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  1. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    People under estimate the power and clout of the US CIA and NSA, forget news channels...they can buy off people in high government positions or maybe even ministers. I only hope that this time Modi and Sharif achieve something inspite of all these covert actions going on in the background to...
  2. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    Indian media is showcasing their normal paid narrative...the same third party responsible indirectly for the attack is creating this Pakistan ISI bs story with PA army involved...bla bla bla. Apears to be Propaganda by third party; mind you buying anything in this country is possible with the...
  3. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    They make such huge bases with large perimeters and security personnel are minimal....only around the entry gates will security be present. So terrorists can just climb over some wall and wreak havoc...look at the satellite image of Hindon base, i think it is the largest af base in asia.
  4. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    True, now for the third angle: Attack has some indirect link to US CIA, utilising their assets (moles) in Pakistani ISI, to keep the tensions between India-Pak to prevent Peace in the region and keep supplying both sides with military hardware. This is much more plausible than false flag or any...
  5. Ragnarok connection

    Indian consulate attacked in Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan

    Thank you afghanistan sf...job well done
  6. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    It's a shame that our army/security personnel are always on the defensive against these pigs. They lack the 8alls to retalliate. How these commandos die so easily even when they were expecting pigs is another issue...lack of training/ inadequate equipment/ sheer stupidity/ bad commanders? RIP
  7. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    I believe these terrorists must have entered through some underground tunnel across the border, same tunnel was possibly used during earlier Gurdaspur attack...capture the terrorist scum alive and find out location of this entry point...Pure speculation which has higher chance of being true than...
  8. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    Ignore our media bro, most of them are paid and the others are just interested in increasing ratings through bs (inspired by bollywood and hindi soaps)
  9. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    They are probably trying to negotiate with the last terrorist, to capture him alive...he's much more useful if captured alive. He could inform us about his handlers and method of entry into Indian side.
  10. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    LOL, excellent analysis...attackers were Hindu?? If the Hindus had that level of indoctrination/fearlessness/balls, they would be doing these kind of attacks in Pakistan (either the resident Hindus of Pakistan or through infiltration) and not on Indian soil...or at least on Indian Muslims...
  11. Ragnarok connection

    Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

    Utter nonsense of the highest level. Let me get this straight...Modi shows up in Lahore as a goodwill gesture for peace with Pakistan...and then a few days later he launches a false flag attack on his own countries air base? The logic is non-existant in your argument, you and your conspiracy...
  12. Ragnarok connection

    Knocking on Sharif's door: Here's why Modi forwent isolation, tough talk for diplomacy with Pakistan

    Your countries obsession with Kashmir will ensure that there will never be peace in this region...if you personally believe that another country will just give away land on your whims and fancies, then sorry to say you are in a delusional world.
  13. Ragnarok connection

    When a school assigned homework on Islam, it drew so many threats the district shut down

    It would solve many more problems in the world if people realised how often story books are plagiarised today and how often they were plagiarised similarly in the past. It is always better to learn lessons/morals from story books rather than byhearting them and following them line by line.
  14. Ragnarok connection

    HINDUS VERY UPSET at comparison of villain Apocalypse with Lord KRISHNAin X-Men trailer

    Plus, this book is probably plagiarised from two other books from an earlier period.
  15. Ragnarok connection

    Intermarriage 'major risk factor' in Peterborough child deaths

    Look at the bright side, IS has fewer people to brainwash and reduces the chance of further damaging Islams and Pakistani diasporas name.
  16. Ragnarok connection

    My country won’t stand up against rape, but I have to stand up for the national anthem?

    "Kickarse"- nope, thats assault, but they have the right to express their displeasure, as was done by the crowd in this case. That I fully support.
  17. Ragnarok connection

    My country won’t stand up against rape, but I have to stand up for the national anthem?

    Blackmail my country? Wtf are you talking about, check the meaning of the word blackmail or tell me how it is blackmail. What rights and freedom are you talking about, I cant eat beef, I can't express my views openly. And what duties is this great country asking from me?
  18. Ragnarok connection

    My country won’t stand up against rape, but I have to stand up for the national anthem?

    F()&₹ you, we need freedom of expression in this fu$£ed up country, and less people with your kind of mentality. They should have the right to express their dissatisfaction at the country and government functioning. They should have the right to burn the flag as and when necessary.
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