kt, and the world was trying to downplay Pakistan's Nuclear Tech. What is the harm in admitting that even with a foolproof Chinese bomb design, Pakistan did not...
  20. Ragnarok connection

    Watch how a Brahmos missile is made at Godrej Plant in Mumbai

    60 missiles made by Godrej. Godrej is not the only company manufacturing the missile assemblies. Mind you, there have been around 50 tests of Brahmos missiles from various platforms. There are around 150-200 missiles in 3 army regiments deployed, and 50+ missiles with the navy. Godrej was also...
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